An additional theory I have is that they were poisoning people with certain pcr tests in a batch that were pre designated to poison and return a positive result. This explains the people that “swear they had something different” than the flu, though that isn’t necessarily the reason for it. Those people could simply be mistaken. Placebo also works in reverse, and can make someone feel sicker than they are.
They will blame all of the vaccine deaths on a new fake pandemic. Either a “deadlier” strain of covid or a new virus. It’s all part of the plan. The public will for the most part totally believe the MSM narrative like the dummies they are, but even more people will be skeptical enough to come to our side. Mark my words.
I’ve watched documentaries about it to be open minded and then shut it off when pretty much all of the points made in the video were either complete lies or just retarded logic. For instance, they claim that engineers don’t take into account the curvature of earth when building a bridge, for example. As an engineer who has reviewed and approved drawings for bridges, I know for a fact that the curvature of the earth is taken into account. That’s just one of many easily debunkable points typically made in these videos. Let me guess, it has a video from a drone flying at 1000ft, wondering hOw CoMe ThE eArTh StIlL lOoKs FlAt AlL tHe WaY uP hErE???
Of course, this forum is for all conspiracies. I just think there’s so many political posts because an illegitimate ruler was just installed in America, and we are watching as China takes over the world. It’s so important and frightening that it’s hard to not talk about it.
Look at my post history, I’m not a shill. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if these vaccines do sterilize women. Was just saying one anecdotal case doesn’t prove anything. Sad that we can’t question things without getting downvoted to oblivion. Same groupthink here as Reddit.
Not to be that guy, but this doesn’t really prove anything. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing a lot more of these, but there are already many miscarriages every day, what are the chances one of them had the covid vaccine ahead of time?
This is just confirmation bias, same thing people do with the dozens of videos of police brutality, which they then extrapolate to all police = bad. We should be better than that. This is interesting nonetheless.
Agreed. Why wouldn’t they just demolish it like they would any other steel building. With explosives and thermite. Analysis of a found steel column that they weren’t able to hide (they gathered and hid most evidence) supports this thermite theory.
Also keep in mind debris can be seen exploding very far OUTWARD from the building. Thus indicating controlled explosions from the INSIDE.