factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another brainwashed retard. Honest question: why should we care? There are millions of them. How is this one special?

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is a negotiation tactic to force other countries to accept the terms for the coming global US debt/currency restructuring. Nixon and Reagan uses the same playbook during 70s and 80s.

factdigger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everything before that and a lot of after that point to the fact it is at least partially true. Now whether the actual "virus" actually exists or not, and was it "spread", that's another thing, but the intentionality of it, long planning and aim to maim/kill - that's all just been proven so many times over it's not funny anymore.

But us people, we have fickle 2 day memories. Hence the reminder.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

ATC is a man-machine closed loop interface. It can't be automated, nor can people with zero domain knowledge of air traffic control work, thinking, thought flow, actions, daily routines, etc actually "fix it".

This has been tried over and over again in the design of HCI design for the past 50 years. Engineers trying to fix human-machine interfaces.... It ALWAYS fails.

Mark my words.

factdigger 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think USAID clearing and re-instating it within State Dept (what they've done) was just removing one organized crime syndicate from the control of it, and giving the reigns to another one - the jewish Mafia - that has for the past decades controlled and run the State Dept.

So, they took the toys away from CIA and gave it to Mossad-Israel-dual-passport holders and Zios at the State Dept.

The only way to do this, was to claim it was all a fraud (it wasn't, even if 50-70% of it was), and then drive it to the ground.

But the other crime family may be down, but not out yet, they are prepping up for legal warfare to try and stall and stop all further DOGE/MUSK/restructuring moves

So in effect, this is a Mafia war of oligarchies within the USA.

The plebs lose either way as BOTH families want the digi-iD-social-credit-mRNA-jabbing-tecno-surveillance-dystopia.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is just a diversion, a limited hangout.

The BIGGEST by far scam, boondoggle, slush fund and corruption is the Defence Spending.

It has over 23 TRILLIION USD unaccounted for (The last time Mark Skidmore's team tallied it up).

Pentagon has never been successfully audited, it has always failed.

This is just a diversion to draw attention away from the worst offender, which is Pentagon/defence spending.

factdigger 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes, break the old, ridicule it, make people angry and emotional.

Make them beg for sanity, order and new rules.

Then ... ta-daa... you new Elon-Space-Grok-AI, coded in "2 days" by a bunch of "20 year olds" (<- the story). In reality, it is Peter Thiel's "One Ring to Rule them All" master-database with Oracle-DoD-backing that will measure, monitor, tokenize and blockchain everybody and everything.

The earth is a farm, the owners are just upgrading the control system.

"You are a slave, neo. You were born into bondage."

That is not an allegory, but the cold hard facts.

Currency and payment system reset is coming as well. It's part of the same restructuring.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mar-A-Lago Accords - coming soon, via ((Howard Lutnick)) part of T admin.

Google it.

US is bankrupt, doesn't have the gold in treasury, can't fund it's liabilities AND the Pentagon, so it must debt restructure, which mean s a GLOBAL currencies/reserve currency/gold/crypto/debt/trade tariff reset.

This is all 100% in the works in the background.

What you are reading on the news is just a smokescreen to mask it all.

factdigger 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a small club, they have a long plan, and you are not part of it.

factdigger 1 point ago +2 / -1

Reminder to those who are still on the Trump train:

By March 2021 it was statistically clear, shown and known by everybody in the administration that:

  • People were dying of the injections
  • Myocarditis and periocarditis was going through the roof
  • There was serious "quality control" issues from batch to batch

No amount of denial, "they lied to Trump" or "they couldn't have known" cuts it anymore. All the facts were known by then, in CDC, FDA, HHS , DoD and Pfizer data.

And Trump still defend the vaxx, wants to build a new sovereign wealth fund to benefit from the mRNA injections of "coming vaccines" and is busy appointing Peter Hotez / Anthony Fauci fanboys into the Pandemic Preparedness positions in preparation for the Bird Flu scam that is quickly being set up.

And this doesn't even touch the fact, that the whole thing was a Industry-DoD public-partnership production, in planning for over 20 years, with patents going back to early 2000s and the Moderna patent for the injections mRNA sequence being filed and accepted YEARS before Covid-19 plandemic even "started".

If somebody still doesn't get this after 4 years, they are utterly and completely brainwashed and beyond all hope.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, Mossad/IDF troll farms have their own internal sources of funding : US FED.

factdigger 3 points ago +3 / -0

The whole UFO/UAP/NHI field has become one deep state controlled PsyOP conspiracy with new "whistleblowers" being paraded in front of Congress every month.

Nobody who has been in the field for over 25 years can take iy seriously. Read/see Mirage Men and read Project Beta.

It's Greer 2001 Redux Part 3. Same old BS script.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

High Q image of Zeena:


Pay attention how the brows, eyes and lips are done with makeup (ie. not her natural contours).

factdigger 5 points ago +5 / -0

Zeena is 61yrs. Taylor is 35. Zeena's son is 47. Zeena had no daughers. For all we know.

No match.

factdigger 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lol, there's just too much happening. The world has become open 100 % conspiracy. This place has become outdated and slow.

Btw, I think USAID tit suckers are being still paid (for now). Even Politico presstitutes are still at WH press briefings.

Also, the Zio bots are now in control of USA, so no need to troll here anymore.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0


Nobody cares. Everything has been outsourced to cheapest labor for 10+ years.

Even big multinationals like Amazon, H&M, etc have totalky failin6web site code AND dark UI patterns.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

POS liar

"According to the OpenSecrets website, Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) received $280,933 in donations from the Pharmaceuticals / Health Products industry during the 2021-2022 election cycle. This placed her as the 11th highest recipient of such donations among all members of Congress for that period."

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the narrative being pushed. Dig deeper for actual truth.

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