velocistar 13 points ago +14 / -1

What a fucking joke.

I'd rather die from a virus than take the vaccine. And yes I'm dead serious about it.

velocistar 1 point ago +1 / -0

If most of the vaccinated are still alive and well in the next few years, then the person that wrote this is going to look incredibly fucking stupid. He should be ashamed of himself if he turns out to be totally wrong.

velocistar 1 point ago +1 / -0

To whoever wrote that... I call bullshit honestly. No sources and no compelling argument. I'm not injected and I won't be, but I still call BS.

To say that all the vaccinated deserve to die is ridiculous because they don't know how pendingly dangerous it may be. Not everyone is going to have the motivation to do the needed research for this kind of shit.

What if the vaccinated people manage to stumble on the truth and wake up to what they did? What if they regret it? What if they feel regretful and apologetic for it, and want a second chance? Are you still going to say that they deserve to die at that point?

What a fucked up thing to say, and honestly if the vaccinated-transmitting-things-to-unvaccinated rumor is true, I hope whoever wrote this gets infected by being near a vaxxed person. Just saying that out of spite for saying all vaxxed deserve to die.