freedomlogic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lmao, its more than that. Purposely playing up the angle to whip people up into the "anti vaxxers are crazy" mentality.

Like Ive mentioned before, paying attention to the wording of the title helps. But most normys cant do that, they just let their emotions dictate every thought I guess.


Texas measles outbreak grows to 124 cases, mostly among unvaccinated

Children and teenagers between ages 5 and 17 make up the majority of cases.

Did you catch that? Mostly the unvaccinated, meaning a good chunk of them were vaccinated, and still caught the disease. Measles is pretty slow, evolutionary wise(compared to something like the flu). Weve been using the same formula for the last 50 years and it is losing efficacy against the new strains of measles.

What most people fail to understand too, you need 3 doses to get the full immunization. You cant get all 3 shots at once, they are spaced out and I think the oldest you get the 3rd shot is around 6 or 7.

Then lets not forget, this is texas, with a substantial immigrant population, im willing to bet a few of these individuals are illegal immigrants, but if you ask that its racist.

Theres something like 200 measles cases every year, typically involving travelers from another country where there isnt such a high uptake. So were not even into anything unusual yet.

Just the media trying to divide the people, which seems to be about their only job, its just sad so many people are retarded they believe whatever a box says.

But were the retarded ones for doing our "own" research, who the fuck would do that when you could just trust what some rich fucktwat says!!!!

What makes it even more frustrating to contemplate. We could have eradicated measles decades ago, but no one wants to pay the bill to make it happen.

Billions of dollars to drop bombs and spy on people, fuck eradicating a world wide disease.

But its the anti vaccinators fault, I KNOW IT!!!!


Ive been avoiding reading any comments in the normy threads about the subject because every top comment is just saying how they want to kill anti vaxxers or something.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +3 / -2

Im surprised no ones posted the earth picture from the x37b space/air craft.

I know most of you dont believe space is real, but some of us have been wondering wtf this plane is doing up there for years at a time.

No one outside the operating team prolly had any idea its capable of going to the friggin moon, i sure didnt.


I will have to say its strange how your video has that sub frame lag that is usually present in 3d engines. I dont know if I ever seen it from camera footage before.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would like to think we are part of a system that never truly dies.

I think when you die, you cant take memories or even feelings with you, because all that stuff is just neural pathways and chemicals. But I think the core of whatever you are goes back into some state where we exist and thats all. No individuality, no needs/wants, just being a part of whatever it is that powers this universe, god, a simulation, who the fuck knows and I dont think it really matters.

I think were here to truly live, and you cant live without death and you cant love without pain.

But who knows. Do I have dreams of some other past life, I dont think so.

I dream im other people all the time, including women, sometimes Im just floating off in space like a camera in the back of some hollywood set.

I do know, I do not like wearing neck chains, rings, watches, etc, because I always picture myself chained to some dank dark dungeon floor. I always thought that was weird as hell. Its always strange looking in the mirror as well.

I do think there is some scientific proof for this though. Mainly in the form of the experiment where they poke a dummy with a stick while you wear vr goggles to see from its point of view.


As subjects watched themselves from behind, an experimenter prodded their chests with one hand while prodding the air just below the cameras at the same time. Because subjects could see the experimenter's hand but not the spot it was poking, researchers said subjects felt as if they were being poked in the chest — outside their bodies.

A different form of the experiment.

I also think its interesting that when people use tools, even like a car, that most of us view it as an extension of our body. It seems like our consciousness is made to be housed in vessels.

Who knows though, I guess well find out when we die lol.

I will say, ive talked about this before and mentioned that I dont think the soul is destroyed, just transformed into something else.

Imagine my surprise watching the end of that tv show "from" (dumb name) season 3, which was filmed in shit hole nova scotia, and one of the main characters starts spouting off what I said verbatim. Fucking weird.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like how we are the retarded ones, but a normy will look at tihs and go, wow this is definitive prooffffff.

No sources, just a headline about "AI", aka they asked chatgpt and chat gpt told them, so it has to be true. Even though ai's make shit up all the time.


In canada alone, 357 have died who have claimed it was the vaccine. Im sure its more than that but what doctor is going to fill out 100 pages for some person they dont care about.

4 deaths were consistent with causal association to immunization

Pretty good government efficiency, they managed to weasel out of most of the responsibility.

Remember these are the same type of professionals who tried to tell me freon cant cause irregular heartbeat, 170/110 blood pressure at 60bpm, is normal resting blood pressure, or that I tried to seek medical help over a year after quitting the job. LMAO

Or the kid who died from "covid" until the family came out and said, no he didnt, he died from cancer.

Every vaccine death with a + covid infection, you died from covid, not the vaccine. Fell off a ladder and had covid, you died from covid.

So of course, high blood pressure? That's what killed you, not the irregular heart rhythms from the vaccine DUH.

Normys are fucking stupid, about the level of sheep really.


Nine months after being diagnosed with a Stage 4 brain tumour and two days after his family says he tested positive for COVID-19, Nathanael Spitzer of Ponoka, Alta., died in hospital.

When Dr. Deena Hinshaw told Albertans earlier this week that the 14-year-old had died of COVID-19, the province's chief medical officer of health triggered a wave of controversy over how coronavirus deaths are reported.

Good thing they can count on those who represent the crown to tell the truth.....oh wait.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jokes on you, the hyperparathyroidism has basically killed my sex drive lmao.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe of your diet. I actually never ate eggs either until I started dealing with this low phosphorous shit. Now ill eat two eggs and some toast for lunch. I usually skip breakfast. I normally skipped lunch but I cant be skipping meals because of the phospho :/. Was crashing again on me the other week when I was sick.

Nowadays I eat about a dozen eggs a week :/. So of course egg prices are gonna skyrocket, thats how it works.

Canada bragging about their "low" egg prices, mother fuckers they werent that cheap to begin with lmao.

It does feel a bit artificial but did you guys catch that huge chicken egg farm fire last week in ohio?


Then I read that the bird flu is in the cows, oh lord now they gonna raise beef prices for the 15th year in a fucking row.


Just the milk cows... for now.

I really cant wait to be paying 10$ for a gallon of milk and 10$ for a dozen eggs.

Listening to the radio earlier, canadians are more than happy to pay a extra 17% for non american things.

Fucking retards.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine if this is actually true, some of these guys heads might explode.

I think its likely to be true. Alot of things point to it to me, if its just some massive government propganda they did good.

But like I mentioned before, all religions are so similar, it cant be a coincidence. Which one is the right one? What if there was a way to unify all these religions so they make sense.

I keep thinking about that one guy who claims america found a ufo so big it could not be moved so they built a embassy on top of it. You think people would be trying to brainstorm about its location but nope, its gotta be fake.

Weird part is it kinda lines up with all the propaganda they put out, like that anime "robotech", plenty of western stuff too like in the original roswell series from the 1990's they hint that our technology was backengineered from the crashed saucer.

Kinda weird how around that time all these futuristic shows, like the jetsons and star trek came out. Again the guy who created star trek gene, was a military pilot in ww2 and investigated military crashes for a decade afterwards before writing his hit series.

Or Arthur C. Clarke who spent decades living in india and reading things like the epic of ramayana, only to write his scifi hit rendevous with rama.

Just these little coincidences, thats all. I have hundreds more examples somewhere, but its hard for me to regurgitate everything on command.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

The tariffs are always passed onto the consumer, do people think that massive corpos are going to take a hit? Ceos needs their yachts and mansions, insensitive people jeez.

Pisses me off, what the fuck did trump do when he got in the first time, raise fucking tariffs on wood and steel, well wood and steel is used in almost everything manufacturing. And we wonder why prices keep going up and up.

Now hes just really fucking dicking the entire nation over again just so he can make himself and his friends even RICHER WTF.

This wont do much to boost the local economys, the rich are going to make some crazy bank though. I hope im proven wrong but this mother fucker has done nothing but fuck us over repeatedly, like repealing 50 year old epa laws. I dont know how anyone really believes this dood. Hes a good actor for sure.

Everything is so fucking corrupt, when are we the americans going to stand up and say enough is enough for the love of GOD.




freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its not exactly a secret anymore. Sure it could be trash, if it had the right propertys.

This article recommends using aerosols, specifically sulfur.


Should humans inject aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and cool the planet? If they did, which aerosols? How would that impact the weather? Who should decide if these tools are ever deployed?

Researchers investigating solar geoengineering often look at volcanic activity to study the cooling effect of the sulfate aerosols released into the stratosphere during eruptions. But sulfates produce well-known side effects: to human health, to the ozone layer.


This article suggests, not using aluminum aersols, which is one of the most lightweight metals.

Solar geoengineering by injecting aluminum oxide aerosol into the lower stratosphere is a serious threat to global mental health


The team ran the compounds through a climate simulation and monitored their atmospheric effects for 45 years. Diamond dust both was the most reflective and didn’t clump, meaning that it was effective at settling out over the atmosphere and providing longer-lasting cooling effects. Diamonds are also chemically inert, so there’d be no threat of acid rain or another unpredictable reaction.

This study suggests using diamond dust lol.

But insert wacky dream sequence intro here, its all a conspiracy theoryyyy.


I love the retard normies who think it would take legions of planes to do it too, they have no concept of space in a sphere, lmao.

You might think you’d need vast squadrons of planes to spray every inch of the sky, but the atmosphere actually does this dispersal itself. The neat thing about the stratosphere is that you can inject it with something—let’s say pink glitter—and it’ll spread all over the world, turning the skies shiny and rosy. If that’s the kind of thing you’re into.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are already seeing the effects of this, all part of the propaganda that rich people are somehow better or more deserving than the common person lmao. From what I seen most of it is being born into the right bloodlines and luck. Very few people make it to the top on hardwork and devotion alone, if any at all. The best I can think of is this 72 year old factory worker I knew in southern ohio who had been banking his money for his entire life and had a million in the bank. Thats like super rich in appalachian standards lmao. Youd never know looking at him though he was worth that much. Buddy tried to convince me to go to his church several times, I politely kept declining.

Women are something else. I try not to get caught in the divide and conquer tactic but its hard i admit.


I wrote this woman a email about another article she published a couple months back about how woman face barriers to healthcare. Explaining to her that, its not just women being gaslit and told its all in their head.

No response of course.

Reminds me a bit of my case worker alice who got upset with me one day. "I dont know why your giving me such a hard time."

Oh I dont know alice, maybe because your actively lying and fucking me over on my case, like holy shit women think the world revolves around them.

I really sometimes do wonder what it would be like if china or india took over, we deserve it honestly.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

They had plenty of practice with the physically/mentally ill first, so I dont actually doubt it that much. Do I think the numbers are exaggerated a bit, prolly.


At the end the narrator says, its important to remember what happened so we dont let it happen again. This is the same thing with residential school children who never made it back home. The church/government wanted the indians shit and that was one way they did it.

What goal does the elite have where this makes any sense.

Nah lets pretend its all fake and were gonna cheer when our countries start doing it?!


Were fucked.

Theo Boer, professor of health care ethics at Groningen University in the Netherlands, told the AP: ‘Canada seems to be providing euthanasia for social reasons, when people don't have the financial means, which would be a big taboo in Europe.

‘That may be what Canadians want, but they would still benefit from some honest self-reflection about what is going on.’

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

He mentions that it went from a lubricant to a fuel, but humans have been using oil for thousands of years for all sorts of things, including fuel.

About 2000 years ago the Chinese used oil and natural gas for heat and light. Bamboo pipes carried gas into home. Ancient Persians, 10th century Sumatrans and pre-Columbian Indians all believed that crude oil had medicinal benefits.

I know egyptians used bitumen to make airtight seals, like on the jars they would use to preserve animals, like birds.

Also, if it was so easily available, I dont think saudia arabia would have trillions of dollars in profit, how does that help the rockefellers? Im sure if he thought it was easy to take their shit, he would have done it.

He does touch on a key point about it being called "fossil" fuels, and I admit I dont know the reasoning behind that, but he does explain that its mostly made up of hydrogen carbon and oxygen, which all living things on earth are made up of.

I dont agree that its as abundant as water, and even it is, pumping it out of the ground is prolly causing alot of earthquakes and sinkholes. It would also be something else if its like final fantasy 7, and its the "blood" of the planet.

Where do I think it comes from?


Like the person in your video touches on, its biomass. Now this article explains it away as some natural cycle of algae and vegetation.

But when I read that adam and eve story by chan, lmao. It connected for sure.


Page 4 of the actual story (seems to be more stuff in this pdf now.)

Eastern Siberia and the Orient suffer a strange fate indeed - as though a giant subterranean scythe sweeps away the earth's foundations, accompanied by the wind in its screaming symphony of supersonic death and destruction. As the Artic basin leaves its polar home, eastern Siberia, Manchuria, China, and Burma are subjected to the same annihilations as south america: wind, earth-fire, inundation, and freezing.

Jungle animals are shredded to ribbons by the wind, piled into mountains of flesh and bone, and buried under avalanches of seawater and mud. Then comes the terrible, paralyzing cold. Not man, nor beast, nor plant, nor earth is left unfrozen in the entire eastern Asian continent, most of which remains below sea level.

o_O wouldnt it be ironic in a million years some new form of human is sucking our death juices dry LMAO.

I believe it too, my dad used to say how burning wood releases all the energy that it collected from the sun during its time alive, I dont see why humans, or other living beings would be any different.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get a laugh when you normies come in telling us how stupid we are, without ever actually telling us why.

I get a kick out of it.

I also love how a couple users posts religious/flat earth shit, and suddenly boom, were all flat earthers here.

I also dont consider this axo's board either.

I admit, this board is almost as dead as saidit's conspiracy board.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, its funny how this site is mentioned in a telegraph article about the january 6th "insurrection".

(was a daily dot article, https://www.dailydot.com/debug/r-conspiracy-axolotl-peyotl-banned-reddit/)

But since we dont advocate for violence, we sure as hell arent working together or cooperating/coordinating protests. Prolly not.

Pretty sure Arca and their laywers prolly record everything I say if I ever do figure out how to drag them to court for poisoning me with freon.

Its complete bullshit that nova scotia can just lie and say its a completely benign substance. Makes me fucking furious.

I know I was linking that picture on the arca website where they showed all the old fridges off the ground while being drained of freon. It did not look anything like that when I was working there. Faggots had me on the ground draining and yanking out compressors where the gas would have been the most dense. It was gone last time I checked.

I still wonder if they didnt do that shit on purpose ,but it could just be my low phosphorous/high parathyroid hormone talking. Which I still cant get help for.


This shit is honestly hilarious.

Want to know where to go for care in a rapidly evolving health care system? This online session covers options like VirtualCareNS, Community Pharmacy Primary Care Clinics, and more. Note: This session helps with self-management and navigation of the health care system but does not provide medical advice, access to providers, or appointment booking.

Instead of giving you healthcare, were going to tal kabout your "options" for healthcare.

Virtual Care, Pharmacy Care, Mobile Care, do not deal with long term issues like a kidney damage resulting in tertiary hyper parathyrodism LMAO.

Fucking unreal. Ill be dead long before anyone decides they want to help me here. Just tell me do more blood tests or take more vitamin d.

I feel like a victim of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zersetzung

Tactics and methods employed under Zersetzung generally involved the disruption of the victim's private or family life. This often included psychological attacks, in a form of gaslighting. Other practices included property damage, sabotage of cars, purposely incorrect medical treatment,

Lmao I told a wcb worker that I couldnt trust a government worker after what they did to me (lied to me, painted me as crazy).

They wrote in the transcript I said that the government was after me LMAO.

I dont know man, you think Im just imagining all this? Like how does anxiety cause low phosphorous, high parathyroid hormone, it doesnt.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still find it strange from watching that documentary about the pegasus spyware, how one of the first things the group does when trying to infiltrate a group or person is painting them anti semitic. So fucking weird.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I noticed alot of people who were talking shit about trump shut up awfully quick.

I think trump is a actor, always has been. Hes in on it and its all just a show. However he is running the states like his own business. I imagine the only people who are going to benefit are him and his cronies. Hamala wouldnt have been much different I dont think, maybe a little less public corruption but in the end it would not have mattered.

Picking from puppet a or puppet b is just an illusion of choice.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I come here for the ufo's but you guys belittle almost anyone who makes a post about it ^^. Ive been posting more in c/gaming c/kotakuinaction2.

I sure as fuck aint making a reddit account again, that place is a fucking hellhole where if you threaten the hivemind they just belittle you.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are freemason halls in nearly every city on earth it seems like.

That shit is expensive I would imagine lmao.

Nothing at all weird about that.

freedomlogic 5 points ago +5 / -0

He sure as fuck isnt wrong though.

Remember when people used to hold corporations accountable for the shit they did? Quite a stark contrast from now compared to the we are the 99% wallstreet campaigns from a decade ago.

Its fucking scary how many bootlickers there are, they think if your rich that your somehow smarter and better than other people, its a real hoot.

Anti vaccinators, conspiracy theorists, we are the sole root of all the worlds problems didnt you know?

Dont worry at all about the men behind the curtain who makes all the big decisions that control most of the aspects of your life.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +2 / -1

I still like the story that jack the ripper was a masonic worshipper tied to the royal family. (the girls had masonic symbols carved into them)

And that all the prostitutes were friends with another prostitute who had become pregnant with a prince's child. They tried to blackmail the family and they were all murdered for it.

Why does that version sound so much more believable to me than the fairytale sounding one that they have today.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

The church helped alot. The rich all conspired together to take their shit.

But oh, that didnt happen in canada, thats just like made up to make the white man feel bad for no reason.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reddit is the shittiest echochamber I ever seen, full of hypocrites who pride themselves being the "good guys". Canadians are especially hypocritical.


Heres a entire thread devoted to doxxing a home owner who is flying a trump flag outside their house. LMAO talking about shooting fire arrows and what not at the flag.

These people are seriously borderline retarded. They dont get the good deal(tariffs) that they think they deserve and they are all going to lose their fucking shit. God damn I hope china takes over canada. They deserve it for real.

Reminds me a bit when some faggot tagged my residence as a tourist attraction on google maps (someone in the thread mentions dropping a pin on google maps). I still think it was likely hfx_redditor aka the entrepreneur erasing you digital sins, but coulda been a wcb case worker, someone involved with the college of physicians, anyone.

Passive aggressive faggots these people are.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +4 / -1

Do you realize how fucking retarded you normies sound when you come in and say shit like this? Prolly just as dumb as you think we sound when were just guessing as to what the fuck is going on.


However, the exact reasons for the acceleration and subsequent deceleration remain unclear. The behavior of the magnetic field is considered “complicated” and “chaotic,” Brown tells Live Science’s Skyler Ware, which is why the WMM must be updated regularly. In 2019, scientists released the WMM one year early, because the magnetic pole was moving much faster than usual.

While these changes may seem minor to the average person, they have significant consequences for systems that rely on magnetic fields for navigation. The latest version of the WMM includes a much higher resolution map of magnetic north than ever before to help reduce errors in navigation systems.

Scientists say that if you tried traveling the 5,280 miles from South Africa to the United Kingdom in a straight line using the old WMM, it would leave you 93 miles off course by the end of your trip, per the statement.

While such an event is not expected to happen any time soon, they have occurred periodically throughout Earth’s history—the last reversal took place around 780,000 years ago. Scientists are not yet able to predict when the next reversal will occur.

So the last reversal was around 780,000 years ago. Im guessing you were alive back then so you definitely know whats going to happen now, right?

I know they dont really teach this in higschool geology, but did you ever learn that current interglacial period only started about 11,500 years ago?

The most recent glacial period occurred between about 120,000 and 11,500 years ago. Since then,. Earth has been in an interglacial period called the Holocene.

Hmm weird.

I really, really hope planet x is real and coming.


Humanity needs a reset, if not wiped out.

I can just hear mcmoneypants now as he falls down a crack in the earth.

"Stupid conspiracy theorists!!!!!!!!"

Oh by the way chemtrails are not a conspiracy theory, its called geoengineering and they admit to doing it.


I dont see those X's in old shows or movies from the 80's or even 90's, didnt start until the 00's.

For half a century, climate researchers have considered the possibility of injecting small particles into the stratosphere to counteract some aspects of climate change. The idea is that by reflecting a small fraction of sunlight back to space, these particles could partially offset the energy imbalance caused by accumulating carbon dioxide, thereby reducing warming as well as extreme storms and many other climate risks.

The science is real, why do you plebs believe its a conspiracy theory, jeezus. Have you ever actually taken the time to look at these things? A condensation trail will evaporate in a few minutes, maybe a few hours if the conditions are perfect. A chemtrail oozes and spreads out high above the normal cloud layer, like ink in water it just kinda spreads around until everything is hazed. And will stay like that for days. Are you dumb enough to believe that this is just condensation? And they say conspiracy theorist are retarded (well I might be, but whole nother argument). I am so stupid that the walking doctors cant even tell me why my phosphorous is low or parathyroid hormone is so high, they just say maybe its supposed to be like that LMFAO.

Weirdly enough I havent seen them doing it much these last few years. And its always typically before a sunset, sometimes before a sunrise.

How the price of food and bills lately? Your moneypants, you prolly dont even feel the inflation.

Thats the fault of the "stupid conspiracy theorist" too didnt ya know!! Were the root problem of EVERYTHING, lay it all on us brosef.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isnt most of social media already that way?

They only seem to serve the interests of their owners, which is usually, wealth, at all costs.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

BC, well that makes sense. I was thinking alberta, but even alberta is where the Dr. Tsokros guy is from, who told me that even if freon could cause irregular heartbeat, there is no way I was exposed to enough to do it and the fact I went and got help a year later proves it.

Lmao, how do these faggots just straight up lie like this? I attempted to get medical help, several times, before being forced to quit my job. Also how do you know it wasnt enough if any air quality tests were never done? Real head scratcher.

But canadians will trust these same faggot "experts" about covid. Holy fuck they deserve everything that is happening to them. They dont even appear literate to me. I havent even met a lawyer here who could even read properly because two of them couldnt get anything straight. LMAO. The dude from the workers advisory board leblanc and some local lawfirm that specialized in work injuries but told me there wasnt enough money involved for them to even care LMAO. Faggot retards.

Anyway, this is the same place where they wouldnt let that black lady come back as a judge because she refused to get vaccinated.

Bunch of cowards. I hope planet 9 is fucking real and on its way.


This woman had more courage and balls than any of her white faggot male coworkers.

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