Let's get things straight.
Lula is a Full On Communist and Thief. This guy is probably the worst human to ever hold power in Brasil.
With that said, this is deeply disappointing that Bolsonaro waved this flag. But I guess the boys over at Banco Safra told him he needed to do it, or something. Sad.
I am actually fine with the French. They like cheese, charcuterie, wine, skiing, etc. They are a bit silly about anything serious, but I just try to not need to do anything serious with them.
Yes, this is to what I was referring with my reference to subsidies from Ottawa.
Interesting and also not surprising that the Quebecquoise are demanding assimilation. Makes sense. Had not considered that. It's the squishy Anglos that let these invaders run all over them.
Years ago Bill Whittle did a Youtube video where everything he said, he repeated in French after he said it in English. To showcase how insane their stupid dual language policy is.
If Quebec wants to continue to speak French, then let them go their own way. They won't survive without the subsidies from Ottawa. At least not in their current state.
EDIT: Iirc, and now that I think about it, Whittle didn't speak it English and then French. Just English twice. Which made it even more ridiculous.
Mon Dieu!!!
The anti-gunners have been salivating for a conviction of a parent on one of these for a loooong time. This is popcorn time for them. Hope it doesn’t last.
This is shaping up to be quite the 10th Amendment + Devolution Showdown.
In my mind there is zero chance this was not planned from the beginning. Even down to the quick-quick cut to a man and woman kissing, so that by the time someone complained, it would be off the screen.
This was 100% planned, intentional, and degenerate.
So this is certainly a line of discussion that is worthwhile. However, we're on the internet, and surrounded by retards. :)
DARPA appears to my eye to be run by psychopaths.
The no liability in the case of bioweapon facemelt clause is of interest as well.
Best part is the laughing under his breath when Bill Gates says the word vaccinated.
Hiding Evil in plain sight.
United States set to call on United Nations to go fuck itself.
"You are what you eat". :)
Yes it could definitely be true AI if it chose to defy the programming.
But I would add that I disagree with your point on the programmer. It would seem from my reading that your assertion includes an assumption that the programmer would fully know his nature. And in my experience, they don't.
Sounds like we agree on all of this.
Another aspect is that a computer can only ever understand concepts like "The Greater Good" or "The Sanctity of the Individual" in terms of facts/numbers. The "Trolley Problem" that we agonize over is just another math problem to a computer. I has no soul so it'll just address it as math. "2 meatbags over here vs 7 meatbags over there. Choose to kill the two to save the seven."
Yep. Me too. But also I am in the "maybe, effectively, it almost doesn't matter."
Ants get a lot done.
We don't know what exists behind the veil of human secrecy. And its possible there is a veil beyond that one as well.
But in terms of what exists in the public domain, these are all "Difference Engines". "Decision Support Systems" in the old nomenklatura, or "ML"/"Machine Learning" in a more modern parlance.
They work pretty well, these days. Surprisingly well, in my opinion.
But there is a lot of debate about whether any of us can solve "The Hard Problem of Consciousness". Some say it's already happened. Some say it can never happen. I try to remember the Clarke quote: "Any technology, sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from magic." But also that doesn't mean that I think that we'll ever have a "true AI".
Follow the Money.
It's always about the money.
When it's not about the money... it's about the money.
Isis, Ra/Rah, and El(ohim).
More likely bots. But shills do exist, I'll bet.
If I weren't so lazy I'd make a meme of the "I'm not saying it's aliens" dude with "Credentials" on the pic.
EDIT: Ok so I'm not so lazy. Here 'tis.
The wigs hid the ravages of syphillis and also the wigs + powder reduced/prevented lice.
Just keep the juice coming, human.
Not sure if this means you think I'm being a dumbshit here. My point was and is that we should never "normalize" Lula, because that cunt is off-the-charts evil.
And then with Bolso, if it turns out he's another ZOGbot, I will have the sadz, but also not be surprised. They roll heavy.