Be careful with % change. The numerator and the denominator are both very important. In demographics, the denominator is different for each group.
If something is killing (just making up numbers to make a point) all age and sexes equally you would see the larges % change in the group with the lowest rate of normal deaths. Young die the least. Woman do less dumb shit then men (including suicide). So young woman would have the largest % increase.
I understand that graphene is not a metal. I did not call carbon a metal. I said "metals and graphene both server the same role as adjuvents". This wording shows that they are different things.
Plastic in food is not an adjuvent.
I seems like you are making my point the the word adjuvent confuses the general public.
Have a nice night fren.
Also, it could be about a making a control grid. If 90% cannot drive for lack of fuel, you will be easy to stop in you solar charged Tesla or wood gas truck. "Roads are only for commercial trucks, mass transit, and military". Since 90% of voters cannot use the roads anyways so they would push this to get back at the "rich".
Agreed, but I'd add all obnoxiously loud vehicles. I should not hear you from literally a mile away. How is it not a noise ordinance violation or states with auto inspections?