Fentanyl is great for the organ harvesting business
In 1979 Bobby Calldwell won Best Black Artist. Bobby Calldwell is white.
The music industry will never allow this mistake to happen again.
The 1970s Disco and Funk was the peak of integration of white and black musicians.
Then the Jews decided to bring it all down with Gangsta Rap. Many of the early rap artists were in funk bands. As long as White people have problems with black people, they will always consider the Jew as their friend.
Remember your history class about the Red Scare and McCarthyism. Joseph McCarthy was screaming about "Communists in Hollywood", he was really saying "it's the Jews".
I believe March 24 is Saint Simon of Trent Day.
Many pictures depict him as the little boy who was drained of blood by a dozen Rabbis.
Avoid Cyprus. Israelis get a pass on rape charges.
No one came to speak on behalf of Jesus when Pilate asked.
All the apostles but one, ran and hid.
There had to be Christians in the crowd, but they said nothing, did nothing.
I'm guessing that all the Christians were expecting a miracle to occur.
But God does not work through cowards.
They will hand out bigger Section 8 checks.
AI Overview
According to available data, New Zealand home prices have risen significantly since 2000, with the median house price increasing from around $170,000 to approximately $810,000 by July 2022, representing a substantial increase of over 300% over the period; this translates to a massive jump in house prices over the past two decades.
Well, the increase in home prices in NZ are pretty ridiculous.
Prices in SoCal are pretty stable still, might still see an increase. Haven't seen any illegals being deported. Chinese and Indian immigrants continue to move in.
Criminals will always return to the scene of the crime and look for another opportunity.
It must bring smiles to Jews everywhere.
Despite Ukranians long bloody history of being victims of their Jewish leaders, they don't seem to pass on this wisdom to their offspring.
Jewish leadership around the world should feel confident that the Goyims have no understanding of anything of importance.
I forgot about that. They have to let you know before they do it. They need your consent.
The writers of the Simpsons come from Ivy League schools. They probably have close personal connections to people in leading industries and government.
In close conversation, people seem to have this need to unburden themselves about the crap that they see.
Along with vitamins and minerals, it's probably fortified with atrazine.
In my experience, when it's known that the management is stealing money, the employees starts stealing money too.
Oh you who have attained to faith! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies: they are but allies of one another and whoever of you allies himself with them becomes, verily, one of them; behold, God does not guide such evildoers. Quran 5:51
Muhammed was right.
But, wasn't it run by Jews.
I think it will be the Social Security card.
It solves the Voter ID problem, illegal immigrant workers, and dead people collecting social security.
All 3 problems are getting a lot of attention from TrumpElon right now.
Back when the Soviet Union fell, the CIA funded Jews to buy up all the state owned assets.
What if our government was secretly funded Jews so that they can dominate the world?
These sitcoms aired in the 80s and 90s.
I recently saw 2 episodes Abbot Elementary and it seems to be promoting a more segregated world. The show wasn't even funny.
I bet he knows the best person to be in charge of rebuilding the Gaza Strip--Jared Kushner.
This guy looks nothing like Bill Hicks.
The tone of country music doesn't really match the words.
The music needs to be heavier, and darker.
I think it was the devil that approached all the jewish prophets and promised them the world.
Only Jesus recognized him as the devil and refused his offer.
Perhaps the jews were upset that Jesus didn't take the devil's offer.