xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ahh yes best to use a service that openly states they look through your documents and is proudly owned by the enemy and happily preemptively collaborates with the socialist government.

xzars_folly 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do you not understand what breasts are actually for?
Babies don't need formula, they need their mother.

There shouldn't be a shortage, because formula use should be rare and only really for special medical conditions.

xzars_folly 0 points ago +3 / -3

Best description I have ever heard of Elon Musk is "he only cares about memes and money."

It fits him to a T. He has no strong opinion about anything other than getting richer. Which alone isn't a bad thing, I mean compare Elon to Soros who is life-long committed to destroying the West to create the NWO. Elon didn't do a thing to better society, but he didn't go out of his way to destroy it either.

As a middle-ground man of no opinion, he made mistakes and now Elon cannot play both sides any longer. His first mistake was thinking he could cooperate with Trump without retaliation from the fascists who promised to end the careers of everybody who was even close to Trump. His 2nd was buying Twitter to take their social media weapon away from them. He has already had his side picked for him. He already revealed Soros, Clintons, and Obama and everybody behind them are the ones running a slander campaign though media against him, and all want Elon broke and in a gutter, and going to fire every cannon they have to take him down Trump style.

I wish the man luck honestly. IMO Elon was a natural-morality guy who vastly underestimated how things worked. Now he is in a fight for his life against the entire NWO. He has a very narrow window now to court the Right and have some supporters. Otherwise he is going to have both sides readying lynching nooses for his head.

The left already obeys Clinton-Soros-Obama like drones. And the Right, well he hasn't pissed them off...yet.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

China pays 1/10th of what Americans do for food.

Russians similarly pay 1/10th the price Americans pay for food.

Americans, pre-taxes, now pay more for food than anywhere in the world, despite making enough food to feed 1/2 the planet. Americans are subsidizing the very low prices of food that enable population explosions in the 3rd world and keep China afloat.

Russia just uses modern hydroponics to grow a massive surplus of food in the frozen hellscape of Russia of all places. Yes, they grow food, in Sibera now using indoor hydroponics that are 100x more efficient than dirt farming.

And yet Americans are constantly being told to now expect to go hungry, and to eat bugs because there isn't enough to go around. Of course they are saying this. Grade A US Ribeye is mostly shipped to China to feed their absolutely ravenous appetite where many Chinese will eat 5000 calories a day. Meanwhile Americans are being told to get ready to eat bugs.

"lack of supply" is planned.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if all the "Russian war crimes" were all the work of Ukrainian nazis under the orders of Zelensky to sell a narrative?

What is Putin jumped on his invasion because 20,000 nazis of the Azov and others were massing outside Donetsk to kill the entire city?

As in Azov kills children, burns schools, and blows up medical centers and blame its on Russia.

And to think our Media is complicit in this farce.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +4 / -3

Azov Battalion are literal nazis. Killing children is WHAT they set out to do. To them ethic Russian children might as well be rats. They are horrible people and deserve everything Russia is giving them.

I hear the invasion started when Azov and other neo-nazi militias in Ukraine massed to slaughter Donetsk.

xzars_folly 6 points ago +6 / -0

The more that leaks out, the more I start to wonder if Putin is right, and the Russians really are killing nazis.

xzars_folly 4 points ago +4 / -0

You have to be really stupid to be a Nazi after WW2. I can't imagine what they are thinking either. Nazi sounds I suppose. Because if you think about it, there is no way this ends well for them. Thus they have to be too stupid or crazy to see that.

It goes without saying that the common little nobodies, the people of Ukraine deserve mercy. But the regime and its supporters, are the exact opposite of the heros they made out to be by the NWO press.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

You couldn't be more wrong.

  1. South Eastern Euroope doesn't have jews. The 1930's Nazis and the later Soviets saw to that.
  2. They ahve been active and recuiting and ramptant from Serbia to Ukraine for decades.
  3. Ukraine are Cossacks, not Russians, and the radical nationalist Cossacks HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE Russians. Russia conquered the Cossaks under Catherine the Great and they haven't forgiven this for centuries. To them Russians might as well be blacks to a KKK member.
xzars_folly 7 points ago +7 / -0

No literal Nazi groups wearing swastikas and SS lightning bolts like the Azov Battalion.

They claim to trace their origin back to Hitler's attempt to stir a Nationalist uprising in Ukraine in the late 1930's. Members of the German SS, I can't remember the name of the guys exactly, traveled to Ukraine to organize them. They were one of the elements that Stalin violently suppressed during the "Holodomor." The modern-day Azov Battalion (which is just one of many) actually credits this German SS nazi as their "father" or founder.

So its ABSOLUTELY literal nazis in the most direct possible sense you could get. Best I can tell they believe they are the survivors of the 3rd Reich tasked with winning the victory in 2022.

Its why I've been very carefully silent while everybody is going "We stand with the people of Ukraine." You cannot speak out against Ukraine right now without getting banned so for the moment its silence. I'm not going to be the one with egg on my face when it eventually all comes out that Ukraine was all nazis all the time all the way down.

xzars_folly 5 points ago +5 / -0

lol I was, days before the invasion, downvoted to -30 on reddit (lowest score I've ever gotten) for posting that Reuter's article that is part of this collage. And funny me I thought they hated nazis.

Reddit is too far gone to save.

by pkvi
xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

They already openly state location tracking still works when youturn it off, and no they are already using it for contact tracking.

And now 2 US states are building involuntary isolation covid camps.

xzars_folly 5 points ago +5 / -0


No completely serious. Tencent, the major Chinese state-owned based media investment bought a controlling stake in Reddits stock before 2016 and the infamous Ellen Pao fiasco. Ellen was put in charge of the site because she was the Chicom who took over the site after it was bought out. He attempts at heavy handed censorship caused the original core of reddit to go apoplectic and cry out. China responded by firing Ellen, taking the names of everybody who had an issue with the censorship, and banning them. They then carried on hiring extreme Left hardcore Democrats to staff the site, which was about the time Maxwell became a power-mod of the site as well. Yes Gilliane Maxwell was a mod on like 50+ of the most popular subreddits, and she was very active there, banning users left and right for not being with the program.

Since then Tencent has been running reddit as a light version of how the Chinese manage their media: which is blanket bans of anything off-narrative.

Mods over there lock posts from comments the moment a controversy erupts, you will come to threads where 90% of the comments are deleted, and they are constantly removing posts from subs.

And that is before you notice the many, many, many narrative pushing posts being made by accounts that do nothing but post liberal narratives. Absolutely nothing that happens on reddit is organic when its even tangentially related politics. Even their "wholesome memes" board started shit like "My happy face when I wore my mask on my way to get vaccinated today after saving the black people."

The only reason I maintain a Reddit anymore, is the DCS World flight sim community keep several forums that are useful for asking questions about sims, setups, HOTAS gear, and finding people to play with. This is stuff that is so under the radar that nobody cares to mess with it. Which is fine and all.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +3 / -1

Trust me, they already have the Judge's children tied up in a basement somewhere with goons with guns who will blow the kids brains out the moment the judge don't do what they tell him.

Same for every juror. This outcome is already decided. I HATE IT, but its the way things be.

This is going to have to go to SCOTUS to be stopped.

xzars_folly 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its going to have the opposite effect. Its going to show the common person that there is no way to survive. The prosecution literally told the jury that if threatened you have to submit and let the bad guy kill you or else. They told people that if you try and defend yourself, you WILL be punished 1000000 times more harshly than the guy who attacked you (since the attacker is walking free.)

What they are doing is forcing the public to see the State is the #1 enemy to their own survival. They are causing the public to realize there is NO possible way they can ever be safe, and the state is their primary threat.

The same State that will NOT prosecute unapologetic criminals, and is releasing all the violent offenders from prison, then promising to jail you for life if you don't just give up and meekly die.

So in the end the state is going "citizen, you are going to die."

This is not going to demoralize. Its going to focus everybody on who the real threat in their lives are.

If this goes to convict....lets just say you don't want to be cop. Because while criminals have always killed cops, they are nothing to compared to Joe Citizen. Criminals are lazy, reactive, have no plan, and limp wristed. Joe Citizen is proactive, hard working, determined, capable of considerable forethought, and highly functional.

Remember the forces of a government are NOTHING compared to the violent power of the actual common man pushed into a no-win situation. Police in the USA are outnumbered actually about...300 to 1. They get by because less than 1% of the population are generally violent criminals. What do they do when 70% of the population are pushed so far into the corner its either the cop dies, or they die?

As a final note here, is a THEORETICAL discussion about what might happen in hypothetical context. I advocate nothing and legally cannot advocate any action but writing your elected officials to see this issue addressed. I am legally obligated under threat of arrest to remind you that nobody should ever consider any kind of violence.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

The entire point of NFT's is money laundering, which is why they are worth so much. People are not buying the artwork, that is just a legal loophole to escape duies and taxes. They are buying the crypto has connected to that artwork which is unique and uncrackable. Thus they can buy and sell that to transfer value across borders without having to move cash, and thus incur duties. They can even play games with deductibles like "donating" the NFT to a charity they control, geting the tax write off, then "gifting" it to a shell corporation they control from there to sell it again.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +2 / -1

Please note here the CREATOR of the video is taking it down to sell it as a NFT. So unless the creators you follow are massive douches, this isn't going to be a big issue.

xzars_folly 17 points ago +17 / -0

yes to put this into perspective.

A perfectly healthy normal person eating a healthy diet free of exposure to toxins and radiation develops at least several cancer cells per day. Normally the immune system wipes those cells out swiftly. Normally something very notable has to happen to greatly increase the rate of cancer cells spontaneously arising, thus greatly increasing the freakishly rare chances of an "immune system proof" cancer cell...

Or the Immune system is wiped out and no longer able to suppress it.

Welcome to the entire Western world no longer making it to even 40 years old. Only the "purebloods" will be left.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Extremely. They will do anything they want now.

Game is over. the USA utterly lost.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mass death. Everything is in place for the elite. They will start killing now. Remember they want only 0.5% of the human population to survive.

Remember the CCP is the most racist organization in human history. They firmly believe all non Han-Chinese in the world must die to make room for China's own Manifest Destiny for the entire earth.

The vaccine contains and updated version of the virus. This is why it causes Ball's palsy, the new virus has something like a 15% kill rate even with good medical care, and devastates the Central Nervous system, so even if your body survives, you will be long, long gone in a drooling shell that can even remember how to talk, or even straight comatose. This is a perfect bioweapon because it actually leaves huge numbers of utterly maimed survivors that now the system has to deal with, overwhelming and collapsing health services, which will lead to everybody being 100% on their own against the virus. This will push the direct kill rate to like 60%, and ultimately to like 95% as the maimed have nobody left to care for them and die of things like dehydration because they can't walk to a sink to get a drink anymore, or even know what water is and why you drink it.

The "vaccine" has a time-delayed new variant of the virus. And the thing is its not the elite doing it. Its the CCP. The virus was made in mulple phages, all which target every major ethnic group in world. Africans, Mediterraneans, Anglo-whites, Slavic, Japanese's, Arab, and Persian. '

The goal: kill all of humanity that is not Han-Chinese. China has said repeatedly they believe the future belongs to them. We think in Western terms where you conquer people and dominate them as a resource. This is CHINA. Since when has china conquered people? The Han were originally from the Beijing area and thousands of years ago made up like 10% of China. After the won all the wars, they are like 75% of China, and the classic Chinese story is the sole survivor of an entire people doing marital arts stuff to get their revenge for the genocide. Remember Tibet? Great, you know why the Free Tibet struggle died? There is no more Tibet. China killed them ALL. China genocides. They always have. So when China says the 21 Century belongs to China, they mean they are going to kill everybody and take over the empty world.

Have you ever wondered why in the hell this new vaccine needs transported in deep cryo freeze until moments before its injected? Because its a LIVE frankenvirus. See viruses have a "problem" You can either make them super deadly, or you can make them super viable spreadable. Not both. To get both, you have to inject people with a uber-deadly virus that is so fragile it can't exist outside of a human body for even seconds. Welcome to the "vaccine."

And Xi Jingping has already won. The vaccine is rolling out.

Now what of all those crazy western Elite "depopulationists?" Well they ARE working with the CCP, as are thousands of Western elite and politicians who all think they and their families will be spared and given real vaccines for cooperating, same ones Chinese people will get, as part of the deal. They don't understand how racist China is. They will be backstabbed because of their white skin. China #1 means ONLY Chinese live.

And now you have to appreciate COVID-19. The purpose of COVID-19 was to generate mass panic. China knew it couldn't make a uber-virus that spread from person to person because of the laws of nature, they had to inject the real-deal to be effective. So they released COVID-19 in their biggest transit hub, not giving a fuck about losing 0.5%-3% of their population, so it would spread over the world. They then pushed Western media to panic the population. And they bent western politicians they controlled to lock down, not for health, but to increase panic, because if it was a lock down it meant the virus was "super real." Masking is mandated not because it works but because it maximizes fear. This maximized fear and panic. This normalized draconian health laws. This got people ready for forced "vaccination."

The end result, they now have something like 85% of the world's population clamoring to get the shot, and the governments, and most importantly employers, to FORCE people to get the shot. Think even if the remaining, skeptical people DO somehow manage to avoid the shot, 85% of nations will die. That is total collapse territory, and the SYSTEMIC collapse will push death to 99.9999% because aside from a few obscure preppers who knows how to do and make EVERYTHING needed for survival? This means every western nation will collapse into scattered communities of preppers 0.001% of the former population, EASY pickings for 10 million man PLA.

And the shot contains their REAL bioweapon, a virus so horrible they couldn't get it to be stable outside a lab, but directly injected, it will devastate people.

Trump is defeated, the Virus-fascist are in power, and the vaccine is rolling out now. Now you see why it was so important to take down Trump, even if it 100% exposed to all the West that elections are lie? They don't care anymore. They already won.

Xi won. China is gonna commit the greatest genocide in human history times 100,000 and nothing can stop it.

So what is the new normal? Extinction.

BUT.....There is one, tiny, slim, possibly unlikely hope however. Trump knew all along, and he is, in coming days, going to overthrow the US's wholly corrupt and failed "Republic" with the military and shut down this Chinese Genocide operation before it really gets started. Same with Putin, who is already emperor in everything but name, has made provisions to save Russia. Notice how Russia has ITS OWN Covid vaccine? One that China has NOTHING to do with? Also do you remember, how Trump repeatedly, repeatedly said the US MILITARY was going to develop a vaccine. Why dis Pfizer, and the CCP then collaborate and come out of nowhere this fall with a "vaccine?" Where is the military's vaccine? Hmmm... In fact there is a distinct possibility that Trump has secretly coordinated with Putin to stop this Chinese horror show.

And if Trump makes his move, and its what I think it is, the whole of the world will be SCREAMING to destroy the CCP, and WW3 will begin. The CCP exposed evil will be so great nobody will even remember those silly German "armatures" from 80 years ago.

There is reason why Putin has developed but not yes mass-manufactured all new Russian-tech (remember this is 50,000 new tanks in 5 months in WW2 Russia), and the USM constantly been preparing for and talks about fighting a "peer adversary."

Any way its cut, 2021 is going to be a year DRENCHED in death. Mark my words.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pornhub was a huge hub of prirated porn so...likely they are going to lock down until only verified content can be uploaded.