ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly! Everyone always balks at the idea of "free energy" because logically you can't create energy out of nothing. However it's perfectly logical when one considers it as just pulling energy that already exists and making use of it. According to quantum mechanics every cubic centimeter contains vast amounts of energy (led to what is known as the vaccum catastrophe). It's definitely there, it's just a matter of how can we access it? I don't know specifics when it comes to accessing it, but I am positive it has to do with resonance.

Design a contraption with a coil or multiple coils of specific sizes/values, and resonate them at the right frequency, and it should be able to tap into this normally inaccessible background energy, and using it, put out more real energy than enters the circuit.

I've definitely looked into the whole Tartaria stuff and find that fascinating as well. They definitely knew a lot of things we don't (at least publicly) know. I wouldn't be surprised if Tesla were just rediscovering some of their tech.

The earth energy grid is another interesting topic. I'm not positive about this either, but how could this be related to the earlier atmospheric energy stuff? Perhaps if that good grounding connection is located at a major grid intersection point it would allow more energy to flow? I've seen theories involving Tesla's technology where the earth is a large reservoir of energy, and the charge from the sky can somehow be used to pull energy from the ground (ie perhaps that Tartarian energy was actually coming from the ground, not the sky, but still needed the atmospheric/sky aspect of it to be able to attract the power from the ground).

Don't know how far you are in your journey into these topics, but look into Eric Dollards work (the modern day Tesla), Tom Bearden (be wary of him, Dollard seems to think he's a spook, but his work is thought-provoking), Peter Lindemann (free energy secrets of cold electricity), and any electrical engineering books from the early 1900s (Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Oliver Heavyside, JJ Thompson, etc), and the user "Theoria Apophasis" on Youtube (I'll admit he's a bit full of himself and people tend to either love or hate him, but he's incredibly knowledgable on field theory and the Aether).

This tends to lead to a bit deeper of the metaphysical topics (at least for me), and for that I'd highly recommend Walter Russell's books.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm definitely no expert on this, but here's a thought. If you take a wire, lift it high in the air, and then make a good ground connection, a voltage potential will exist between the high wire and the ground. Charge will flow. This is verifiable by attaching a wire to a drone and flying it up in the air, hammering in a grounding rod, and then connecting the two to power a diy corona motor, or anything else that's low current/high voltage.

That being said, what would happen if you took thousands and thousands of miles of wires, hung them up in the air, being insulated from the ground by power poles? Would charge be collected, and if so, how much?

If power lines are indeed harvesting charge, what percentage of our power comes from power plants themselves, vs what percentage comes from the lines themselves?

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

Grow your own pot. That way you can be more sure of what's inside it by making sure to use all-natural growing mediums and nutrients. All you have to worry about is getting good seeds, and with enough research, there should be some decent seeds available.

It's definitely way better than alcohol, that's for sure.

ancientarchitect369 10 points ago +10 / -0

Code B4 also apparently means "protecting commercial or financial information which is confidential" as far as the freedom of information act goes.

Note that since this is an FDA release summary, and not a requested document through FOIA, I'm not sure this is relevant, but figured I should mention it.


by pkvi
ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Essentially yes, but I don't think RAID necessarily had anything to do with it. More so the fact that once files are deleted only pointers to their location get deleted, and the files themselves remain on the disk until overwritten by another file, or secure wiped with 0s.

They deleted the files, but didn't do a secure wipe, so a program like Recuva could be used for recovery.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's bitforex which let's you trade with no/very minimal info required. Just need an email.

You can't buy crypto with USD though, only can deposit crypto and then trade for other crypto. Not US based.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +2 / -1

Interesting point regarding your #1 grounding to the earth point. You mentioned a buried wire run to your root chakra, and this makes me think of the similarities of electrical grounding vs spiritual grounding. What if they are essentially the same thing? Nikola Tesla talked about discovering a new form of electricity that would arc in the form of a wispy fluidic white substance. This form of electricity wasn't affected by magnetic fields so it couldn't have had moving charge like normal electricity. It makes sense to me that what he discovered is actually this vital form of energy that goes by many names, Qi, Prana, etc.

That's likely why his technology was buried. In this point in our current cycle information on this type of topic has to be something someone seeks, not something that's just thrown out there. You couldn't just have this type of energy be the primary known form of energy known to man.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was never planning on getting one cause come on man, for a virus with this low of a death rate. I know about 7 people who got one, 6 were mostly fine, one had a pretty bad reaction including being completely out of service for 2 days, fever, chills, and visual hallucinations. Sounds quite terrible, and he told me he's never getting one again. I may not know that many people, but damn are those odds shit.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

I actually had a conversation with a friend of mine about this. Everyone who hears the term "mind control" automatically thinks "crazy, mk ultra, drugs, voice of god, and so on", when in reality it can be a lot simpler than this.

Just about everyone uses modern tech and social media. These services collect so much data that the "system" so to speak (which includes big tech, cia/nsa/fbi, and all the other organizations that are a part of this "cabal"), knows everything about you.

They could easily target a group (say single, aged 20-40, within 25 miles of a government building, has likely mental health issues, owns a gun, has shown antigovernmental tendencies, is part of a certain political spectrum, etc), and then attempt to destabilize that group by altering what they see/hear through targeted media, social media, and other generalized fuckiness. Then it's only a matter of time before someone snaps, and goes attempts to kill a few people. Then boom, you have your story.

Now of course the more complicated things that some people call crazy probably exist and are being used too, but my point is it doesn't have to be. Something like this would be trivial with the way the current "system" is set up.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

Came here to say this. Don't know 100% how the universe works for sure, but it's bound to be some derivative of the electric universe theory.

by pkvi
ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

My point of mentioning older hardware vs newer hardware on air-gapped systems greatly depends on how paranoid someone may be. For example we had the supermicro weirdness a while back, talks of chips implanted in motherboards. I'm pretty sure in that scenario the chips were implanted on the network stack, so the motherboard would have to be physically wired for them to have any effect. What we don't know is if there were any similar chips ever implanted that instead rely on local wireless or cellular based networks. That way even if a machine is airgapped as in not connected to wired network, an attacker theoretically could connect as long as the machine is located within range of a cell tower. Old hardware would then protect against the mere theoretical possibility of this, as we didn't have these types of networks back then (depending on how old).

It is true that for the average person a machine like this would provide little use, as most people rely on online data. However if someone had a ton of offline data, a machine like this could still be used to analyze it. I could think of some scenarios where something like this would be useful, but as you stated, this is only justifiable for the most paranoid.

by pkvi
ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep critical machines air-gapped. I don't know about the really new machines cause who knows, there could be built in Wireless/4g/5g/satellite networking of some sort, but with older machines as long as it's not connected to any physical network I'd imagine you'd be pretty safe (until someone else gets physical access to the machine of course).

Another point I just thought of though, from reading your post. I wonder if it'd be a good idea to pick up some fairly old hardware, maybe 2005 or 2000 or before. It'd be slow as shit, and couldn't run code from the newer platforms, but for a non-networked machine for basic stuff you'd probably be pretty safe.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +2 / -0

Titty here is 100% right. Buy physical silver, not SLV. Back when silver just started going crazy physical went up to $40/oz for a short while, while SLV stayed right where it was at around $26.

I did not realize how fucked SLV was at the time or I certainly would not have bought OTM calls. If SLV kept up with the physical price during that shortage I would've made bank. Instead down 95% on that position, cause SLV has nothing to do with the physical price of silver.

ancientarchitect369 5 points ago +5 / -0

This 100%.

Silver supply is already drying up, and not even that many people have been buying. If we all bought a couple ounces the lack of supply would probably shoot the price up above $50. Plus you don't have to worry about a GME situation where you know you're buying what was once a $20 stock for $300+ knowing full well that it's going to collapse again. If you own physical silver the value is most likely going to go up over time, and you get the benefit of not being fucked (as bad) when the entire financial system collapses.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

A theory stating that gravity is based on buoyancy and density would still be a theory of gravity right? I may have to call bs on that.

In all seriousness that does seem possible. No expert here but some of the Aether based theories seem to make sense. Matter is basically the Aether compressed/spinning in a vortex structure, vortexes naturally "suck in" what is around them (Aether Torsion). Sound is basically compressions and rarefactions in the medium. Light and Electromagnetic waves are simply the medium moving in a transverse wave at a set frequency. Empty space is simply the Aether at rest, no stresses/tension/movement. Our world and everything we see is the interaction of all these components working together in a synergetic way. A giant cymatic waveform so to speak.

ancientarchitect369 2 points ago +3 / -1

Imagine being so trusting that you assume it can't be a thing even though no real investigation was ever done, knowing full well how bad of an issue human trafficking is.

ancientarchitect369 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought they were "safe to carry" but the issue arose when actually using them. The launcher couldn't launch the nuke far enough, so the person shooting it would be caught in the radiation radius.

ancientarchitect369 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh yeah, pretending someone didn't die/isn't dead isn't what I'd call a "white lie". However it's likely they really only had two options. Go through with it and get a payoff for being quiet, or be dead as well. These people are ruthless, they don't care how many people are injured/die so long as it forwards their cause. We should know that by now.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not 100% positive on the validity of these pics, but showing the other side (matching sides) the vent is still different. This is fairly weird.


ancientarchitect369 6 points ago +6 / -0

Secret Space Programs likely do exist. There even was an article a while back about the air force secretary talking about potential declassifications.

This is all speculation, but I think the space force was created with the purpose of moving assets into the public space from the secret space programs. Sort of like a "look at all this new stuff we just made", when in reality it's existed and has been built up since like the mid 40s or something. Solar Warden was supposedly one of the earlier secret space programs. There's possibly/likely bases throughout the solar system, moon, mars, asteroids, moons of other planets, etc. As far as breakaway civilizations go, I've heard some vague stuff about the nazis/german occult societies creating a breakaway civilization, starting in/under Antarctica, moving into space shortly after. At this point they would be so advanced that we would see them as "aliens". Perhaps they're the ones with a lot of these "ufos"?

I've heard there's many different factions, the "Alliance" referring to the one that's trying to bring disclosure.

I cannot speak of the validity of all this information (as it's speculation only somewhat backed up by somewhat verifiable facts). However if you want more, you should research David Wilcock, disclosure related shows on gaia (cosmic disclosure being one). There's a lot of interesting info out there.


ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh no! Lol in all seriousness I'm probably on most of them anyway.

ancientarchitect369 10 points ago +10 / -0

All you really gotta do is do a find/replace with russia/china. Anytime the MSM says "russia" did this hack, or "russia" influenced this politician, most likely it is China that did the hack, and China that is influencing our politicians.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

I actually did read the article. Also when it comes to PC I personally think it's a crock of shit. It's sole purpose is to control what we say, and lead us astray from discussing certain topics that are inconvenient to the powers that be.

It wasn't my intention to try and point this out as an "issue" for PC reasons. I was simply bringing it up because in our case it was the same link being posted by the same user perhaps every 5 minutes or so. You could scroll down new and see the same link multiple times, and it started to clog up the feed.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

It can definitely be a bit complex to get installed/set up. Maybe if I have time sometime I'll try and write up a good guide on how to set it up (if there isn't already a better one out there already).

Once it's set up though, it's pretty simple.

Open a powershell (on windows), or terminal (on linux/mac) and type the below command

youtube-dl "enter url of channel, playlist, or video here"

It'll then download the above video/channel/playlist to whichever folder path is open in the powershell/terminal.

I sometimes add a "-i" command switch in there for ignoring failed downloads when downloading a large channel. That way if you're downloading say 2000 videos, and there's a connection failure on the 700th one, it'll skip it and continue rather than erroring out causing the need to restart from the beginning. If you don't do this and it does fail and you restart it, it won't redownload everything again as long as the files are in the same folder (from before the download failure), it'll just check each one in the list to make sure it's downloaded (which can still take some time for thousands of videos).

youtube-dl -i "channel url here"

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Youtube-dl is great for downloading youtube videos as well. Also works on much more than just youtube.

As far as I know it's mainly command line, but there may be gui versions. It can download individual videos, playlists, or entire channels with a single command. It also can store a list of urls that it's already downloaded, so you can script it to auto download new videos from specific channels, without accidentally downloading duplicates. Due to the increased censorship I've successfully archived about 2-3TB of content over the last few days.


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