Be careful with % change. The numerator and the denominator are both very important. In demographics, the denominator is different for each group.
If something is killing (just making up numbers to make a point) all age and sexes equally you would see the larges % change in the group with the lowest rate of normal deaths. Young die the least. Woman do less dumb shit then men (including suicide). So young woman would have the largest % increase.
Plus, from.what I understand, females have a better chance of surviving childhood or infant illnesses. For example, since women have 2 X chromosomes, if one is damaged, the other will compensate. If a male has an x chromosome with colorblindness, he is color blind. But if a woman has 1 x chromosome with that error, she is only a carrier, and will not express it (she won't be colorblind). The same can be extrapolated for other illnesses.
Be careful with % change. The numerator and the denominator are both very important. In demographics, the denominator is different for each group.
If something is killing (just making up numbers to make a point) all age and sexes equally you would see the larges % change in the group with the lowest rate of normal deaths. Young die the least. Woman do less dumb shit then men (including suicide). So young woman would have the largest % increase.
Good point.
Plus, from.what I understand, females have a better chance of surviving childhood or infant illnesses. For example, since women have 2 X chromosomes, if one is damaged, the other will compensate. If a male has an x chromosome with colorblindness, he is color blind. But if a woman has 1 x chromosome with that error, she is only a carrier, and will not express it (she won't be colorblind). The same can be extrapolated for other illnesses.
And women traditionally lived longer.
Also, Woman survive major trauma, like massive car crash, better than men. They are built to give birth.