Is anyone else thinking ---- Hitler all over again?
Make Antisemitism Great Again
Well ----- where's the Streisand effect?
civil war -------- make it three
Maybe that's as high as they can count?
For example the Pirahã people can only count up to three.
How do you say ---- obsessive compulsive.
Even one person is horrible. The Jews are ruining their.believability.
Why did BOTH Hitler and Haj Amin --- not like the Jews?
I remember reading 1, 2 , and 3 million and thinking to myself ---- this keeps going up. This was way before the internet.
I remember when the body count was about 500,000.
It kept going up every few years.
It's like they were seeing how much people would believe ---- now up to 6 million.
per phone call from Dick Cheney
Back when I was a kid
Hey guys ---- try that in Texas
Are they going to give them a shower first?
The only winning move ---- is not to pay.
It's when get them to lower the price.
I'll agree that it did not organically evolve.
Seems more like an eminent domain.
A state is a nation or territory.
The only winning move ---- is not to fund
The only winning move ------ is not to fund it.
The elites ---- have bankrupted their customer base.
Sucks to be stupid.
NEXT ------- malaria outbreak in Hawaii
NEXT NEXT new mRNA "vaccine: against malaria (which is fucking stupid because malaria is a parasite)
We have version of that in Texas -------- we call it brisket --- we worship smoldering wood chips for about 24 hrs.