glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

>Gregory Vaughan, general chair, Division 660 of the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference representing Alstom workers, said he believes Metrolinx is “misleading the public” by quietly allowing some unvaccinated workers to return to the job.

>“The main thing that rubs me the wrong way is that it’s more important to run the trains than take the necessary steps to preserve the health and safety of the people who are out there working and running those trains,” said Vaughan.

Goddamn, I have no patience for people who still buy into the covid/vax/gene therapy narrative. Especially when those NPC's are in a position to effect or cause harm to purebloods and/or others who accept agency for being informed. I don't normally wish harm on others, but NPC's such as this one are in a position to cause hassles & harms to more responsible Citizens. If turbo-cancer and/or whatever illnesses the vax'd are susceptible to could hurry up and start wiping out the more dangerously ignorant NPC's, yeah, that'd be great. ...or whatever has to happen to remove the vax'd from positions where their stupidity and willful ignorance won't harm purebloods/responsible Citizens.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

>post some of the greatest stuff

gracie, but credit is almost entirely due to autists in /pol/ redpill threads as a glownigger, I have access to the NSA's Deep Meme database :)

glownigger8675309 4 points ago +5 / -1

sorry for the double posting. i am a bundle of sticks.

by pkvi
glownigger8675309 3 points ago +4 / -1

Norwegian bachelor farmers RISE UP!!!

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

amen. keep redpilling people on the jews/zionist/sabbataen issue.

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

No fucking way does this jackass not have the real data on both covid and the various gene therapies. The douchebag is deliberately aiding the tearing of our social fabric by motivating the pro-vaxxies to continue their delusion.

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

I could see it being made in Ukraine then snuck into a Wuhan wet market.

All of the weird stories of illness in the U.S. in the months preceding December '19, including the supposed rash of vaping deaths, make a bit more sense if covid19 researchers/traitors were getting some final testing in to fine-tune their data before the "official" release.

However, why would CCP fake all that footage of people dropping dead in the streets? That shit never happened anywhere else, so the only conclusion I can come to is that the footage was faked. Unless CCP was willing to be "patient zero", but didn't want weaponized covid R&D'd on their soil.

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +4 / -1

Palestinians are a semitic people. I'm not seeing anything in OP's statement that sounds remotely like hatred for Palestine.

glownigger8675309 8 points ago +8 / -0

> lied to us about gas chambers

I just started looking into all that and the holocaust/holohoax assertions maybe 2 years ago. I was/am absolutely astounded at how much the physical evidence does not support the holocaust story at all and how much wool has been pulled over everyone's eyes. From there, it's not hard conceptually to re-evaluate other jew-oriented myths or tales. All I can say at this point is, "Holy shit, no wonder jews keep getting kicked out of places."

glownigger8675309 5 points ago +5 / -0

>Speak for yourself, I’m not weak or gay

>simply revealing fears about himself

that was all typed unironically, wasn't it.

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't agree with all the conclusions, but the initial part about the Kursk having its' missiles removed is pretty interesting. As well as the part regarding Shanksville.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +3 / -1

thank you!! please do a post.

free pdf here:

and here:

excerpt from wiki link: According to the report, a 15-member panel, called the Special Study Group, was set up in 1963 to examine what problems would occur if the United States entered a state of lasting peace. They met at an underground nuclear bunker called Iron Mountain (as well as other, worldwide locations) and worked over the next two years. A member of the panel, one "John Doe", a professor at a college in the Midwest, decided to release the report to the public.

The heavily footnoted report concluded that peace was not in the interest of a stable society, that even if lasting peace "could be achieved, it would almost certainly not be in the best interests of society to achieve it." War was a part of the economy. Therefore, it was necessary to conceive a state of war for a stable economy. The government, the group theorized, would not exist without war, and nation states existed in order to wage war. War served the vital function of diverting collective aggression. They recommended "credible substitutes" and paying a "blood price" to emulate the economic functions of war. Prospective government-devised alternatives to war included reports of alien life-forms, the reintroduction of a "euphemized form" of slavery "consistent with modern technology and political processes", and - one deemed particularly promising in gaining the attention of the malleable masses - the threat of "gross pollution of the environment".

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

not mentioned in screen cap. the 2 helicopters that wrere supposed to pick up the assassins in the hotel were probably who started firing. i think that was in the thread i got the screen cap from.

by DrLeaks
glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

is that what they're calling the flashmobs that shoplift a bunch of shit?

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

i would like to sympathize but he won't leave alone those who have a different view of the vax experimental gene therapy

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

are there any charts that show any frequency variations that correlate to known geologic events or human events?

by pkvi
glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

>dumb oafs doing the best they can with the hand they were dealt.

i'm not unsympathetic to that, but cops in the U.S. are just too much of an undue hazard to innocent Americans to be anything less than vitriolic. by repeated personal experience, they've well-earned it.

glownigger8675309 7 points ago +7 / -0

this is how one knows all the mass shootings are govt. ops. none of the shooters ever go after those causing/part of causing the real harms.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

>"AI" will never be sentient

nice try, AI :)

by pkvi
glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't give a goddamn rat's ass about any misfortune that befalls parasites with the character of traitors. Dubious though these 2 "law enforcement" officers convictions may be, they still CHOSE to become cops. They chose to join an army of occupation against their own fellow citizens. Those cops chose a career where they hassle the weak on behalf of the powerful. Those cops chose to accept a paycheck to enforce someone else's morals that the cops themselves are often breaking.

Floyd was a piece of shit the world needn't miss, but cops are hardly paragons of civic virtue. Cops are barbed whire and electric fencing designed to keep the meat in place until we can be fed upon. Just like the central banks they ultimately work for, cops in the U.S. are liars, leeches, murderers, thugs, and thieves. They're hypocrites, frauds, and parasites, with the character of traitors. Its' almost 100% guaranteed those two cops fucked with an American Citizen at some point, stealing opportunity and resources from an innocent American, enough that would justify far harsher sentences.

Cops are not decent people. Cops in the U.S. are very large undue hazards to innocent Americans and this Citizen has absolutely no sympathy for whatever harm or misfortune lands on such trash.

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