uho-vlad 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, of course, it’s not important, but it’s a fact... and yes, on the 5th there is also a leading geo... but now it doesn’t matter at all, since this is the 100555th time, and it starts at midnight, it doesn’t matter either... because there are at least a million facts - science is bullshit, it’s also religion and business. And religion is the main business in the world... nothing else matters. Therefore, the cost of a person is EQUAL to 0 ZERO. You are unfit, no different from monkeys, your brain is not used at all. Only everyday life. ... So what am I talking about... but about the fact that no one accepts questions - and what are we for - no longer. You no longer have a choice. 🤷‍♀️ I mean this. Well, I’m just informing you once again, it’s a formality, but it’s required.✌️🐈‍⬛👌

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

😳😳😳 Archbishop of Novogrudok and Slonim Gury (Apalko): Aliens cannot be friendly, because they are demons in the form of aliens. They are trusting people exposed to their influence, who become their contactees, or so-called mediums. @adonezh

And don’t say 🤷‍♀️ but we, in our own way, are not aliens, but aliens, in our own right, your creators, and not contactees, but controllers. And yes, we are not particularly friends with Satanists and scammers. ✌️🐈‍⬛👌

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

[Album] Earthquakes, like faults, like geomagnetics, like weather, climate, and the sun, are disordered only at first glance, they are all connected, but by energy that you do not register, and they work according to patterns that you do not know... but since you deny the very possibility of connection from small to large, wet to hot, spicy to cold... you will never find this connection. The earth itself is an inert object on which everything happens only under the influence of external forces.✌️🐈‍⬛👌https://t.me/uhovlad33

uho-vlad 1 point ago +2 / -1

The day of the autumn equinox is coming. It's time to talk about the Portal of the Apocalypse. So, the Mariana “trench” (where we got the cruiser, you probably remember) is a large portal. Small, celestials, is a portal of movement here in this world. And, as you can see, they are combined, that is, nested... well, that's enough for now. ... now 3 beams of a large portal are activated, they need 5 hits above 5. If now there are two hits on the common beam and two in the center, then the portal of our world is activated. But with activation on earth, a reboot occurs, since the portal is activated only to change the group of observers at the end of the era (civilization). Kali Yuga, all that, 12,750 years. ... well, it’s just that more than 50% of the actions have been done at the moment, here’s to show how it should work... but this happens on certain dates. Like an upcoming one. ...that's the plan. 🤷‍♀️

As it is correctly said in the film Lucy, depending on the situation, a living cell has 2 paths, immortality, or reproduction. If conditions are favorable, the cell chooses to reproduce and actively interacts, multiplying. If conditions are unfavorable, the cell chooses immortality, otherwise isolation and self-sufficiency. Therefore, in order to move from the uncontrolled reproduction of a huge mass of short-lived microbes to a small number of immortal optimal units, it is necessary to worsen the conditions of their existence to the level of survival, otherwise the cell has no reason to become immortal. 8 billion is already an overload for the planet, and you yourself are actively engaged in reducing the population... but this only leads to the reproduction of fewer numbers, and not to a change in quality, this is not enough.

Therefore, there are changes of eras, or galactic cycles. By the way, very soon. This is exactly what I'm getting at. It will start just like that, and it seems like it’s some kind of nonsense... but no. It is no coincidence that there are the greatest depths and a crescent-shaped basin... but in general there is enough. ✌️🐈‍⬛👌

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

The day of the autumn equinox is coming. It's time to talk about the Portal of the Apocalypse. So, the Mariana “trench” (where we got the cruiser, you probably remember) is a large portal. Small, celestials, is a portal of movement here in this world. And, as you can see, they are combined, that is, nested... well, that's enough for now. ... now 3 beams of a large portal are activated, they need 5 hits above 5. If now there are two hits on the common beam and two in the center, then the portal of our world is activated. But with activation on earth, a reboot occurs, since the portal is activated only to change the group of observers at the end of the era (civilization). Kali Yuga, all that, 12,750 years. ... well, it’s just that more than 50% of the actions have been done at the moment, here’s to show how it should work... but this happens on certain dates. Like an upcoming one. ...that's the plan. 🤷‍♀️

As it is correctly said in the film Lucy, depending on the situation, a living cell has 2 paths, immortality, or reproduction. If conditions are favorable, the cell chooses to reproduce and actively interacts, multiplying. If conditions are unfavorable, the cell chooses immortality, otherwise isolation and self-sufficiency. Therefore, in order to move from the uncontrolled reproduction of a huge mass of short-lived microbes to a small number of immortal optimal units, it is necessary to worsen the conditions of their existence to the level of survival, otherwise the cell has no reason to become immortal. 8 billion is already an overload for the planet, and you yourself are actively engaged in reducing the population... but this only leads to the reproduction of fewer numbers, and not to a change in quality, this is not enough.

Therefore, there are changes of eras, or galactic cycles. By the way, very soon. This is exactly what I'm getting at. It will start just like that, and it seems like it’s some kind of nonsense... but no. It is no coincidence that there are the greatest depths and a crescent-shaped basin... but in general there is enough. ✌️🐈‍⬛👌

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

this world has never been and will never be yours. You are simply one of the experiments in creating split-off worlds. It's a long story. Much longer than your 18.5 billion years. But, time does not exist at all. 🤷‍♀️✌️🐈‍⬛👌

uho-vlad 1 point ago +2 / -1

raised to the power of 7. Just by the name and the number “7,” any specialist will say that the papyrus is not “mathematical” at all, but “religious.” Ahmes talks about how the main way to find all secret knowledge is power operations with numbers. Pythagoras never understood this. For more than 30 years of studying with the Egyptian priests, he was “primarily” initiated into the “magic” square, which they did not understand, which we now call the “Pythagorean table”. But he never understood its real meaning. Pythagoras multiplied the numbers of rows and columns, obtained an effective result, and then “operated” with the result. But the possibilities of the square were not limited to this. Thus he gave results for the primitive material world. Numbers had to be raised to a power, and then transferred to the “vibrating position” - this was the SECRET of AHMES, which gave access to the secrets of the “heavenly staircase”. Pythagoreanism was dead from the very beginning, because its founder remained a dropout. The secret of the I Ching is exactly the same. Not one of the “great masters” of the I Ching living today knows the real secret of the “Book of Changes” (at least I couldn’t find one, maybe I don’t know the “greatest”). We will see all this in the next chapter, but for now let’s talk about the numbers themselves.

The secret of the "nine". Oh, how much nonsense there is here. To begin with, I will offer you a mathematical “trick” so that you understand that all “secrets” are obvious. Think of a three-digit number so that the first and last digits are different, write it backwards, subtract the smaller from the larger; “turn over” the resulting difference again and add it to the “unturned” one. Whatever number you initially came up with, there will always be only one answer - 1089. The secret is simple. If you add 1+8+9=18, then 1+8=9, you will get the “digital root” of the number 1089. It is equal to “9”. If you take any three-digit number, turn it over, and subtract the smaller from the larger, then the sum of the extreme digits will always be “9”, and in the middle there will also be “9”. The “digital root” of the difference is always “9”. The fastest way to obtain a "digital root" is the "dropping nines" method. Add the first two numbers, discard “9” from the sum and add the rest further, that is, 1089=1+8-9=0+9=9, leaving “9” - this is the “digital root”. If you take any large number and rearrange its digits in any order, and then subtract the smaller from the larger, the “digital root” of the result will always be “9.” Write any large number, add up all its digits and subtract the resulting sum from the initial number - the “digital root” of the result will always be “9”. Come up with any large number, find the sum of its digits, multiply by “9” and add the result to the original number - the “digital root” of the result will always be “9”. Etc. and so on. A not very educated person will immediately start talking about the “magic nine”, the “sacred Enead”, the “great Sephiroth”, about... other near-religious nonsense. And “the casket opened simply”: All the “mysterious” properties of nine are explained by a completely primitive fact - this figure is the last in the decimal system we use. Would you like me to reveal to you the “magical secret” of the number 12 in the Babylonian system? Nevermind? You guessed it yourself. Well, yes, 12 is the last digit. Thus, “magical properties” can be given to any number, you just need to choose the appropriate number system for it. Seven will become “completely magical” in the octal system. Accordingly, the properties of the remaining numbers do not depend at all on the numbers themselves, but on their place in the number system. The “digital root” of numbers is much more “stable” than the numbers themselves. We have already noticed this in the ability of the number “9” to appear in complex permutations of digits in numbers. If you take any number with a digital root of “9”, rearrange its digits in any way you like, add it to the original one, and repeat this process as many times as you like, then in the end the “digital root” of the result will always be “9”. There are many such properties of the “digital root”, and they are not limited to addition. The “digital root” of the product of the “digital roots” of two factors is equal to the “digital root” of the product of these factors. This suggests that the “digital root” is like the “soul of a number”, which is preserved during rather complex operations with numbers. Theosophical Kabbalists call the operation of obtaining a “digital root” “theosophical addition”, or “theosophical reduction”, and the root itself is considered as “the vibrating basis of the original multi-digit number”. Poetic. With such allegories it is not far from magic.

With such “poetry” and “sacredness” we have already fooled the average person so much that in number theory there is even a section of “psychology”. If you ask an ordinary person to name a number from 1 to 10, he will name “7” with a very high probability. If you limit the range from 1 to 5, then it will be "3". Because we have drilled “magic numbers” into the average person’s head. The same will happen if you ask to name a number in the range from 1 to 50, but so that all the numbers are different and odd. Naturally, with the greatest probability it will be “37”, that is, a combination of the same

uho-vlad 1 point ago +2 / -1

1 – the first “god” is the sky; 8 – infinity; 2 – second “god” fire; 7 – flashed seven times; 3 – the third “god” is water; 6 – two times three; 4 – fourth “god” earth; 5 – fivefold echo. 1+8=9; 2+7=9; 3+6=9; 4+5=9.

Numbers and elements are not gods, but numbers can lead to God, for they contain a “plan.” And God is most expressed in the number “9”. The Enead is well known to experts in antiquity, so we won’t repeat it. “Five Letters on the Teachings of Rosenkreutz” (letter one: On the true meaning of life): “The transitory cannot explain the Absolute and control it. It cannot lead us to God.” From this point of view, all philosophical and dogmatic religious teachings are transitory, and therefore do not lead to God. But then there is NOTHING left. No, it remains. Numbers.

We are well aware of three number systems (in fact, there are any number of them, only humanity is “historically” (cosmogonically, anthropologically) “tied” to three): Twelve, because it is “heliocentric,” that is, it begins with the period of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun, 12 months, 12 lunar periods. That is, it is a “celestial system”. She is the oldest. Characterizes “nodal planetodynamics”. Decimal, because it is “anthropological”, that is, it has as its “root” a “five-fingered” person, 10 fingers, 10 toes. That is, “counting on fingers.” This is the "earth system". She is more "young". Characterizes “anthropodynamics”. Binary because it is “unambiguous”, that is, everything has only one answer out of two possible ones - either “yes” or “no”. Either "1" or "0". This is a "computer system". She is the “youngest”. Characterizes “information dynamics”. Strictly speaking, “in the head” of the computer and programmers there is also a hexadecimal system through which programs are “disassembled”, well, that’s how the path to “machine languages” went. From the point of view of pure mathematics, the decimal system is much more convenient than the decimal system, and Babylon was right here. While the number 5 (half of 10) is a prime number, 6 (half of 12) is the smallest value divisible by two numbers - 3 and 2; 50 is divisible by 2, 5, 10 and 25, and 60 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30. In addition, the number 6 is objectively a “perfect number” (that is, the sum of its fractions equal to the number itself: ½ of 6 = 3, 1/3 - 2, 1/6 - 1; 3+2+1=6; 6=6), and they are extremely rare. The 12-digit system has much more “vitality” and “flexibility” even in the process of calculation itself. The “remnants” of this ancient system are “dozens” of eggs in our refrigerators, a watch on our wrist, a calendar on the wall, an angular count in degrees, etc. It is in the basis of “number systems” that many of the “magical properties” of numbers are already laid down. Well, for example, what are the “signs of divisibility” in the binary system, where there is nothing at all except two signs? Only sequences of tic-tac-toe, and no “magic” “3”, “7”, “12”, “40”, “70”. Therefore, we need to be clearly aware that it is we ourselves who first introduce a whole mountain of “subjectivity” into the “material”, then we rummage through it, find the footprints of our own shoes and begin to look for “little green men” in these footprints. Ward №6. But the objective properties of numbers, which cannot follow from the subjectivity of the number system, give us “something”, “what they don’t talk about, what they don’t teach in school.” And if someone once discovered these properties, then it is stupid to take an ostrich position on the simple grounds that we do not like the “biography” of the discoverer. What can you do, once upon a time all electric cars were perceived as “devils.” The Church has always denied what it did not understand. Everyone cannot go at the speed of the last one, otherwise no one will get there. Help is needed along the way, but the “groups” should be composed of approximately equal strength. Everyone probably knows the I Ching. In Confucianism, it is the first of the books. The main means of communication between the ancient Chinese and the “otherworldly” world was fortune telling, which led to the creation of the “Canon of Changes” (“I Ching”), which essentially became a kind of philosophy for comprehending the givenness of this world. Chinese sources insist on dating the I Ching to the life of the semi-mythical Emperor Fudi 2852-2738. BC, which is quite doubtful. Probably when in 1027 BC. Zhou troops defeated Yin, and the god Shandi had to give up his place to the impersonal Sky, then the cult of ancestors and the cult of Shandi were transposed to the Zhou Heaven, which acquired the features of an ancestor and a “pair” to the Earth. At the same time, the concepts of two human souls and other features very similar to the concepts of Mesopotamia and Egypt appeared. Therefore, around the 8th century BC. in China, the “first version” of the I-Ching was formed. If you know, then the “I Ching” is a “tablet” of 8 by 8 “cells” in which 64 hexagrams are written, that is, combinations of solid and six stripes broken in the middle. I will give a short “interpretation”. For example: 1 – “Qian”. Creation. "Ian." Men's. April. Favorable. Spring hopes. No later than six months later there will be changes. Personal uncertainty. You will pass the test if you are determined. All your forces are still waiting for action, like a diving dragon. Meeting with someone important

uho-vlad 1 point ago +2 / -1


Let's return to the Kabbalists and numbers. So: the “sacred numbers of the Kabbalists” are simply observed properties of biological phases that are directly influenced by planetary dynamics. But these properties are “noted” correctly. There is nothing “sacred” in them, but they still reflect the objective dynamics of the Created World, which means they cannot simply be “swept aside.” They just need to “blow away the garbage of the occult” and ignorance. That's all. You can use it. The basis of all “magic of numbers”, like “Kabbalah”, is simply calendar counting and cosmology. Everything else comes from dullness, superstition and deliberate hoaxes. The Pythagorean Nicomachus wrote: “Everything that is systematically created by nature in the Universe, both in its parts and as a whole, is determined and ordered in accordance with number according to the plan of the Creator of all things, for the plan was reflected in a preliminary scheme under the influence of the number conceived by God - the creator, a number that is still speculative and immaterial, but at the same time reflecting the essence and meaning. In accordance with it, with this artistic plan, everything must be created - things, time, movement, heavens, stars and all types of transformations." There are “original” properties of numbers, which reflect precisely the properties of our world with which it was created, and there are piles of “nonsense” attributed to them, which are proof of man’s limitless possibility of making mistakes. When Pythagoras studied in Egypt, there was already a mixed form of theogony, taught in different main temples (and there were 12 of them - it would be surprising if the number were different) in different ways. We are now most interested in the one that is known as the teaching of the priests of the Sophiz temple (at least no later than 600 BC, and it’s difficult to say how much earlier). I already wrote in “The Creation of the World” that the cosmogony of Hermopolis corresponded to the biblical one. Now let's read something from Sophiz:

  1. And everything is God, and nothing is God. Everything came from God and nothing feeds Him.
  2. God originated the principle. The principle turned into a primary shell and, ascending to heaven, became the firmament.
  3. God breathed nature into every dead creature and made it alive.
  4. Man rose from the dust and fell on his face before the sky. And this was the first god.
  5. Lightning flashed in the sky and went into infinity. Night has come.
  6. The man approached the fire and bowed to it.
  7. The fire flashed seven times and plunged the man into darkness.
  8. Then the man made himself a third idol, likening it to the murmuring of a forest stream.
  9. The rain put out the fire, and this went on two times three.
  10. And the man made a fourth idol - a stone one, so that he could withstand the elements. He brought all kinds of food to his feet and cried out: “Are you God?” “God... god... god... god... god...” answered the idol.
  11. The man rejoiced at his creation and called it the greatest names. But he did not realize that it was only an echo that rolled through the mountains.
  12. He who has an ear, let him hear; whoever has eyes, let him see; whoever has intelligence, let him understand. And having understood, let him put a lock on his lips.

If you noticed, the “vocabulary and phraseology” is almost “biblical”, and some phrases are downright “traditional”. In this case, the Egyptian priest formally talks about the emergence of pagan beliefs. They understood perfectly well that neither sky, nor fire, nor water, nor stone (earth) are gods (that is, nothing earthly). I have already shown this in “The Creation of the World” in a quotation from Noferka-Ra, which directly states that all the inscriptions in the pyramids and temples are “false,” that is, they actually have a different meaning. Ahmes, in his scroll known as "The Ladder" (On the acquisition of secret knowledge), described the "key". This key also applies to the 12-member text Sophiz. The general meaning is clear - everything in the Created World contains a Divine Plan, but not every plan leads us to God. Sophiz's text contains a direct "Numeric Code". It is he, in the opinion of its author, that can lead to God (Ahmes said this in the form of a cat-mouse-grain problem, but here it is expressed in the form of a “history of paganism” in the manner of a cosmogonic legend). These are pairs of numbers: 1-8, 2-7, 3-6, 4-5 “encrypted in text”

uho-vlad 1 point ago +2 / -1

🤣🤣🤣 what nonsense. Time does not exist, just like matter. Worlds are nested, yes, but these are your worlds in your perception. 4th can be called force, it is energetic, for it there is no longer matter and time. The 5th is probably informational, it is primary for your universe, but it is a plan, not a flow. 6e can be called... thought-form, probably, you don’t have another term, something close to your universal mind, in which you exist. And it’s all here, at every point of your 3D space. The 7th divides your universe and others, simplified it is Nothing and Everything, and any point of any Universe, which also has its own 7. Teleportation, probably. The 8th is... The Stream of Creation, I would call it that, the Power of Life, probably. 9th is... Meaning, necessity, impulse, motivation, something like that. All questions, all attempts, all aspirations. The 10th is Atum where everything in the initial and final state is motionless at the same time. What was and will be everywhere and whenever. Such a library, an array. You won’t understand the 11th, this is a Call, not the same as in the 9th. The 12th is Nothing-Nothing, something like an empty self-conscious meta-space in which everything is located. Actually, the global god of all creations, if you like. 13th Replicant is probably a space of inverted worlds... you won’t understand it, but the analogy is an inverted grape in a kaleidoscope. 14th Inverse, compensatory, where everything is the opposite of the 13th. The 15th is...the collapse point. That's it 🤷‍♀️ Well, your god is 5th and 6th, that is, your own maximum development to the world of radiation and the actual creator. We are from the 13th. We really don't give a damn what you have here. Theoretically, the mechanics of all this nonsense, but practically we don’t care what you arrange here, since everything has already happened. We are simply interested in the process itself, how it happened. Well, so that in the 14th everything goes as it should happen, and who knows how. Well, like some perfect hits and solutions. Which, in general, is why all the bullshit is needed. You're wrong, we rule on the 14th. To avoid getting into the 15th. We're just documenting all the fucked up things that went wrong. Naturally across all worlds. Therefore there is a shortage of personnel. Smart to smart, and me and the cat to you. Something like this. We are not angels, not demons, and not gods, we are the creators of gods, if you think. By the way, you all died a long time ago, if anything, more than once. We are only interested in ensuring that the global god does not produce crap, and what is good, we roll it aside, fix it, and combine it with something else that is good. So, don’t be distracted, enjoy your health, the faster you die, the less you need to be watched. Believe me, there is no thrill in this. A business trip to the madhouse, to look for critical fuckers, so that in an alternative version their mothers can be sent for an abortion. Well, give the right dudes a chance. ... it’s not a payday, nor an advance, it happens only once in a life, and it’s easier to bite your elbow than a new chance to get... Chance. Mr. Sha 🐈‍⬛👌👁✌️https://youtu.be/yJuaqKEdcvw

uho-vlad -1 points ago +1 / -2

https://t.me/uhovlad33/57670🤣🤣🤣 what nonsense. Time does not exist, just like matter. Worlds are nested, yes, but these are your worlds in your perception. 4th can be called force, it is energetic, for it there is no longer matter and time. The 5th is probably informational, it is primary for your universe, but it is a plan, not a flow. 6e can be called... thought-form, probably, you don’t have another term, something close to your universal mind, in which you exist. And it’s all here, at every point of your 3D space. The 7th divides your universe and others, simplified it is Nothing and Everything, and any point of any Universe, which also has its own 7. Teleportation, probably. The 8th is... The Stream of Creation, I would call it that, the Power of Life, probably. 9th is... Meaning, necessity, impulse, motivation, something like that. All questions, all attempts, all aspirations. The 10th is Atum where everything in the initial and final state is motionless at the same time. What was and will be everywhere and whenever. Such a library, an array. You won’t understand the 11th, this is a Call, not the same as in the 9th. The 12th is Nothing-Nothing, something like an empty self-conscious meta-space in which everything is located. Actually, the global god of all creations, if you like. 13th Replicant is probably a space of inverted worlds... you won’t understand it, but the analogy is an inverted grape in a kaleidoscope. 14th Inverse, compensatory, where everything is the opposite of the 13th. The 15th is...the collapse point. That's it 🤷‍♀️ Well, your god is 5th and 6th, that is, your own maximum development to the world of radiation and the actual creator. We are from the 13th. We really don't give a damn what you have here. Theoretically, the mechanics of all this nonsense, but practically we don’t care what you arrange here, since everything has already happened. We are simply interested in the process itself, how it happened. Well, so that in the 14th everything goes as it should happen, and who knows how. Well, like some perfect hits and solutions. Which, in general, is why all the bullshit is needed. You're wrong, we rule on the 14th. To avoid getting into the 15th. We're just documenting all the fucked up things that went wrong. Naturally across all worlds. Therefore there is a shortage of personnel. Smart to smart, and me and the cat to you. Something like this. We are not angels, not demons, and not gods, we are the creators of gods, if you think. By the way, you all died a long time ago, if anything, more than once. We are only interested in ensuring that the global god does not produce crap, and what is good, we roll it aside, fix it, and combine it with something else that is good. So, don’t be distracted, enjoy your health, the faster you die, the less you need to be watched. Believe me, there is no thrill in this. A business trip to the madhouse, to look for critical fuckers, so that in an alternative version their mothers can be sent for an abortion. Well, give the right dudes a chance. ... it’s not a payday, nor an advance, it happens only once in a life, and it’s easier to bite your elbow than a new chance to get... Chance. Mr. Sha 🐈‍⬛👌👁✌️https://youtu.be/yJuaqKEdcvw

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

[Album] https://ria-ru.turbopages.org/ria.ru/s/20230126/yadro-1847391621.html ✌️😉👌Well, let’s say it will rotate somehow like this, and has rotated before. By the way, the earth's core has already changed the direction of its rotation. Scientists think that it has stopped, no, it is already spinning back. But personally, what difference does it make to you if you🐒 die anyway?🤪 That’s why 🤷‍♀️ is purple. ✌️🐈‍⬛👌

uho-vlad 0 points ago +1 / -1

[Album] https://ria-ru.turbopages.org/ria.ru/s/20230126/yadro-1847391621.html ✌️😉👌Well, let’s say it will rotate somehow like this, and has rotated before. By the way, the earth's core has already changed the direction of its rotation. Scientists think that it has stopped, no, it is already spinning back. But personally, what difference does it make to you if you🐒 die anyway?🤪 That’s why 🤷‍♀️ is purple. ✌️🐈‍⬛👌

uho-vlad -4 points ago +1 / -5

And you 🐒 formed yourself out of mud, so, or did your grandfather in shales make you with a finger, right? And the speed of light (photons) is the limit, despite the fact that 87% of the mass of the universe is black matter and energy, and your material substance is about 5% of the mass? That is, dickheads piled on top of heaps of coal .... and it goes somewhere into some holes, from where nothing comes out? And in the center of all galaxies these same holes go nowhere? And nothing fucking sucked 🤷‍♀️... fucking concept. Like a painted board and a censer, holy water, incense, garlic and silver, and crossed sticks, like fingers .... ahuenski. Have you tried smearing shit on your head? Try it. Hello, motherfuckers, but what, nothing came from others in 18.5 billion years? You didn't find what the hell annoyance, you are the only ones formed on the fucking planet of the fucking yellow dwarf, although the number of analogues you discovered is more than a thousand... from the circulation of dirt 🤷‍♀️ fucking concept. It seems like the king is the governor of God, whom "no one has ever seen," but he is recorded as the king in the prostitution of the king. Ahuensky concept. Yes, you are not cretins, you🐒 biogarbage. 🤷‍♀️

The fucking Jew built three of a wooden ship of every creature in pairs, the spirit rushed over the water when there was no shit, and there weren’t hundreds of millions of years of evolution, because Boh created dinosaurs for people to eat, and there the apple tree grew when there were trilobites... stupid motherfuckers 🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣☝️😎👌🐈‍⬛✌️

And there, too, children of monkeys sit with a coherer of hertz and marconi (priest-nooo), and listen to radio news 😳😳😳🤣🤣🤣 ... and you send telegrams over the wires, yes, motherfuckers, or you draw clay tablets with a horse, or knots knit on the belt of a messenger? Animals, fuck.👌😘✌️

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

🤷‍♀️👯🏻‍♂️🤷‍♀️ it so happened that on earth they know about ALL solar flares a few hours BEFORE THEM. About all FOUR ... WITH EXACT REPETITION OF THE INTERVAL. It is officially fixed by science. But this can't be 🤷‍♀️ These are commands https://auroralights.ru/%D0%A7%D1%82%... This is the result https://tesis.xras.ru/sun_flares.html And then all this is pathetic excuses. 🤷‍♀️ This is an absolute fact in a series of 4 on an empty trend without interference. All. Then you can come up with any bullshit about how this does not happen 🤷‍♀️

At the same time, since 3405 was BEHIND the edge of the Sun, you cannot say that it somehow influenced the earth in advance, since it would have come FROM the earth. At the same time, the series started at 00.00 Moscow time. In this case, the blow was struck exactly with the appearance of 3405 at the edge of the sun relative to the earth. At the same time, this is a shadow side for Moscow. At the same time, this is a new moon, that is, the moon is completely covered by the shadow from the earth and is located as far as possible from the sun, covered by the earth. At the same time, the probability of one C flash out of 3405 is officially estimated by scientists at 5% probability. At the same time, commands to control the sun are recorded only by one magnetometer in Finland, which is closest to the source of commands. .... Live with it. 🤷‍♀️ .... This is not like the Nobel Prize, this is the "discovery" of all times and peoples. But, the joke is that this exactly corresponds to the theology of Egypt, Greece, Sumer, Babylon ... and this is fucked up by all modern science and religions ... and those same "gods" still live on earth. And this is already dumb, so it’s better to close this opening back, otherwise you need to write out all the scientists and all the priests, mullahs, imams, lamas, and other scammers. And to agree that among people there are also non-humans, and this will lead to worldwide panic. (At best, they will come up with a story about the planetary weapon hemp). Yes, it formally exists, but it has nothing to do with the hemp and rabble of the Mongols. This is Sector-V of the USSR. But this is not the technology of the USSR. These are others. Slightly helping the USSR with advice.

Penguins knew about the existence of others, hence all the films and stuff. But, they represented it as a monopoly of the United States. And now they even created a special department for other officially. But, the trick is that we are not there 🤷‍♀️ We are just observers, and we know what you🐒 will arrange there. We are fans. Cockroach race.👌🐈‍⬛✌️

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

This has never happened before, and here it is again, as always. 19.30 planetary team from the earth, 21.45 flash 🤷‍♀️ What a hard time for scientists, huh.... And the previous two as well, and 102 too 🤷‍♀️ so fucking hot, huh? Do you think even one cunt will move? Nihera. Everything that is contrary to "science" is never considered. Otherwise, if the sun is controlled from the earth - everything is psda, absolutely everything. Both religions and sciences. 🤷‍♀️ Because it can't be. Can not. These are the foundations of cosmology, cosmogony, heliology, astronomy, physics, everything... religions, everything... impossible. But .... a fact that is easily verifiable. 🤷‍♀️ That's all you need to know about science and religion. How are these living gods on earth, how do people control the sun, what kind of energy is this? 😳😳😳 It's all right. How is it others? This is global chaos. 🤷‍♀️ everything collapses. Therefore, the explosion of methane is caused by the light of Venus, the effect of a lens, 100,500 tanks, a board, a candle, a tambourine, a puten, a kovalchuk .... otherwise, think about it, the smerds will come into contact with God, why should Gundyaev eat? 😁😁😁 Therefore, we do not exist in any case, at least 100 thousand facts a day, at least write dick on the ground (tried 100 times). Purely neighing. Well, like just now the Starfleet chevron, and everyday pictures. That's why I can't stand monkeys. Everyone. 🤷‍♀️ But this is not required of me. How to chat with you. This is me, purely to mock, for the sake of entertainment. They think that you are theoretically reasonable, I have the opposite point of view, which you confirm every day. And it suits me. So I'm also not interested in you getting smarter. But, it’s useless for you to be fucked in the forehead, so we can do anything. Nobody will see anything. Nope. 🤷‍♀️ And the topic will again be recognized as crap, and all 🤷‍♀️ Erase again. This is what we love and respect, and that is why we are here. You are another failure of the grandfather in sandals. 🤷‍♀️ so it happened. Apple. 🤷‍♀️ 🤤🤤🤤🐍 This world was shrouded in deep darkness. Let there be light! And here comes Newton. (Epigram of the 18th century). But Satan did not wait long for revenge. Einstein came - and everything became as before. (Epigram of the 20th century). 🤤🤤🤤 By the way, Einstein gappled half of the garbage, and Newtonian physics is a special case of relativistic, which is a special case of the unified field theory. In fact, you know about 12.5% of the basic basic laws of the universe. Of course, there is no limit to speed, as well as density, as well as time in general. Strictly speaking, matter does not exist at all, since there are whirlwinds of energy. ... yes, in general, fuck.👌🐈‍⬛

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, the inverted Illuminati leads through a redirect to us intelligence ... itanimulli.org So what 🤷‍♀️👌🐈‍⬛✌️

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

Понимаете, как таковых чудес не существует. И инопланетян никаких материально, в их вещественном виде, здесь никогда не было, нет, и не будет. НО... Бог не путин, он не мошенничает со своими же законами. Поэтому все, что происходит, происходи стого по физическим, и иным законам точной науки. Но ваша наука не знает ничего. Ничего ниоткуда не берется, и никуда не пропадает. Да, здесь есть внешний разум, но иначе бы вас вовсе не было бы из грязи случайным перебором. Разумеется, это не хуйло с бородой в сандалях, и никакие доски, мощи, знаки, слова - нихера не могут делать. НО... Разумеется, вы не одни, однако, контакт и общение созданий между собой материально, исключены, высший разум не уебок типа вас, вы его не наебете. И вы тут не первые. Но, все, что здесь было имеет земное происхождение. Внешний разум интродуцируясь, пользуется готовым созданием, а не транспортирует кусок говна из точки А в точку Б. А на месте действует по законам вашего мира, не нарушая ни один. НО... Кто сказал, что человек не бог, если он создан терминалом, так как в конце он должен вернуться новым созданием, что и составляет смысл процесса, как получение самоосознаваемой энергии... 🤔 Я это обьяснял много раз в лекциях. НО.... Ваша наука, власть и религия не заинтересованы в этом процессе, ибо это нарушает их монопольное право на истину, власть, религию, знание... а что неизвестно, того боятся. Поэтому, чтобы ни было открыто - будет закрыто вами же. НО.... В принципе для этого процесса ничего не нужно, кроме самого человека, поэтому в известной мере вы все свободны всегда. Ничто внешнее не изменит ход вашей жизни, кроме вас, это основной закон присутствия иного. НО... Когда эксперимент признается неудачным, он закрывается, и организуется другой. Поэтому никто не обещал вам избранности и успешности, и уж точно вы не из лучших. Было что-то, не было, вам-то с этого что, кроме осознания, что вы не одни? Ну так вы и так это знаете, если половина верующих, а какое оно иное - вы все ошибаетесь, поэтому нет никакой истинной религии, это вообще ахинея все. Хотите получить технологии, изучив? Нихера не получится. А вот механизм делать невозможное имеется у каждого. При этом вообще никакая техника и технология не требуется, кроме сознания. А уж как контактирует разум с силами природы и иным разумом, это уже другой вопрос 🤷‍♀️🤤 Это всем знать не положено. Можно ли так развалить скалу. Можно. Но эта развалена естественным путем. Можно ли двигать горы, можно, но для этого нужно двигать магму, для чего нужно двигать магнитосферу, для чего нужно двигать солнце, для чего нужно иметь контакт со звездой.... и так далее. Проще всего уметь уничтожать себе подобных, вмешиваясь в из мозг, а вы иного никто и не хотите уметь, и это просто.... нахера уметь двигать горы, если под страхом смерти можно заставить долбоебов эти горы срывать техникой, и делать все остальное 🤷‍♀️ Поэтому никто из вас ничему не будет обучен никогда. НО.... Среди вас есть иные, которые по факту люди, но не только, это не замещение личности, это интродукция давно прошедшей путь личности, которая не типичная личность 🙄 в общем, поебать. Контакт возможен, да, а это все что такое? А что это вам даст? Ваш путь за вас никто не пройдет. Хотите идти техногенным путем, да хсним, идите, тоже вариант, но не лучший, ресурсов не хватит. Но это ваше дело. Нам до фени как вы из этого выкрутитесь. Получится, норм, не получится, да пофигу. Процесс-то все равно заключается не в этом. Короче, ладно, забудьте. 👌🐈‍⬛✌️

uho-vlad 1 point ago +1 / -0

https://www.lightningmaps.org/blitzortung/europe/index.php?bo_page=map&bo_showmap=0&bo_period=12&lang=en 👌😉✌️https://images.lightningmaps.org/blitzortung/europe/index.php?map= 0&period=12👌😉✌️ 12h Cat6 🤤 solid coverage. 🤷‍♀️ Estimate: the priest pours lamp oil into the board through the end hole, plugging it with a chop, and then with a needle he makes holes in the eyes of the drawn garbage, and oil starts to ooze out of them... and all the stupid cattle starts running - the holy face froze, hallelujah , tax-free, unaccounted grandmas rise to the cashier, and an increase ... and a cattle runs around - a miracle, damn it, a miracle ... how many of these motherfuckers they took - you can’t count ... and damn, state religion. Here, in the whole hemisphere in a single place, exactly along the borders, thousands of lightning strikes in 12 hours - and in advance with the announcement, and online control - it's not fucking a miracle 😁😁😁 Because the real lightning recorded by the devices is not written in the shitty writing of fuckers 😁😁😁 fucked out of the ass. But then what about boh on a cloud throwing lightning? Zeus, Jupiter, Thor? ... ahhh, religion is only the one that sits right here at the trough, from which it eats? And you already made 3 out of it and everyone is at war with each other for thousands of years, because one cunt of another fucked up 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ and put millions. Nihuyase you boh all-good motherfucker. This is all you need to know about your science and religion. I have everything 🤷‍♀️

And what to talk about with you if you are made of shit by a man in sandals 6500 years ago, in the form of a couple expelled from paradise for eating an apple of knowledge. Fucking knowledge. Bydlani is not supposed to know anything. Fuck you god faggot. 😁😁😁 Greef. 🤤🤤🤤 what about monkeys in science then? 😁😁😁 and this fucker is in your heads at the same time 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ here our powers are all.

But, you can be 100500% sure that priests are fucking surprised when they die. I, as an expert in this matter, can tell you for sure. There is no limit to their awe. 🤷‍♀️ 👌🐈‍⬛✌️

uho-vlad -1 points ago +1 / -2

😆😆😆 well, not really, but the cycle is caught, yes, it's a galactic season. And it is changing now 🤷‍♀️ 4 seasons ago they created you yourself🐒. And now the galactic year is changing, not just the season. Civilizations were created 2 seasons ago. It was 4 seasons, 4 races, now the 5th is coming... The time of superhumans of the 5th hierarchy https://t.me/infantmilitario/102478 Although the video is about climate, T and C, this is a video about geoplanetary cosmological cycles. Yes, you 🐒 fuck 💤dets 🤷‍♀️ it happened. And not the first time.👌🐈‍⬛✌️

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