"Polite People Power"
Orwell would have gagged over that one...
...and now we wait for the Talmudic 'explanation' as to how this "Polite People Power" isn't that "anti-semitic dog-whistle" about 'J*ws using their strangle-hold on media, finance and thought-shaping to harm the Gentiles.'
"...water is flat"
Tell me this water is "flat". And I don't want to hear anything about lenses or perspective.
This is a troll op... She's already moved rent-free into millions of heads.
She and her (sponsors) want the max number of 'deplorables' to "rush to the barricades" and self-identify over this; the more incoherent and poorly-thought-out the "conservative" response is, the better for the "Ds".
Ideally (for them) some 'right-wing personality' will shoot his mouth off in a manner "justifying" more censorship & cancel-culture actions.
Another scene for movie idea:
Act I: A time traveler drops ten thousand iPads on the Dunkirk evacuation beaches. When picked up, the devices start playing videos of 2023 London-istan with scrolling text of the "hate speech" laws and '15-minute-city' plans. At the end, in red on a black background:
"Now, Tommy; who do you plan to spend the next five years fighting? Your German cousins, or those who make what you just saw the reality for your Grand-children?"
Act II - ???
We're fucked.
The only entity powerful enough to bring these DEI/ESG/WEF/Globohomo "pRiVaTe CoMpAnIeS" to heel, is the bought-and-paid-for, blackmailed 'Government'.
That's why calls to "Nationalize muh Internet", if successful would change nothing.
Link will download a vid showing interesting information.
The Oklahoma National Guard and the California Highway Patrol served as 'muscle' for the unconstitutional confiscation of firearms from high-and-dry, law-abiding citizens of New Orleans.
The use of 'out-of-towners' to enforce illegal or unpopular actions is a worldwide tactic. There's even a nice-sounding "justification": It 'prevents favoritism' and 'assures even-handed treatment'.
In other words it makes it easy on the trigger-pullers.
You want a 'face' to scan, bitch? Scan this "Benjamin" that I was gonna spend on your game
The Communications Act of 1934
It's got all kinds of fun things: Did you know it's illegal to own a "jam-proof radio"?