This .win has been refreshing for the first week or two of opening, but since then it’s become invaded by shills. I’m seeing comments with up to 40+ dislikes so it’s not a small issue. Even The Donald doesn’t have this many shills and it’s a million times larger
Normally I believe in a fair grounds for both opinions, but it’s clear they are only here to shill and discredit any political conspiracies (coronavirus, election, etc)
This is the only place on the web that has a fair and open welcome to anti-commie conspiracies regarding 2020, so we must protect that.
If we allow the shills to gain momentum here then we literally become Reddit/conspiracy
They invaded it and said terrible shit. Then had all the main stream media bitches point to those awful posts and then the internet turned on voat and said it was dangerous and needed to go.
That was way back in the day from what I recall. Once voat started talking about all the jews in government, media, entertainment, and the role they played throughout history, everyone just sort of stopped talking about voat.