This wil just set off anouther round of "Variants and Strains and Boosters Oh My!", with a side of "cHiNa 65 million per week".
None of the vax-tards' minds will be changed by any evidence, because their position wasn't based on rationality and logic to begin with.
This kind of dick-waving has the additional function of enraging the, shall we say, more excitable demographics in the "right".
(((They))) hope to harvest another splashy, media-worthy reaction to "prove the need" for additional 'laws to make us safe'.
You spelled "dispersed" wrong. It was contracted by the Pentagon to be survivable among the universities ('research sites') and military facilities that remained after a nuclear attack. It wasn't 'invented' for filthy merchants or 'civilians' at all. source
Initially (until 2022) "Starlink" receivers were all geo-fenced and would only work at your "home".
But if it pisses off AT&T, I'm all for them. Ideally, it would be like Nazis vs. Commies: I could root for them BOTH to lose...
What they've "invented" is the monopoly on financial DRM that (if they can get governments to fall for it) will make all "liquid money" ILLEGAL.
That'll put everyone on Earth subject to:
- One-click immobilization, impoverishment and 'virtual un-personhood'.
- Un-avoidable taxation at every level of earning and spending.
- By extension, universal tracking of movement and acquisitions.
SWIFT isn't good enough to prevent 'laundering' and "hoarding", so it will be replaced.
Google up "Julius Streicher". Now explain why this "influencer" shouldn't swing from the same rope.
EDIT: Want to "Non-Google" it? Here ya go...
America, that is.
There is one last chance to save it: The FBI and DOJ must be disbanded, everyone working for it fired with no pensions, no benefits, no nothing, and if we need the functions of either agency and/or DHS they must be reconstituted with hard criminal penalties for anything that even smells like this in the future.
If not, well, we're done.
That 'baukultur' word has a root matching the Weimar-era Bauhaus Art Institute.
former key figures of Bauhaus were successful in the United States and became known as the avant-garde for the International Style.
Sounds like a golden-oldie resurrected for the Globohomo era...
He literally brought money back from China in brown paper bags.
...and archive link...
Whatever "Not actually.." is proposed; whatever Talmudic twisting of words and definitions you want to apply, the same effects are coming:
- The end of internet anonymity, probably with some "biometric" Mark-O-the-Beast™.
- One-click immobilization, impoverishment, or even "un-Personhood" for 'troublemakers'. Guess who decides what a "troublemaker" is.
- Panopticon-grade tracking of movements and spending patterns.
- Unavoidable taxation at every level of exchange.
...and that's just what .gov can do 'for' us. I'm sure the hackers and scammers can figure out other methods for mischief.
I think it's been decided to pull Elon's plug. Maybe the (((whoever))), who's been flying top-cover for him as he:
- Blew off the NHTSA re: his death-trap 'self-driving cars'
- Dissed and openly disobeyed the SEC since they told hiim to clear all his tweets since the "funding-secured" stock-price manipulation
- Ignored FAA / EPA, etc. with his goofy "Space-port" HAZMAT site.
Maybe Twitter started to look a little too "out-of-control", and the SHUT IT DOWN button has been pressed.
Yay! Another 'blockchain'!!
Is that the same 'blockchain' tech that uses...
... roughly 707.6 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy–equivalent to the power consumed by an average U.S. household over 24 days, according to Digiconomist. source
every time a cryptocurrency "store of value" (cough, cough 'Tulip Craze') changes hands?
They want to scale that for use nationwide in their Mark-O-the-Beast™ CBDC-system? If so, forget about charging those 'universally available EVs'...
If I've misinterpreted something, step in and tell me; but I want to be shown how the 'correct' answer was derived.
Nobody elected Greenblatt to any position of authority.
Strip every member of the ADL and SPLC of their citizenship and prosecute them as unregistered agents of a foreign government. Upon completion of their prison sentences, deport them back to their precious Hate-State.
So where's the "ILLEGAL TO VIEW" Tweet from some expendable DOJ spokes-bot?