freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

A couple clicks into the article brings you to a clip of the video in question.


That aint russia bro. Assuming its not some masterful cgi, looks like aliens to me. Ill be honest though, something about it says cgi to me.


There is one thing, they say this video is 8 years old and has 500 views on youtube, but then at the end they say wait for the full video to come out on youtube. So which is it? Im assuming this was just a miscommunication or something.

From what I know, it does look legit though....but there were very, very few posts about aliens and this flight. And i certainly missed this if it was posted one night in r/conspiracy 8 years ago.

Not to mention, one video looks like it was taken from a plane behind the plane, another looks like a video taken from the ground. Doesnt really seem possible lol. Unless they maydayed for help and these are military jets that were scrambled to intercept it.

If it is cgi, it really is good. Notice the thermals on the orbs? How only one part of it is lit up (never really seen that before), but as the orbs are rotating, so does the thermal spot.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dont know, this is what the 12th thread here?

Ive seen prolly a hundred threads in r/conspiracy about it, then of course the mainstream news is on and on about the auroras. I remember seeing them in ohio when I was just a little kid, we didnt need cameras.

Its being repeated everywhere, but they have been doing it for a long time. It was like 30 years ago when I read my first real novel about a solar flare that wiped out the power in north america.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand what he is getting at. But they have been saying this for years. Like I said, its a realtively cheap fix by installing overload protectors on the transformers. But that doesnt seem like a priority.

You ever heard of the conspiracy theory where they found a ancient device in iraq that would let whoever looked through it "glimpse" the future. Supposedly, humanity thrives, up until a certain point and after that, nothing. Prolly for the next 90,000 years until the next interglacial. They tried everything, and the results are the same.

Sometimes I wonder if this shit aint true, or some kinda of semblance of a truth. The bigger worry to them is not the power going out, but more likely the end of this interglacial, and we are due.

No one knows for sure. In the Devils Hole, Nevada paleoclimate record, the last four interglacials lasted over ~20,000 years with the warmest portion being a relatively stable period of 10,000 to 15,000 years duration.


Anyway, this is basic mind control techniques. Another popular one is bombarding people with low frequency sounds to simulate beta waves or something, aka watching tv. Same thing happens to these tribes when they start chanting and dancing around their fires.


Rhythmic auditory stimulation has long been known to induce altered states of consciousness, whether the means is chanting, singing, drumming, or shaking a rattle (Walsh, 1996). There are several possible explanations for why rhythmic stimulation can facilitate trance states and healing. One is that it may act as a concentration device, reducing the tendency of the mind to wander. Another is that it entrains brain wave patterns, and some studies have found that brain wave patterns of subjects listening to drumming (as measured by electroencephalography)showed auditory driving responses (Walsh, 1996). That is, drumming at a certain frequency entrained the brainwaves of subjects, so that the subjects’ brainwaves changed to match the frequency of the drumming.


The hypnotic effect is largely caused by screen flicker which lowers your brainwaves into an alpha state, a state of mind that you would normally associate with meditation or deep relaxation. In most people, this occurs within 30 seconds or 3 minutes for very light and infrequent viewers. In a hypnotic state, the information which you are exposed to will be downloaded directly to your subconscious mind where it can alter existing beliefs and form new beliefs without you even being aware of it. This has obvious implications for marketers who wish to sell their products to viewers.

Anyway, this specific technique, the one where you repeat these ideas over and over, I'm actually forgetting the name for it. Its not priming I think.



Repeated information is often perceived as more truthful than new information. This finding is known as the illusory truth effect, and it is typically thought to occur because repetition increases processing fluency. Because fluency and truth are frequently correlated in the real world, people learn to use processing fluency as a marker for truthfulness.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never thought anything would happen, but its certainly possible.

You know, no one thinks they are gonna get t boned by some asshole high on pills or something, until it happens.

Apparently its a "relatively" cheap fix to reinforce all the infrastructure in case something like that would happen, but no one wants to foot the bill.


I hope it happens. Id miss playing my video games, thats about it.


Video linked in said article, talking about what I was talking about a few days back. Guess all they need to do is install overload protection onto all the transformers, and its not even that high of a cost. But again, no one wants to foot the bill.

Call me crazy, but I dont think thats what the big worry is.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is literally the idea behind Panpsychism. I wouldnt call the idea new. But it is the basis behind "we are the universe experiencing itself".


Many cultures believe in this, but they call it animism instead.


As above, so below? Literally?

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I actually looked at the wiki page, skimmed it. Doesnt actually say the word flat anywhere, I even ctrl+f'ed to make sure.

Id be careful with "modern" mainstream takes on things.

For example, according to modern sources, only one greek god had a flying chariot, that he uses to pull the sun across the sky.

Helios, in Greek religion, the sun god, sometimes called a Titan. He drove a chariot daily from east to west across the sky and sailed around the northerly stream of Ocean each night in a huge cup.

Not true though, each god had their own flying chariot, built by Hephaestus.

Each deity possessed a beautiful chariot, which, drawn by horses or other animals of celestial breed, conveyed them rapidly over land and sea according to their pleasure.


Now, all I can find about the mayans is they believed that there was a god at the four corners of the earth, which is drawn as flat.

Now, again, the part I find interesting is not that. Even per your wiki link it says.

Maya astronomy was naked-eye astronomy based on the observations of the azimuths of the rising and setting of heavenly bodies.[12] City planning and alignment was often arranged in line with astronomical paths and events.[13] The Maya also believed that the will and actions of gods could be interpreted in the alignment of the planets and stars. [14]

A.k.a. They used sticks in the mud to mark and record shadows everyday, for hundreds, if not a thousand, or thousands of years.

Thats all good and dandy, but you expect me to believe that these people, on their own, were able to extrapolate the data when a precession is measured over 10's of thousands of years.

The Earth wobbles in space like an out-of-balance top. Each full wobble takes about 25,765 years

Even if earth was flat, how were the able to build models better than what we can do with computers and modern mathematics?

The interesting part, where did they get the calendars from? A gift of god of course, along with domestication of animals, plants. As well as music and healing.


The Mayan calendar played a crucial role in their communication with the gods. Believing it was a gift from their deities, the Mayans used the calendar to track important dates and celestial events.

They believed that aligning themselves with the calendar would facilitate communication and enable them to comprehend the will of the gods.


While ancient Mayan culture offered various calendar types, the one that baffled scholars the most was this 819-day calendar discovered in glyphic texts. Researchers have long believed this calendar was associated with planetary movements, especially the synodic periods—when a planet appears visually to return to the same location in the sky, as seen from Earth—of key planets. However, each planet moves quite differently and matching up multiple planets into an 819-day span didn’t seem to make sense.

But it does when you look at it over 16,380 days (roughly 45 years), not just 819 days. That’s a total of 20 819-day timelines.

:shrugs: who knows

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you know anything about how electronics work, or have done any kind of homework or reading about it.

Its entirely possible. We have lived in a relatively stable time, and we take that for granted. Considering the origin of our species is unknown, and the landscape changes so dramatically time to time, I think its safe to say, we have seen nothing yet.

The interesting part about how this works. If I remember right, it weakens the earths magnetic field which causes it to shrink. So theoretically, a big enough one could shrink the field down to where the power lines are.

What happens when you rotate a piece of copper in a magnetic field?

This is the basis of how motors and generators work. Anyway, causes the wires to induce a current and it will burn up everything that is connected to it, this includes the copper running through the cable line which powers most of the internet right now. Local infastructure powered by fiber op would be fine, so would the undersea cables connecting continents, but everything on the power lines would be fucked. Im sure the military has systems built in place for this.

The problem being when we built a vast majority of this shit a 150 years ago we when we had no idea of the possibilities, but blackouts have occurred before, but they are usually localized, because they are small.


The possibility of a direct hit by a powerful solar storm is rare. But it can happen. In 1859, a storm called the “Carrington Event” occurred near the peak of the solar cycle, and sent currents surging through nascent telegraph lines, sparking fires and stymieing messages, according to NASA. Auroras could be seen as far south as Mexico City. If a similar event happened today, risk analysts at Lloyds of London estimate, it could cost trillions.

During the last period of high solar activity in 2012, scientists spotted a couple of coronal mass ejections that crossed the Earth’s orbit. Luckily, our planet was not in the crosshairs. But “had those bursts hit the Earth’s magnetic field,” Brad Plumer wrote on Vox in 2014, “they could have induced strong ground currents capable of overloading our electric grids and knocking out transformers, leaving entire regions without power.”


Many of the destructor mines were designed to trigger if they sensed changes in magnetic fields associated with moving ships. Solar activity is known to perturb Earth’s magnetic field, and in early August 1972, the perturbations were likely strong enough to meet the magnetic requirements for detonation, Knipp said.

2000 years in sun time is like a blink of an eye to us humans

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh, I use incognito, not because im dumb enough to think google isnt tracking me.

I like it because it keeps the temp folder from getting filled with junk, as well as the url bar getting filled with recently visited stuff.

Literally the only reason I use it.

freedomlogic 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, its possible. But I could think of easier ways to spy on you if you have a internet connection and have any iot devices "Internet of things".

More likely, do you have bird feeders? Or did you have bird feeders?

Maybe its pissed that you havent fed it lmao. I have a crow that will land in front of the windows and stare at me trying to get me to throw out some birdseed for it. I dont really like feeding them, but its hard not to when they come looking at you like that.

I dont know how people can say animals dont have personality's.

I miss my cat man, hes prolly gone now. He didnt like my brother very much. I woke up one morning walking my dog, hes peeing on the tire of my car and i hear this very soft mewing. Look down and there is a tiny, tiny kitten sitting on the wheel of the car. Stuck my hand out and it ran right up and sat on my shoulder. I worked night shift back then and this thing proceeded to lick my face for the next 6 hours while I attempted to sleep lmao.

I wanted to bring him with me when I moved, but he was feral, the only person he would let touch him was me. There was no way he was going into a cage or letting a vet or tech handle him. He would disappear for days and weeks at a time, but he always came back to have a meal and some affection. Would always stay inside with me during the winter.

Id be walking my dog and hear something rustling in the trees far far back in the woods and it was always that dang cat getting my attention, he was something.

Damn I miss that cat, and I miss my dog too. Im too old and to sick to be getting another animal at this stage in my life though.

freedomlogic 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yep, I dont think the "lizard people" have a base under the denver airport.

But im willing to bet there is a D.U.M.B. below it.



Lots of removed pictures and dead links.

I vaguely remember, that there were several construction company involved and it still took years to build. Many of them had to sign NDA's, but I cant really find any of that now, perhaps its just "fake news".

Most likely, as others said in the threads. Proally part of the "continuity of government" plans.


The Denver Airport conspiracy theories started when the facility was under construction. Billions over budget and an entire year behind schedule, some became convinced that DEN’s delayed 1995 opening was caused by something more nefarious than the usual difficulties facing large public works projects.

However, the Denver region is also home to a number of military bases and private aircraft corporations — including the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Peterson Air Force Base, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), Boeing, and Lockheed Martin.

Some believe the tunnel system beneath DEN leads to underground bunkers for those with clearance to use in case of global catastrophe — perhaps to NORAD itself, which is 100 miles south of the airport. And the airport’s apocalyptic art has only added to conspiracy theorists’ suspicions.

But, but aliens! lmao.

freedomlogic 0 points ago +1 / -1

The bible appears to be a collection of even older stories. And the church obliterated anyone or anything still dedicated to the old pagan gods. Remember the bible says there is only one god and you must worship him. Anything else is blasphemy.

Im willing to bet, we could find the bible in its unadulterated form, in the vaticans basement somewhere.

freedomlogic 0 points ago +1 / -1

Here is the interesting thing about these old books, when pages would fall apart, they would be replaced. So parts of the book are prolly less than a few hundred years old. Im willing to bet the spine is as old as they say it is.

It looks "big" but its handpressed paper, much thicker than commercial made paper. Im also willing to bet its filled with full page illustrations like the kind we see in this pic.

freedomlogic -1 points ago +1 / -2

Lol, its peasants like my ancestors, who helped create this country, with crazy ideas that they read, in books like the bible.

Take Rev John Wing for example, a unworthy minister who lived about 500 years ago.

He claimed that we had our own connections to god, we didnt need a pastor to tell us what god was thinking. Stuff like this is the basis of western democracy.


This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.

If it werent for "peasants" like my ancestors, wed still be relying on priests and kings/queens to interpret gods will for us lmao.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Literacy was well established in early 18th century England, when books geared towards children became far more common. Near the end of the century, as many as 50 were printed every year in major cities around England.

Yea, thats why I think its neat my ancestors were reading/writing as early as 1580. Something the royal family and churches did not want people doing. Because of "fake news" and all that.


Wouldn't you assume that the newly established Church would want its devotees to immerse themselves in the sanctioned New Testament, especially since the Church went to great lengths to eliminate competing Gospels? And wouldn't the best way of spreading the "good news" be to ensure that every Christian had direct access to the Bible?

That's not what happened. The Church actually discouraged the populace from reading the Bible on their own -- a policy that intensified through the Middle Ages and later, with the addition of a prohibition forbidding translation of the Bible into native languages.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I still subscribe to the planet x theory.

But something here dont really add up. Im not sure where hes grabbing 42000 and then dividing it by 6. Why lol.

The mass extinctions are over a much larger time span than that...

First, we must be clear on what we mean by "mass extinction". Extinctions are a normal part of evolution: they occur naturally and periodically over time.

There’s a natural background rate to the timing and frequency of extinctions: 10% of species are lost every million years, 30% every 10 million years, and 65% every 100 million years.It would be wrong to assume that species going extinct is out of line with what we would expect. Evolution occurs through the balance of extinction – the end of species – and speciation – the creation of new ones.

Extinctions occur periodically at what we would call the "background rate". We can therefore identify periods of history when extinctions were happening much faster than this background rate – this would tell us that there was an additional environmental or ecological pressure creating more extinctions than we would expect.

However, mass extinctions are periods with much higher extinction rates than normal. They are defined by both magnitude and rate. Magnitude is the percentage of species that are lost. Rate is how quickly this happens. These metrics are inevitably linked, but we need both to qualify as a mass extinction. In a mass extinction, at least 75% of species go extinct within a relatively (by geological standard) short period of time. Typically less than two million years.

There have been five mass extinction events in Earth’s history, at least since 500 million years ago. We know very little about extinction events in the Precambrian and early Cambrian earlier, which predate this.4 These are called the "Big Five" for obvious reasons.

In the chart, we see the timing of events in Earth’s history.5 It shows the changing extinction rate (measured as the number of families that went extinct per million years). Again, note that this number was never zero: background extinction rates were low – typically less than 5 families per million years – but ever-present.

We see the spikes in extinction rates marked as the five events:

End Ordovician (444 million years ago; mya)

Late Devonian (360 mya)

End Permian (250 mya)

End Triassic (200 mya) – many people mistake this as the event that killed off the dinosaurs. But in fact, they were killed off at the end of the Cretaceous period – the fifth of the "Big Five".

End Cretaceous (65 mya) – the event that killed off the dinosaurs. Finally, at the end of the timeline, we have the question of what will come. Perhaps we are headed for a sixth mass extinction. But we are currently far from that point.

hell 42000 years ago.... woulda been pretty cold, but stable.

The Last Interglacial was a period of the Earth's geological history (between 130 000 and 115 000 years BP) characterized by a climate warmer than today, with a higher global sea level and smaller ice-sheets. The current Holocene interglacial began at the end of the Pleistocene, about 11,700 years ago.

So I have no idea where he is pulling 42k from.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

That may be true, but were talking about ancient civilizations here, not new age groups. Whoever created the horoscope, and layed giant monuments near perfectly aligned with the sky prolly thought the earth was round as well.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its obvious to me?

If artemis is having problems now, then how did the apollo shuttles do it 60 years ago? Was it that hard really? I just think your doing your smug little thing again.

Now, my guess would be that they are trying to speed up the mission, maybe instead of hanging in orbit for a day waiting for the perfect time to go down, they are going down at a steeper/harder angle. Straight from their orbit around the moon.

But the article doesnt say that, instead its very vague about everything. Even the bit about radiation breaking the power distribution bit was interesting.

I doubt they would leave something as crucial as power to digital devices where the 0's and 1's become easily corrupted by stray cosmic particles.

It cant be much different than the apollo shuttles, one would think....Hell maybe even a backup analog computer is prolly not a terrible idea. You think with the manufacturing abilities we have now they couldnt create a very small compact one a fraction of the original size. Shrugs.

Little inconsistencies like this is why OP may be onto something here....


WHEN NEIL ARMSTRONG and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon in 1969 as part of the Apollo 11 mission, it was perhaps the greatest achievement in the history of engineering. Many people don’t realize, though, that an important ingredient in the success of the Apollo missions and their predecessors were analog and hybrid (analog-digital) computers, which NASA used for simulations and in some cases even flight control. Indeed, many people today have never even heard of analog computers, believing that a computer is, by definition, a digital device.

If analog and hybrid computers were so valuable half a century ago, why did they disappear, leaving almost no trace? The reasons had to do with the limitations of 1970s technology: Essentially, they were too hard to design, build, operate, and maintain. But analog computers and digital-analog hybrids built with today’s technology wouldn’t suffer the same shortcomings, which is why significant work is now going on in analog computing in the context of machine learning, machine intelligence, and biomimetic circuits.

freedomlogic 8 points ago +8 / -0

Like tallestskill said, except the entire internet is one big honeypot, if you haven't figured this out yet. If you want true privacy, stay off the internet. Hard though innit? I dont know why I like reading so much, kinda sucks really. I really should shut my mouth as well, but its quite apparent my ancestors had the same problem.

In the local reddit I had people calling me out as mentally unstable, got someone over on freecanada who is labeling me as "hysterical". Doesnt matter where you go, they will follow.

The reddits are controlled mainly by business interest's now anyway. But there does seem to be more to it than that. Almost military, or paramilitary like.

If you go to https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/, you will notice they have a pinned thread about posts concerning the conflict in israel, they dont want people talking about it.

They did this in the r/halifax reddit, but when I called out the mod, the thread was immediately shut down, you may be able to find it through revedit, i didnt bookmark it. I made an account just to point this out because everyone in that subreddit is oblivious. Hard to tell who is part of it, and who is just ignorant.

Yes, yes im sure most of you think im crazy. When I tried to ask for advice on what to do about getting poisoned at work, there was one specific mod who seemed hellbent on deleting my posts, making me look crazy, trying to rile me up. hfx_redditor is his name. He did this kinda crap to lots of people, and I believe he uses it for his business. I have no proof, or real answer for why I think it is who I think it is, other than a gut feeling. Someone linked this guys article, and it suddenly things kinda made sense to me.


Man could you imagine what usefulness it would be, to be a mod of the biggest reddit for your area. I could think of lots of reasons he would want control.

Nadernejad understands the technical side of the process; like search engine optimization (SEO), higher domain authority, and how long an article should be to get a better ranking.

It normally takes several months to achieve the desired results. One client worked with Nadernejad for a year and a half.

Sometimes the campaigns can be quite expansive, as well. One client was an IT specialist who was haunted by a negative story on the internet. So Nadernejad had him create an online course, charging $25 per person, and issued a press release.

But we all know from social media that it takes less than a bad news story to ruin an online reputation, especially for businesses. It has never been easier for a dissatisfied consumer to write a bad review and have it impact revenue.

Nadernejad believes in what he is doing because he thinks society should be more forgiving. He said we shouldn’t make ultimate judgements about someone based on a single Google result. It raises interesting philosophical questions about how long someone’s mistake should follow them.

This specific quote though, is why I think this guy made it personal with me. I called him out, threatened his business, I dont think he liked that very much. Hes prolly used to doing whatever he wants since most people here seem to be ignorant as hell.

However, Nadernejad said he doesn’t take on every client: if someone calls him and doesn’t sound sincere or honest, he feels he can’t help them.

“There are people who call where I speak to them and they don’t sound remorseful at all, or they lie. When that happens, then I can’t forgive them,” he said.

This guy seems to think hes god, judge and jury. For some reason, I cant shake the feeling hes the one who was ordering 20 mcdoubles with my name and email, and also marked my residence as a tourist attraction on google maps. Just seems to fit his rep perfectly.

Anyway, hfx_redditor burnt his goodwill pretty bad. People cant see he is running a business. But it was obvious to me. If you look at the "we need mods" in the /novascotia reddit, you will see a entire chain about this mod. This is the guy who banned me as well for bitching about my work injury and how I wish people took work safety half as seriously as covid lockdowns. He did not like that. He deleted anything against the narrative, which is why I believe he was being paid for it. Its no secret the canadian government was paying promoters to push the ineffective lockdowns and bunk covid vaccines. Special place in hell for these people. Im sure this guy doesnt believe in it though. This article only claims 100,000$ was paid to 12 instagram influrencers, but ill bet it was much more than that. There was a coordinated effort across all local canadian subreddits, the same thing with the "no israel" posts, seems like to me anyway.


Cue meetc, a account who hadnt posted in 7 years or something, but claims to have been around moderating halifax for years.

The smoking gun? I bookmarked some strange reddits that hfx_redditor was subscribed too, seemed he was using some bots and used these subreddits for some reason. They have strange names like https://www.reddit.com/r/a:t5_2tdw8/.

When hfx_redditor, "gave up his mod position", meetc was the one suddenly subscribed to these weird forums, but hfx_redditor was no longer a mod of any of them.

Its obvious to me its the same person.

Im guessing most of reddit is controlled by business interests. With bots scrubbing everything, the internet really is one giant honeypot.

I guess it comes down to, are you scared? I am much more than my material body, and while this life means alot to me, well it did more when I didnt feel like i was dying. Im not scared to died. Im a wuss, dying in pain scares me.

Ive already been forced to face my worst fears in this life. I just wish I could make my life mean something.

But what is even the point. Its a constant struggle between reality, and hope for me. If I really did paint a target on my back, they did good limiting me by poisoning me with the refrigerant. Hard to have any hope when you can barely get out of bed.

Taking the 300,000 units of vitamin d just made me feel worse, fuck. My neck is still clicking, still feels like someone stabbing me with a pen right in the thyroid lmao. I noticed today my blood is pretty thick, which could be a number of things.

But the one thing that I keep getting lead back to, is bone cancer. The only times I could find people with phosphorous as low as mine, was when they were suffering from bone cancers, I couldnt find anyones phosphorous that low from people with half the amount of vitamin d than I had. Like the calcium your body tries very hard to regulate it.

After years of dealing with this bullshit, im just ready for it to be done.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Technically I think its supposed to be a pinecone, which looks very similar. They both have a folded structure/symmetry to them.

I think originally it had something to do with the tree/vessel of life.

In addition to spiritual consciousness and enlightenment, pinecones have also historically been used as symbols of everlasting or eternal life. Ancient Assyrian palace carvings, dating back to 713-716 BC depict four-winged God-like figures purposefully holding aloft pinecones, or in some cases, using a pinecone to pollinate their depiction of the Tree of Life -- a tribute, perhaps, to both the Pinecone’s immortality symbolism and its role as an icon of enlightenment.

Im not 100% sure what they mean here, but this suggests that pine al is a form of the word pine.


The pineal gland in the brain is named after pinecones because of it’s shape. The pineal gland controls our body’s perception of light, as well as our wake and sleep patterns. It has long been considered our biological “third eye” and “the epicenter of enlightenment.”

On a side note, strange post in the ohio reddit the other day caught my eye. Talking about 7 ft aliens at the wright pat facility, seems more plausible than little grey aliens from what I know.


These beings, standing over 7 feet tall, exhibited features such as elongated blonde hair, high foreheads, and an unusual eye structure reminiscent of Asian descent, coupled with a lack of standard human skin and circulatory components.

Just a bunch of random bullshit? Maybe.

freedomlogic 4 points ago +4 / -0

And the watch looking things. Many cultures replicated these for a long time... lmao makes you wonder if alot of modern inventions are just reinventing old ones. Ive wondered the same about plastic, hellfire missiles, lasers, lol. Prolly a dumb idea.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, I found this reddit thread.


Which links


Carlo Crespi, who arrived to the Amazonian Ecuador area of Cuenca in 1927, was able to win the trust of the natives Jibaro, and so they did deliver to him, over decades, hundreds of fabulous archaeological pieces dating back to an unknown time, many of them made of gold or golden, often masterfully carved with archaic hieroglyphs that, to date, no one has been able to decipher.

Im going to lean towards it being a copy of the Mesopotamia one, so a fake.

Doesnt mean the original images are any less mysterious imo though.

The great flood for example is a story pretty much nearly every ancient culture shares.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not only that, but op is unintentionally supporting the globed earth model. (cant remember if op supports flat earth)


Normally the fronts are not that big... but the formation and movement is pretty typical.

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