hootersmcboobies 1 point ago +1 / -0

a ceo who was using AI to deny people their claims

I've heard this A LOT. This is narrative garbage pumped into us by the propaganda machine. What is AI? Was a modern LLM around in 2015? No .. if his company implemented some decision algorithms to deny care, it's only modern media rebranding that says it's A.I.

Think about this narrative. This is amazing propaganda to make people demand changes in health care .. radical ones that will likely play further into the health giants. It also contains pieces of propaganda to push people towards government regulation of AI (whatever the fuck that means. How do you regulate an algorithm? It's a step towards banning people from making encryption software).

You and the world has hate for this CEO; this patsy. But literally none of us know a damn thing about his life.

This all smells like media rage man. I don't buy it.

hootersmcboobies 2 points ago +3 / -1

There might have been a few, but their posts probably get deleted or -20 in like 5 min. ... or those people might have given up a long time ago and don't bother going there anymore.

hootersmcboobies -2 points ago +2 / -4

Does anyone still really think a bullet hit Trump's ear?

hootersmcboobies 2 points ago +2 / -0

You read up on the camera man? Dude is with the fucking Jew York Times and has been photographing presidents for over 20 years. Now could his a1 Camera at 1/8000 grab that bullet? Yea probably .. there's a chance. But you don't see shit. And a gut who's an institutional reporter for that long ... just as easy to photoshop man.

Everyone's going ape shit over one blurry photo. It proves nothing. It doesn't match anything else that happened, like his mosquito swatting of his ear.

hootersmcboobies 1 point ago +6 / -5

I'm glad you posted this. I a haven't been able to find other sources for the poor bloke that was killed.

I think the MKUltra guy on the roof was programmed to shot into the crowd, not at Trump. I think Trump knew, turned his right ear away from the camera. When the SS covered him, it was the perfect opportunity to add blood to the ear or cut it with a razor. They removed the photographers from behind the stage:


I think Trump was prepared. His "fight! fight! fight!" execution was perfect.

Both sides are corrurpt and I've lost any remaining faith in this bullshit.

Trump was chosen by the CIA/WEF/whoever runs things. This was probably part of the deal and he knew it. They're even calling such stuff a "left-conspiracy" which is how they even further divide the fake left/right (like they already did with Ukraine and Israel). Further divides and further divides.

Don't believe the stage play they put on for you in Plato's cave.

hootersmcboobies 4 points ago +4 / -0

You have to have your president figure able to manage competent sleight-of-hand, which has never been Trump's interest. He would need to have a blood packet behind his ear that would pop open upon being pressurized

I do not understand why these things are not possible. Trump is literally a TV star and actor. He loves WWF. There is this thing called rehearsals. He directs the audience clearly to the chart, turns his head so you can't see the shot ear AND his secret service literally clear every single reporter from behind the stage a minute before the gunfire:


More important you have to have someone volunteer as kamikaze because that person was filmed alive and then photographed dead.

Do you understand how MKUltra and Monarch programming work? You absolutely would NOT need a volunteer. The CIA doesn't use volunteers. They make them.

The number of steps necessary to create this optic is more beyond credulity than the straight (double-blind) story of partial security fail and partial shooter fail.

Every major media outlet is covering how the secret service failed at their job and that this could have been a CIA attempt from Biden. .. Why is it somehow more of a stretch to assume Trump planned this himself. Just look at the message! The "fight fight fight!" It couldn't have been scripted better , because it was probably scripted!

Everyone here is so emotionally hell bent to believe this is real. They are believing a media narrative! The same media that lied to us about the Scamdemic, convinced millions 3 buildings could collapse from jet fuel and convinced the world it was one guy instead of 8 CIA agents that murdered JFK.

This whole thing only proves how much those on the fake right are willing to believe everything they see on the TV screen just like the fake left ... when it suits them.

hootersmcboobies 3 points ago +4 / -1

I agree. All the people who truly question things are down here at the bottom of the comments.

hootersmcboobies 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tim Truth gets a lot of stuff wrong, but people are being super emotional right now as well.

The photo of the bullet seems impossible. Sure the camera was a Sony full-frame at 1/8000 on continuous. It could have gotten the bullet, but the chances seem so insanely small.

Trump turns his head and it's not in view. Are there any good videos from the back? from the people behind him? None I can find show the shot.

Hollywood has tried us to think people can just get grazed. It feels like predictive programming.

On here, it's getting downvoted. No one wants to believe this. They want to believe the TV and media that constantly lies to us. People are claiming "divine intervention."

I dunno man. I could be wrong, but with all we've seen over the past few decades from JFK to 9/11 ... isn't it more plausible the CIA told Trump we'll back you now, and we'll make it good. But this is what you have to do.

It feels much much more likely some MKUltraed fool got put on a roof and shot into the crowd per his programming, killed and innocent and Trump pulled off a magnificent acting job.

It. Feels. Fucking. Scripted, and I'm not so emotionally invested in Orange Man to dismiss the most likely explanation here.

hootersmcboobies 4 points ago +9 / -5

Literally what happened man. I can't see it any other way. They MKUltraed some poor bastard to shoot into the crowd. The killed a rando, Trump bused a blood packet on his ear and did his historic speech.

Drop your emotional bullshit for a second and look at the video and think about it critically. The media is always lying about every event. Don't fall for it.

hootersmcboobies -1 points ago +3 / -4

What? Dude it's the most likely thing. Smash a blood packet open, then do the staged "fight fight fight" .. he turned his fucking head and covered his ear intentionally.

hootersmcboobies 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not this bullshit again. Everyone is showing stuff that isn't even from the T-Mobile website. I can't find this ToS anywhere. From what I have found, this is the corporate/enterprise service agreement that's for customers that send bulk texts or need access to short codes. It does not apply to individual customers.

If you have a link to an actual customer ToS, or a case where they're going after a conservative business customer for political speech, please post it. Otherwise is this is Laura Loomer loony bullshit.

hootersmcboobies 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. I've been saying elsewhere. None of these posts link to the actual ToS for individual customers, because this is for enterprise customers.

hootersmcboobies 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ah yes, adverts posted here ... also this indie game seems really overpriced since all the reviews say it's kinda short.

hootersmcboobies 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it had sunk in shallower water, be assured it would have been hauled up a century ago and melted down for scrap metal to dispose of the evidence. I wonder if it was downed where it was because of the depth, or if there were plans to haul up the remains and they got axed due to where it went down.

hootersmcboobies 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't know who any of these people are.

Mouthy Buddha got banned from BitCute last week.

hootersmcboobies -1 points ago +1 / -2

The No Agenda guys had an interesting take on this. There are a lot of people who are new to chickens and aren't use to the slowdown of egg laying for older chickens yet. Changing the nutrients they're getting can shock their system into laying eggs early (their bodies might have evolved to use nutrient changes to signal when Spring is near).

This might be a new hack to get your chickens laying earlier (dramatically changing the feed), but it's likely always been this way and no one noticed until we got a generation of people who got their first chickens during the scamdemic.

hootersmcboobies 1 point ago +1 / -0

The false flag makes more sense when you realize the CIA has tried to start race wars for years.

hootersmcboobies 1 point ago +2 / -1

eh that shot is BS. Go download the originals and go frame by frame. The color on the copier is correct. They're imagining compression artifacts. They're not pumas. I think they're both Vans, but they're not the same shoe.

by pkvi
hootersmcboobies 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm surprised the media is even bringing up this obvious MKUltra/CIA op again. After the Alex Jones bullshit lawsuit, the propagandists probably think their invulnerable.

hootersmcboobies 4 points ago +4 / -0

alright, I went back through the local news station clip I got straight from their website ... yea ... those look like different shoes


I really don't know man...

hootersmcboobies -1 points ago +1 / -2

I went through it frame by frame. Even in the body cam footage you see the Puma at first and the Van second. I don't think reds and yellows show up well on those low res cameras. Even those high end Axis security cameras vary wildly on color accuracy. The hallway look well lit on the security cam but not from the cop cam. The camera is probably just upping the light gain. Most do that automatically (because the point of a security camera is to capture everything at the best light levels possible.

I could be wrong, but I think this is a nothing burger.



hootersmcboobies 8 points ago +9 / -1

Nevermind. I downloaded the body cam clip and went frame by frame. The dead child murdering cunt has Pumas on. The flames were added in the photo. Use yt-dlp and your favourite video player that can advance frames.

hootersmcboobies 6 points ago +7 / -1

Donut Clip at 2:29: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=uxSGIIrg-_c

Raw police video: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ev1x12xTOv0

I feel this has to be BS, but wondering what the explanation is

hootersmcboobies 5 points ago +5 / -0

Robert Barns has made the case that Sandy Hook was real (and Alex Jones has said, in 99% of his broadcasts about Sandy Hook, that it was real), but that the conspiracy is that the school was bulldozed. Why? The school board didn't do basic things like have inside locking doors .. the most basic stuff every school did after Columbine.

Jones never stated parents by name. He never showed photos of them. He didn't meet any of the minimum burdens of defamation. These are all show trials.

All that being said, there is some weird stuff about Alex Jones's background; especially with his parents and the special forces/CIA:


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