turtlebam 7 points ago +7 / -0

This did go somewhat viral in conspiracy circles but I assume many here do not know what it's all about. This happened in a Palestinian town in the west bank. Jewish militias raided it. Shot people then grabbed one of the injured/dead and put him on the hood of the car.

Video link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8hYok3oiW9

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Regardless of the truth of October 7th and regardless of the motives behind Palestinian resistance self defense. The fight that Palestinians have put up against demonic Jewish militias had the side effect of postponing their agendas.

And the photo OP posted is indeed symbolic since Jewish militias are testing all of their future control tech on Palestinians.

Worthy to note that it's not just "HAMAS" fighting Jewish militias in Palestine, there are plenty of factions and small groups fighting the onslaught of Jewish militia hordes and their shabbos goys mercenaries.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

For others reading this. Consider the following: Since October 7th, All Jewish influence and power has been put into the Gaza genocide and into sorting out their own Jewish house which has become divided and is now in its early process of being dissolved. (The names of Unit 8200 members will be exposed at some point and those working for it dealt with legally of course)

For better or worst. Palestinians AND Lebanese are the only ones fighting criminal Jewish militias physically with guns and inflicting casualties. This have delayed Jewish world domination plans and threw a wrench in their machinations.

if Palestinian resistance crumpled long ago, Jews would have moved to their other plans already BUT they now have to put their effort into housing Jewish militia breeding members into hotels world wide and make sure Jewish militia members don't rape their own children. They have to deal with religious Jews who won't fight wars and a whole multitude of issues.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

I second "CrazyRussian", It's most certainly not the demonic book they portray it to be yet it's not that valuable either. Only mentions Jews here and there. Nothing of great value can be gleaned from it.

And if you haven't gone into that rabbit hole let me sum it up for you and save you the effort:

Phase 0 (normie phase): Hitler was the most evil man ever.

Phase 1 (noob awakened): Hitler was the greatest man ever.

Phase 2 (advanced): Hitler was Jewish and working for them.

Phase 3 (end stage): Hitler had good intentions, was probably duped. (Or at least this is where I am at)

Easy proof he wasn't Jewish is the fact that he later in the war supported the Palestinian against Jews and gave valuable training to Hasan Salama and Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni.

He backed the Palestinians only after it went south with the Italians (He was planning to give the middle east to Italy and didn't want to intervene) and it's a whole load of history.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

And there must be other books that even people here in conspiracy circles never even know about it because they were completely expunged.

Isn't it strange for example that there aren't that many books discussing Jewish sacrifice ritual?

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

A hard fact of life that you will realize at some point that any real "truther/conspiracy researcher/etc.." who is a threat to the system will never become as famous as AJ/JR/etc... to put it mildly.

turtlebam 2 points ago +3 / -1

I didn't say you are. I just said it could be both. And you have to excuse me for that and not take it personal. I do not know you and this is an anonymous forum.

I have been long enough in conspiracy circles to see how common shills are. And you would be surprised how subtle their manipulative messages are. Everyone here, including you should consider the real possibility that there are shills around. Spewing what on the surface looks harmless but which is indeed following an agenda.

turtlebam 9 points ago +10 / -1

I don't know if you are asking this in earnest or if you have ulterior motives.

Get rid of all of your above four AND make sure Jews don't replace them with their own duplicates, and you bet some true national figures will take their place and THAT's EXACTLY why they keep them.

In the real world you have to accept what's best. Sure, they'd prefer they don't have to peddle ANY conspiracy info but if they have to it better come from them.

It's all about monopoly, monopolizing both sides so they can keep control.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

You make the assumption that those making the attack were dimwits who had no plans and did not study that border. Yet almost 9 months on they are putting up a fight and inflicting casualties on Jewish militias while some Jewish militia members choose to commit suicide rather than go back in Gaza.

Jewish militias had procedures and backup procedures if those in Gaza stormed the border. During all of those years those procedures were never used. Are you sure everyone was following regulation? At a time many were on strike.

Again, I could be wrong but I am open to possibilities. It sometimes happens that you see the same pattern for so long that when something actually different comes along you don't see it for what it is.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are not shipping them to America that's for certain. Those in Gaza now have the know how to do certain things they don't want people knowing about (Like self defense against armored vehicles).

You think they are going to ship those who hate Jews the most and have a vengeance against them right next to their synagogues?

turtlebam 7 points ago +7 / -0

I would pay a lot of money just to know the real number of Jews world wide. They can't be just 15 Million.

turtlebam 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ya, what I don't get is how anyone cannot see that ANY billionaire will have to in the very least play ball with them. They will always have interests very different from the general population.

turtlebam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Downvoted because like TTComix said, something like this de-legitimizes the real Jewish problem.

turtlebam 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is not a reply to you shlomo but to any unintended victims of your hasbara.

If anyone wants to see a glimpse of what's happening in Gaza you can look this channel: https://ugetube.com/@vikingsarehere in many of its videos the sources are listed which you can follow and see for yourself.

Estimates are around over 200K Palestinians murdered by Jewish militias and the count is still increasing.

All those people have relatives and friends abroad. People on the border both on the occupied Palestine side and the Egyptian side can see bombs dropping. Even pilots passing by at night can see the flashes of bombs. This genocide of Gaza is undisputed.

Be very wary of users like WindyJibbz, study their posts and comments to understand how subtle Jewish Hasbara propaganda can be. The line they want to spread in conspiracy circles is "All fake and gay".

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is justice in the grand scheme of things and in particular in the after world.

For those who do not believe in justice or any after world. Ponder this. If someone with freewill, tortures a child or a 1,000 child in the most horrific ways do you think he will get away with it? Do you think someone deliberately choosing to cause harm for self gain or pleasure can get away with it?

The after world could be soul plane, reincarnation or anything we do not understand.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

For a start it's not a war, it's a genocide and suffering is mostly on one side. AND I second TallestSkil. It's the Jews.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know about yellowgenius and I am not saying this against him. But be wary that even on BitChute, even channels with low subscribers many are shills working for Jews. Not sure if you are familiar with them but I am certain for example that both Jim Rizoli and FakeNukes are shills.

turtlebam 8 points ago +8 / -0

I made this post about the woman. I am almost certain she was never kidnapped. I don't know if the rest are also actors.

Did US forces along with Jewish militias attack AL-Nuseirat in Gaza and make a raid? Yes. That is certain. They killed over 300 and injured hundreds more and this is undisputed. What did they actually do there is unknown to me.

I could be very wrong but currently I am not a proponent that Hamas is working for Jews (I used to be) BUT even if Hamas denies the fact that they are "hostages" would anyone believe them?

Jewish militias nuked Beirut in 2020 and said it was an explosion started by fire. Hezbollah was unable to say they were nuked. Who would believe them?

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

I used to be at your exact same position but now I think I may have a slightly more complex take on things.

Just to make it clear the field we are currently wading in. You have disinformation from the MSM which is obvious but then you have mainstream alternative media which is manipulated as well (Like Alex Jones), THEN you have Alternative alternative media which is also manipulated!!! In between you have honest people who are misguided and spew lies they think are truths and you have paid shills who talk mostly truth but are waiting for the right time to manipulate people in the right direction.

Basically you have lies mixed with truths EVERYWHERE which is the ultimate weapon used by Mossad and the likes to confuse you.

The way Jews play out things, is that the formulate the foundation on a macro level and not necessarily on a micro level. Many in conspiracy circles promote that Hitler was Jewish. IMO he wasn't but Jews may have let him be for things to take their course. During WW2 things could have actually gone a little out of hand.

Did Jewish militias always want to genocide Gaza? Yes. Did they have plans for it? Yes. Did they prefer Hamas over the PLO in part because they were waiting for it to give them the excuse for a genocide? Yes. Am I absolutely certain that October 7th with all of its details was staged? No.

I know it comes as an impossibility. But just look at it from a different angle. One of the gains of convincing you that Jews have EVERYTHING under control is to demoralize you. They convince you that Hitler is Jewish and Palestinian resistance 100% working for Jews to convince you that it is futile to fight Jews or ever accomplish anything on your own. The facade of invincibility must be maintained.

I know people who have relatives in Gaza and I spent a LOT of time reading Palestinian history. While Hamas was preferred for numerous reasons, the fighting is real but of course it's simply guerrilla warfare of a people completely under siege. This is obviously not a war but a genocide. I agree, those spreading red arrow videos may not realize that they indeed are not helping the Palestinians as they make it look like a 2 sided war.

Also keep in mind that many of the Israeli attackers are mercenaries or traitor Arab Druze and bedouins so even if the resistance does take many out, Jewish casualties are not as many they should.

I have several critiques regarding John Hankey's video, User RedSky sent me his video as well. I watched it almost twice. He does BTW sound like the person from "Space Busters" and has the same video style. Space Busters spreads carefully crafted disinformation such as flat earth and such. He makes several errors in his video. For example he says no fighting videos exist of October 7th which is false. I have saved a few on my drive. He also makes false claims on how Israeli defense towers were empty. These towers were taken out by basic drones and sniper fire.

The reason that October 7th could have happened for real is BECAUSE you think it's impossible. Jewish militias have been over relaying on technology lately and thought they were invincible for a long time. You think all those manning the Apache helicopters were prepared to fly in 5 minutes? It's the regulation but can you be certain they stuck to it? Did Hamas have inside intelligence? Israelis air force pilots were BTW on strike at that time and even if few Helicopters did launch they couldn't have taken out all the attackers.

John Hankey makes statement like an Apache helicopter fires 2000 rounds per minute, which is impressive until you know it has only 1,200 rounds.

John Hankey does what seems like clever psychological manipulation by repeating the guy saying "It was an inside job" and he spends an awful a lot of time getting you to sympathize with the female Israelis monitoring the borders by repeatedly showing their photos. I would probably need to make my own video about it but then again those who are not getting paid for these things hardly ever take the time to do things like that, that's why the conspiracy field has more shills than real content.

turtlebam 8 points ago +8 / -0

7 months ago I made this post: https://conspiracies.win/p/17rSefD7h9/ethiopian-jews-pretending-to-be-/c/

One of the supposed videos of prisoners of war taken up by Palestinian resistance on October 7th just seemed too cringe to be real. The kidnappers looked like falasha and the video looked too staged with her out stretching her arms to her supposed boyfriend.

Today apparently, they are coming out to say Jewish militias with the aid of American shabbos goy forces "liberated" some hostages. And to my surprise one of them was the one I always thought was fake!

turtlebam 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think they are now coming out in the open more. Few years back it was very difficult to convince people of Jewish power. Now, it's a lot easier to the aware demographic at least.

Having a Jewish president is not very different from a very obedient Jewish puppet (shabbos goy).

As crazy as this sounds, this could be a precursor to overt Jewish rule where all non-Jews are second class citizens worldwide. We already are there BTW but they probably want it to be in the open at some point in the future with relegated segregation laws and everything.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

So you are implying that Trump will say no to her money? I guess we can wait and see how all this goes, might take a few years for those who still think he is the savoir to see what his real metal is.

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