uho-vlad -1 points ago +2 / -3

https://t.me/c/1899059670/523 Nuclear war, Asteroid, Sun, Water, Earthquakes, no, that's not all 🤷‍♀️

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

https://vk.com/video356441031_456245045 Следы ядерных взрывов по всей планете. Алексей Кунгуров

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

Как делаются платные фейки: норвежцы по данным сми, увидев толчок у румын за 620 км, зафиксированный румынами из всей европы, и пиздят что это взрыв. Время не то, толчок не взрыв, а сейсмотолчок от прорыва воды, толчок заявили не румыны, а норвежцы по чужой сейсмограмме ..... и сообщениям сми о времени. Говно готово, извольте откушать. Обрушение произошло по факту в 2.45. Опа. Жопа, говно развалилось. А в 2.57 Птичкин ставит материал о последствиях прорыва плотины. А вот это факт. И запись видео без внешнего взрыва, тоже факт. Если он и был, то только внутри. О чем говорят и свидетели, и щапись. И рекордное накопление воды без сброса тоже факт. И прорыв при начале форсирования шумерами тоже факт. 🤷‍♀️ А толчок от обрушения плотины и воды в 2.54 это толчок от последствий, а не от причины. Причина была ранее. В 2.45. Но на внешнем видео ее нет. А три раза за деньги писать взрыв, взрыв, взрыв, если фактически он не зарегистрирован никем и ничем - это заведомо-ложное сообщение.👌👁✌️https://t.me/uhovlad33/59726

uho-vlad 0 points ago +2 / -2

Это не притекло само, это набрали специально до уровня прежде не достигавшегося. А перед этим сбрасывали резко, пробовали подтопить задвижками, не помогло, не та пропускная способность, воду сбрасывали, результат не вышел, что тут блять не видно? Накопление воды реальное по всем гидроузлам видно. Никто сверху не сбрасывал, осадки в любом сервисе есть... это проба сброса, которого получалось единовременно мало.... а потом накопили максимум до разрушения 🤷‍♀️ а уж взорвали, или лопнула, это в принципе не важно... потому, что видно, что пробовали сброс задвижками, а потом накопили исторический максимум, при отсутствии сбросов выше по течению.... все🤷‍♀️ ... что тут непонятного? Вот пробный сброс (невиданный доселе), потом критическое историческое накопление (невиданное доселе), микро-пауза, и полный сброс. Хули не понятно??? 🤷‍♀️ хули тут не ясно, блять? До этого у красногоровки тоже самое месяц не прошел, но там рожу кирпичом не делали.👌😉✌️

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

In 2018, strange waves swept across the planet. This phenomenon lasted about 20 minutes, but scientists did not even notice it. This event became public only because one amateur watched the readings of a seismograph. Activity began on November 11 near the island of Mayotte, located near Madagascar. The waves affected equipment in several African countries before spreading to New Zealand, Chile, Canada and Hawaii. Seismologists have never seen anything like it before. Such waves were similar to those that follow after an underwater eruption. 🙂 ... you 🐒 would better watch where your core rotates and at what speed. ... and this magmatic cavern collapsed.... probably 😁. But your pieces of iron will not survive this: 🤪 https://tayna24.ru/10-faktov-o-velichajshej-solnechnoj-bure-v-istorii/ 👌😉✌️

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

In general, this is clear even to a horse, ... this is your god, and that is why an ordinary person can connect to cosmodynamics. It's not his ability. He just connects to the like. Therefore, you will not find any outstanding features in the human avatar itself. There is simply an "access code" for a specific "terminal" to control geodynamics, heliodynamics, and cosmodynamics. ... no, you can, of course, read the Mother of God 40 times, and 7 times Alive in help, ... but that's a damn thing. You just need to turn on the slot, you can use the fucking mother. ... we don't need to create anything additional to include anywhere up and down, since everything is like in like. Any individual of any of the worlds with a high level of development is suitable. ... not, of course, you can imagine it as a holy spirit😇, and possessed by demons👹, but these are your 🐒problems. It's just that we can join anyone, and anyone can join space. Like the Smith program 😁 ... you are all programs 🤤🤤🤤 and you don't need to sit in the mountains with a bare ass for this... but if it only comes through the ass, then train your ass.🦧 Actually, this is done just with your head and very simple. 🤷‍♀️ without any brain🧠bstva. ... and you can also "re-register" just as easily. Actually "mind reading" is already the very process of transferring into another entity. You moved there, looked around, and left. You can also transfer to the grandfather's chair in sandals. But one Gallilean was spanked for this (although he simply spoke about the possibility of such a process). Although, he really doesn't give a shit. Minor nuances, so to speak. He asked me to tell you that he was not a Jew, but a Finnician. By the way, he works as a communicator at 14, if you want to chat. 🤷‍♀️ Down is easy, up is hard. As a key - if the beards do not fit, then it is impossible until the beards grow back😘. Therefore, bad uncles and aunts cannot control spacebots 🤷‍♀️ the balance has not grown, or something else. Here is such a x😍nya. So everything is simple, if you want a miracle - become it. Well, or make it out of shit and sticks. Therefore, without the space-pilot level, the jed will not start 🤷‍♀️ the anti-theft is pre-installed constructively.👌😉✌️

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

Okay, listen, you'll die anyway... 😁😁😁 Woke up, it's been less than 8 years since you discovered it... Something is floating inside your earth 🤤🤤🤤 Ooooh, it's been called the South Atlantic Anomaly since 2015 . A patch of dense "rock" located about 2,900 kilometers below the African continent disturbs the field, resulting in a sharp weakening effect and its tilt. Ashley Grilli, back in 2016, showed that the SAAA is slowly moving in a northwesterly direction. But it's not just movement, the anomalous area is in the process of splitting into two, and this year scientists found that it's splitting into two separate cells, each representing a separate center of minimum magnetic intensity within the larger anomaly. https://youtu.be/qpdQcw_52iM And yes, this is your "Eywa", or the Golden Dragon of DAO and SiPing (the house of 4 forces), he is the 5th element, he is also the golden dragon of fire - a dragon living inside the earth ... formally, a large clot of gold, about australian size 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ but alive 🤤🤤🤤 How did the Chinese know about him 4500 years ago? 😁😁😁 5 primary elements, but 4 powers-beginnings, and one hidden essence 🥱🥱🥱 ....https://purevagabond.wordpress.com/20... Okay, this is such a big clot of gold, lead, uranoids, which floats inside the earth in the form of a Chinese dragon ... he is also the "soul of the earth" ... he is responsible for the axis of the magnetic field. It will turn, the earth will turn over... that's why you have periodic armageddons. The axis of the magnetic pole has been traveling to Russia from America for 25 years, the dragon is turning over ... soon you will be fucked up. Congratulations 🤷‍♀️ ... And if you die anyway, and there are only a couple of hundred of you permanent, and a couple of dozen of them are smart ... Okay: The golden dragon is a living entity that you can communicate with, is directly connected to its avatar on the surface, so there is always an Elemental Master, although it is mostly a woman, but not necessarily. That's why there are legends about eywa, the avatar, the hidden dragon, and the gods of Egypt have golden blood... well, in general, the avatar can control the entire planet, turn the magnetic axis, speed up, slow down the rotation of the planet, move the continents, cause floods, earthquakes, flip gyroscope, drown Atlantis with global floods, and all that.... yes, yes, destroy dark planetoids 😁😁😁 and all that... when the sun swells up, you can move the entire planet out of orbit... interact with other planets, ask them to move, hiding behind venus and mars... and all that.... Avatar This is such a joystick to control all this garbage, which is your spaceship... learn how to control and identify the avatar - save all the macaques, do not learn, just take a breath. Well, in general, something like that. 🤷‍♀️ You are still stupid, no matter how many times I explain it to you, one dick, write some papers so as not to forget, and then look at them like a sheep at a new gate, and you get wedged 😁😁😁 bitch, Bibisyans. No fucking magic, pure physics. And yes, it’s written and drawn enough here that nothing more fucking was needed at all. Manuscripts do not burn, because there is always a Keeper of Knowledge, a living instruction, just like a living Master of the Elements. ... and where it comes from is none of your fucking business. We have no obligation to love you. Complain to the designer 😁😁😁 We are just part of the team, part of the ship 🤤🍻🍤 In short, Kampai, Ganbei, and all that ... 🥱 no, I only have written to read you instructions, make you believe in me at all drum and parallel. I'm just for the general fucked up 🤷‍♀️ Ministry of Emergency Situations is not my function. I'm a bitch for all of you. Button - liquidation of a brothel, hard full formatting array. 5,4,3,2,1,0 movement.👌🤪✌️

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

Okay, listen, you'll die anyway... 😁😁😁 Woke up, it's been less than 8 years since you discovered it... Something is floating inside your earth 🤤🤤🤤 Ooooh, it's been called the South Atlantic Anomaly since 2015 . A patch of dense "rock" located about 2,900 kilometers below the African continent disturbs the field, resulting in a sharp weakening effect and its tilt. Ashley Grilli, back in 2016, showed that the SAAA is slowly moving in a northwesterly direction. But it's not just movement, the anomalous area is in the process of splitting into two, and this year scientists found that it's splitting into two separate cells, each representing a separate center of minimum magnetic intensity within the larger anomaly. https://youtu.be/qpdQcw_52iM And yes, this is your "Eywa", or the Golden Dragon of DAO and SiPing (the house of 4 forces), he is the 5th element, he is also the golden dragon of fire - a dragon living inside the earth ... formally, a large clot of gold, about australian size 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ but alive 🤤🤤🤤 How did the Chinese know about him 4500 years ago? 😁😁😁 5 primary elements, but 4 powers-beginnings, and one hidden essence 🥱🥱🥱 ....https://purevagabond.wordpress.com/20... Okay, this is such a big clot of gold, lead, uranoids, which floats inside the earth in the form of a Chinese dragon ... he is also the "soul of the earth" ... he is responsible for the axis of the magnetic field. It will turn, the earth will turn over... that's why you have periodic armageddons. The axis of the magnetic pole has been traveling to Russia from America for 25 years, the dragon is turning over ... soon you will be fucked up. Congratulations 🤷‍♀️ ... And if you die anyway, and there are only a couple of hundred of you permanent, and a couple of dozen of them are smart ... Okay: The golden dragon is a living entity that you can communicate with, is directly connected to its avatar on the surface, so there is always an Elemental Master, although it is mostly a woman, but not necessarily. That's why there are legends about eywa, the avatar, the hidden dragon, and the gods of Egypt have golden blood... well, in general, the avatar can control the entire planet, turn the magnetic axis, speed up, slow down the rotation of the planet, move the continents, cause floods, earthquakes, flip gyroscope, drown Atlantis with global floods, and all that.... yes, yes, destroy dark planetoids 😁😁😁 and all that... when the sun swells up, you can move the entire planet out of orbit... interact with other planets, ask them to move, hiding behind venus and mars... and all that.... Avatar This is such a joystick to control all this garbage, which is your spaceship... learn how to control and identify the avatar - save all the macaques, do not learn, just take a breath. Well, in general, something like that. 🤷‍♀️ You are still stupid, no matter how many times I explain it to you, one dick, write some papers so as not to forget, and then look at them like a sheep at a new gate, and you get wedged 😁😁😁 bitch, Bibisyans. No fucking magic, pure physics. And yes, it’s written and drawn enough here that nothing more fucking was needed at all. Manuscripts do not burn, because there is always a Keeper of Knowledge, a living instruction, just like a living Master of the Elements. ... and where it comes from is none of your fucking business. We have no obligation to love you. Complain to the designer 😁😁😁 We are just part of the team, part of the ship 🤤🍻🍤 In short, Kampai, Ganbei, and all that ... 🥱 no, I only have written to read you instructions, make you believe in me at all drum and parallel. I'm just for the general fucked up 🤷‍♀️ Ministry of Emergency Situations is not my function. I'm a bitch for all of you. Button - liquidation of a brothel, hard full formatting array. 5,4,3,2,1,0 movement.👌🤪✌️

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

В Москве такие же,ОВЦЕЁБЫ ЗАЕБАЛИ

by pkvi
uho-vlad -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's no longer a secret that the "Church of Satan" officially exists, but here's what's interesting. Their system of hierarchy is divided into 5 degrees (judging from open sources of information). And the 5th degree is referred to as "MAGA"...

By chance, do not remember which US president "dissected" in public in a baseball cap with the inscription "MAGA"

Symbolism or just a coincidence? 🙃 Well, Satan, okay. Yes, 5th highest. MAG A, hence MAG-A. ...but donya is a cosplay, like this church... although, yes, a level 5 magician, Alpha, the highest level indeed. But they don't write that on baseball caps. They write V, the 5th level of the 5th hierarchy. ... they cosplay this too, for example, Sputnik-V.👌👁✌

uho-vlad -1 points ago +1 / -2

😁😁😁🤣🤣🤣🤤🤤🤤 uffff. 😁😁😁 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦 the last minute is enough. Yes, dark energy is everything. No, you cannot know anything about it, for your methods it is immeasurable and unlearnable. Yes, the mass is more than critical. But all other arguments are wrong. It's like Schrödinger's cat, it's there, but it's not there for you. No, the cat cannot die because you cannot localize it. Therefore, you will run away, everyone will die, and collapse, while dark matter and energy will remain. Ordinary matter and ordinary forces are formed from them. This is called the breath of God. Shakti and all that. Inhale-exhale. For you, black matter is God the Father. Atum. And black energy gives birth to Shakti. Only 2.8% of the mass of the universe acts in your world in the form of ordinary matter and energy. Exhalation of dark energy, creation, transition through material substances, death of the world, inhalation, absorption of the created, transformation back into dark energy with a bonus. Such a generator of dark energy. Simply put, moonshine. 🤷‍♀️ What difference does it make to you, you will die much earlier anyway, and you cannot interfere in anything in any way. So, live the fools, it's much more fun. ... coming out of stasis to tend to an incubator is not the most enjoyable time until the next shift, you can take my word for it. So it's better to be a moron. Your mind just can't take it. The goo in the head of primates🐒 is not good for this.👌😘✌️https://youtu.be/-AsxWqIAu3w

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

https://www.gematrix.org/?word=8822&view_rude=on Im Not Playing With Any Of You If You Continue To Censor Me Without Repenting I Will Show No Mercy 👌👁✌ Text TRUMP to 88022

uho-vlad 1 point ago +2 / -1

Therefore, the "sugar Cuban epic", the "research fleet" and the gigantic outfit of the strategic nuclear forces "sank into oblivion." They were completely unnecessary to Russia. Not because we are so "peace-loving", or fools who ruined the ocean nuclear fleet. Why pump billions into Cuba, why keep hundreds of "white ships" under a military flag, why build up an already more than sufficient nuclear arsenal. Yes, we still need something in a minimal amount. But the vast majority can now be reduced. We have something that replaces "that's all" a hundredfold. We can make concessions a hundred more times, insisting on SALT -1, 2, .. 5, 10. Yes, as many as you like. The "nuclear triad" has long been a props. Let everyone think that the “nuclear suitcase” is really something of paramount importance. Let the "strategists" on duty believe that they "guard the authority and power of the country, and ... world peace." Let the Americans build some grandiose Star Wars system. "Trouble will come from where they did not expect." The enemy is not on top of them, the enemy is not in front of them, he is not behind them - he is under their feet. And there is NOTHING to get away from him and NOTHING to protect yourself. Their opponent is THE EARTH ITSELF. And what is America to do now with technologies no longer needed by anyone? Who needs a Star Wars system now? Nobody. All that's left is to make money. So this world arms trade show continues (most of which are now needed only by technologically backward countries). We also "participate" in this "action" by selling "someone" and "something". However, we have a completely “separate conversation” with America. No England, Germany, France, China and Japan can simply participate in this "conversation". America is weak not only “technologically” (a superweapon from the USA is a myth), but already in terms of its very geographical and “geological” position. God bless Russia - the European part is safe; and the threat to the Far East will not affect Russia too much, but at the same time it will “wash away” all of Japan and half of China. America will not commit suicide. America understands this and "twitches" somewhat. She now needs to “expend” obsolete weapons, “sabre-rattling” with weapons in order to justify the existence of the military-industrial complex and the grandiose military machine. So they come up with cretinous "wars" - in order to justify the built-up pile of scrap metal and earn money. This is not "democracy" - this is pure economics. America knows about lithospheric weapons. Our politicians have long since “leaked” all this information 10 times already (a potential adversary has no more useful informants than our politicians, who become aware of the most important military secrets). As soon as the next "leader" learns that "at his command" Hell can open up, he is directly bursting with the desire to tell the world about it. However, the Americans themselves have already gradually come to these conclusions (they had heard about it before, but thought that all this was “talk”). 👌👁✌🏻

uho-vlad 1 point ago +2 / -1

The fact is that there are some "seismic focal zones", which are limited to rather small sizes (up to 100 kilometers), where "earthquake centers" "lie". This is something like a “piece” of a plate immersed in a semi-liquid melt and ready to “burst” both due to its own mechanical bending and “melting”, and under the pressure of the natural current of magmatic convergence (magma in the mesosphere continuously circulates in the form of annular rotary flows) . The picture looks like a cookie dipped in hot tea. As soon as the “cookie crawled into hot tea” of the mesosphere “melts” enough, then under the influence of the current of mantle convection, “it” periodically bursts. Accordingly, the entire upper part of the plate shakes on the surface. As you can clearly see, this process consists of very specific components. One of them is the speed of movement of lithospheric plates, which directly affects the speed of “diving cookies into tea”. In some areas it is up to 20 centimeters per year. The other is the number of processes simultaneously occurring in one place. There are several places on Earth that are especially active in this regard. Three are most characteristic: in the region of Japan, the Arabian Peninsula and the Caribbean. As immediately "striking" these are world-famous places of the greatest historical and social phenomena. Not surprising. In the region of the “bridge of the Americas”, two planetary belts of compression of the lithosphere converge, the Cocos plate, the Caribbean, Pacific, South American and North American plates. An amazing "mess" that can't help but "shoot". And it is there that the “Island of Freedom” is located, where we, if desired, can “drill” as much as we want. We "drilled". Who does not remember the "search for oil in Cuba"? No, if we found oil there, that would be good too, but what we needed was not oil at all, but ... “HOLES”. Drilling wells, especially ultra-deep wells, is a well-known business for us, and Cubans are always happy if they are offered to look for oil from them for free. So everyone is happy and satisfied. We have had ready wells and "bookmarks" for them for a long time. All you need is a team. Preparation will take no more than a day. Nikita Khrushchev during the Caribbean crisis did not threaten at all with a few nuclear missiles that would reach New York and Washington. Khrushchev threatened with a "parallel" strike on the border of the lithospheric plates, as a result of which America could be "washed away" altogether. But then, after a little thought, scientists and politicians came to a logical conclusion - the more noise with missiles, the worse we make ourselves worse. It is quite possible to pre-drill wells “without noise and dust” and calmly drop charges there, and deliver warheads to other places and accurately place them at the points of detonation not with missiles, but with ordinary civilian ships and simple “hydrographs” (even ordinary fishing seiners). "For the sake of interest" two more such "nodes" were "densely developed" - the Arabian one, where the Arabian, African, Eurasian plates and the planetary compression belt meet; and also the Pacific - between the Philippine, Pacific plate and the compression belt. In a word, we “sentenced” America, Israel and Japan quite successfully. Or rather, it was not we who “sentenced” them, but the Lord God, because except for Sakhalin, such “collisions” do not exist anywhere else near our territory. With all this, it is very interesting that Sakhalin is a “disputed” territory, and the same Finland is still “ours”. So history and geotectonics are inseparable things. From this point of view, you can do whatever you want, but absolutely nothing can be done with Australia - it “floats” itself at a speed of 7 centimeters per year in the center of the Indian plate, and it is not afraid of anything. And yet, at the same time, his ambitions do not interfere with anyone. God knows who is where.

uho-vlad 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope you remember our colossal research fleet. "White ships with black crews" of the USSR went around the planet "studying the World Ocean." Well, didn't we have anything else to do? Was. We did. The meaning of lithospheric weapons was not at all in the complexity of the weapons themselves. The main thing in lithospheric weapons is “how and where?”. The point is not at all in the warhead, but in where and how to lay it. We do not have any special secrets in the very design of the lithospheric weapon, just as there is no special secret in the very fact of its presence (even Zhirinovsky "in a good mood" from Iraq threatened on world channels - "our scientists will set in motion ... and America will be washed away, all ... will turn into ... "and so on). The very "structure" of the earth's crust is such that the presence of lithospheric (continental) plates, all sorts of "horsts", "grabens", "creeps", "uplifts", "mountain building", "volcanic belts", "faults" and so on, implies a dynamic process of a very specific type, which has its own key and constantly changing values. One of the main ones is the state of the so-called "nodes of lithospheric stress". Where it is thin - there it breaks. "How to bend so that it bursts in the right place" - that's the question. However, purely "historically" America has "big problems" in this sense. The country itself is located on the one hand very well, and on the other (exactly the one we are talking about), it is extremely unfortunate (for them). We didn't have to work hard to find out where and what. Research was practically curtailed when it was proved with a high degree of probability that no research on this issue would be needed for the next 100-200 years. The available data is enough to decide the fate of almost half of the US territory (the most populated and the most critical). For ballistic weapons, there is a big difference in which direction to "fly" due to the direction of the Earth's rotation. Therefore, we have always been interested in the "problem of distances". Yes, we had a huge “nuclear fist” in Kamchatka, but we were not interested in the western coast, so close, but in the east, so far away. The missiles of the Northern Fleet were supposed to fly across the Pole anyway. This reduced their chances of flying to Florida and Silicon Valley. That's why we needed Cuba. And the data of our "oceanographic institutes" showed that this is exactly the "bottom" that is easiest to knock out.

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0


The "dream..." came true when the theory of a truly apocalyptic weapon was developed - it became a geotectonic (lithospheric) weapon. The idea of lithospheric weapons is that they are not designed to directly defeat the enemy, but to excite and initiate such natural geotectonic processes inside the Earth, which, among other things, will lead to pre-predicted mass cataclysms. Thoughts about its development have existed since the first nuclear tests. The registered seismograms of nuclear tests not only made it possible to "knock" the insides of the Earth, but also immediately understand that these "insides" can be excited artificially. A very simple “trick” clearly demonstrates the very possibility of implementing such an idea: by filling the bottle with water to the eyeballs, and sharply hitting the neck with your palm, you can easily knock out the bottom of the bottle. The liquid, as is known, is poorly compressible (almost “not”), therefore, a directed not too large hydrodynamic shock is able to “knock out” a well-predictable part of the shell in the weakest place. The earth, as is known, consists mainly of liquid molten media. It doesn’t matter at all how deep “there” is, what consists of what, for the idea of lithospheric weapons this is no longer important. Scientists have always cared little about "side effects." Therefore, if on one side of the Earth a “small magmatic impact” is arranged in the “outside-in” direction, then on the other side it will “knock out the bottom”! That's the whole "brilliant" idea. America, as you know, is just "on the other side." Moreover, it is quite isolated from the "outside world". These two circumstances served as the main justifications for such developments. Probably, none of the scientists-developers ever swung on a swing, and they didn’t read the classics: “the great chain broke, it broke, it jumped - at one end on the gentleman, on the other at the peasant ...”. But the politicians liked the idea. Here it is the same universal "button". From now on, the "performer" does not inflict a nuclear strike on the enemy - he "only" undermines several nuclear charges practically "under his nose." The "performer" does not understand what he is doing. And after some time on the other side of the Earth... The main thing is that we are "absolutely nothing to do with it." We conducted "peaceful nuclear tests". Peaceful atom in every home. We are not aggressors - we are very cunning assholes. Something needs to be clarified here. All this "theory" is known for a long time and to everyone. That is why the old "members of the nuclear club" so "unevenly sit on their chairs" when it comes to nuclear testing. Therefore, Russia's unilateral moratorium on nuclear testing did not cause euphoria in the United States at all, but, on the contrary, plunged its scientists into fear. This did not mean that Russia was now "behind forever", it meant the opposite - Russia already has everything it needs. To stop testing in the US meant to be left alone with your own fear. Coral atolls began to "bomb" with even greater frenzy. To "get out of the sludge" the Americans began (and continue) to create super-super-super computers with incredible terabytes of RAM. All sorts of "skynets" have been "smoking" for a long time from the tasks of modeling nuclear tests and global geotectonics. They would like to stop, but they cannot - in addition to "computer brains", you need to have more, "what to wear a hat on." We have something to wear hats on (even the coat of arms has two heads), we have no spirituality.

uho-vlad -1 points ago +1 / -2

Now here is Yellowstone still bang and no one will laugh at the predictors anymore. Pestilence, war, cataclysm. Ragnarok is close.

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to spend a couple of days with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in Siberia, where in the so-called "places of power" Sergei Shoigu's acquaintances, who pretentiously call themselves "shamans", hold rather strange events called "rites". A visit and participation in one of these ceremonies is already traditionally arranged by Shoigu for the President of Russia. We talked about several of these "rites" with the participation of Putin, where costumed guys, jumping with a tambourine and howling something indistinct, are trying to achieve eternal life for Putin and victories in all endeavors. But due to Putin's busy work schedule, they decided to hold the ceremony simultaneously in two places: in Siberia, in the place where, in fact, Putin and Shoigu were going, and in Putin's residence with his presence. According to Shoigu and people who call themselves "shamans", this should enhance the effect. Insanity doubled this Sunday. Three mummers with all the attributes were brought to the residence of the President of Russia, and on the night from Sunday to Monday they performed what is called a “rite”. At the end of the action, a murderous act was committed: an eagle was killed by a barbaric method, a mummered uncle smeared the physiognomy of the President of Russia with the blood of the victim, and then they burned the heart and several feathers of the bird and allegedly saw in the smoke a lone huge eagle that soars above the ground. This "sign" was interpreted by Putin as a complete victory for him personally and power over the world. In Siberia, at the same time, a second similar rite was supposedly taking place, only the bear became the victim, and, as Putin was told, the rite was very successful and with the same conclusions. Yesterday, a video of the Siberian rite was delivered to Putin. The shamans announced to Putin that it is possible to act freely and as he, Putin, wants, and all his desires will take shape, enemies will be defeated, and he will be the greatest ruler. After that, the mummers went home not to a psychiatric hospital, but back to Siberia, taking away a heavy bag with money. Russian President Putin also did not rush to see a psychiatrist for help, but, quite inspired by the session, will continue to rule Russia.

uho-vlad 1 point ago +2 / -1

Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to spend a couple of days with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in Siberia, where in the so-called "places of power" Sergei Shoigu's acquaintances, who pretentiously call themselves "shamans", hold rather strange events called "rites". A visit and participation in one of these ceremonies is already traditionally arranged by Shoigu for the President of Russia. We talked about several of these "rites" with the participation of Putin, where costumed guys, jumping with a tambourine and howling something indistinct, are trying to achieve eternal life for Putin and victories in all endeavors. But due to Putin's busy work schedule, they decided to hold the ceremony simultaneously in two places: in Siberia, in the place where, in fact, Putin and Shoigu were going, and in Putin's residence with his presence. According to Shoigu and people who call themselves "shamans", this should enhance the effect. Insanity doubled this Sunday. Three mummers with all the attributes were brought to the residence of the President of Russia, and on the night from Sunday to Monday they performed what is called a “rite”. At the end of the action, a murderous act was committed: an eagle was killed by a barbaric method, a mummered uncle smeared the physiognomy of the President of Russia with the blood of the victim, and then they burned the heart and several feathers of the bird and allegedly saw in the smoke a lone huge eagle that soars above the ground. This "sign" was interpreted by Putin as a complete victory for him personally and power over the world. In Siberia, at the same time, a second similar rite was supposedly taking place, only the bear became the victim, and, as Putin was told, the rite was very successful and with the same conclusions. Yesterday, a video of the Siberian rite was delivered to Putin. The shamans announced to Putin that it is possible to act freely and as he, Putin, wants, and all his desires will take shape, enemies will be defeated, and he will be the greatest ruler. After that, the mummers went home not to a psychiatric hospital, but back to Siberia, taking away a heavy bag with money. Russian President Putin also did not rush to see a psychiatrist for help, but, quite inspired by the session, will continue to rule Russia.

uho-vlad -1 points ago +1 / -2

IQ на уровне репортажи делаешь великолепная. Делать репортажи ещё лучше тебе поможет Инсайт. "Советского боевого Мага" капитана 1 ранга. Плечами три атомных подводных лодки. Начальник 1 отдела Тихоокеанского флота. Это не реклама канала 90% Выключить через 5 минут IQ не хватит. Современное образование Одно такое. Только ребята сразу на ж*** не садитесь от услышанного. Ха-ха Формула Единого Поля, проекты Звездный Огонь и Аватар - Единственная Тайная Доктрина вашего мира https://youtu.be/y_ZNzJZJsF0 #Сириус #Аватар #Орион #ЗвездныйОгонь #Эзотерика #Религия #Магия В связи с всеобщим отупением населения Земли, я не уверен, что хотя бы 15% зрителей хотя бы поймут то, что сказано в этом видео, и хотя бы 5% поймут это правильно. Вероятно, что около 2% смогут в этом разобраться, убедившись в том, что сказанное объясняет вообще все физическое, ментальное, и астральное. Не нужно мне тут писать о том где вы это ранее у кого встречали, ответ - НИГДЕ, и это написано в моих книгах более 20 лет назад. Это Единственная Истина, и она Абсолютна. Что делать с этим Знанием - ваша проблема, и ваше мнение по данному поводу меня совершенно не интересует, как и отсутствие у вас достаточного образования для понимания сказанного. Я не Христос, это у него профессия прощать и Любить. Мы с котом из другого ведомства.

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