americathegr888 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just started reading Dune (despite reading a ton in general) and that tracks with the way the BGs use the term "humans".

That said, seems like a lot of extra work to do when you can just run some MSM articles that prompt the NPCs to bleat about how cool they are for not being able to actually formulate thoughts.

americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not ethnic cleansing, it's ethnic enshittening, because jews and their shitskin pets are inferior turd races.

americathegr888 4 points ago +4 / -0

He had numerous chronic illnesses and no exposure to poultry.

I.e., this is another fake JEW plandemic in the making.

americathegr888 -2 points ago +1 / -3


crimes against humanity


Does not check out.

americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must be some sort of child raping brown jew that you're this mad about simple facts about the relationship between kikes and their brown kike brothers. Kek.

Stay mad, shithammed.

americathegr888 2 points ago +3 / -1

Okay retard. Keep being fooled by the obviously fake and gay "conflict" between jews and brown jews, despite no evidence of them actually fighting eachother in any meaningful way.

Edit: Also kill yourself you handshake nigger

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

One point Fuentes gets wrong is the "friends of the Middle East prior to Israel" thing.

The American Navy was founded by American privateers killing sandjews for enslaving Americans. The Barbary Coast wars.

Just like their grey brothers who they are identical to except browner, brown jews are no friend of any White man on the planet, and never have been.

In fact, just like they do today, they have ALWAYS worked hand in hand with their jew brothers to exclusively and solely attack Whites and White civilization.

The jews lived with their brother brown jews in Jerusalem during the first crusade. The Ottoman Empire was THE MOST FAVORED escape of jews who were convicted of crimes in Europe for the entire period of its existence. The jews were instrumental in helping their brown jew brothers in the Ottoman Empire invade Europe. The jews opened the gates of Constantinople for their brown jew brothers. The jews betrayed Vlad "The Impaler" Tepesh to their brown jew brothers.

Brown jews share >50% DNA with their jew brothers. Their culture of raping children and being disgusting inbred trash is identical, right down to all the instructions they are given by their Talmud-fanfic, the Quran. Mohammed was a failed jewish merchant.

In modern times since jews started importing their brown brothers to Europe and the US, not one synagogue has ever been attacked by the brown jews living in those nations, not one jewish festival has been graced with trucks of peace, etc.

Yeah maybe Mohammed Mohammed the goat farmer hates jews. Big deal, because his imam or sheik or whatever the fuck gay brown jew shit they have as leaders are meeting with their rabbi brothers every week to go over the agenda of killing Whitey, and Mohammed Mohammed is all too happy to put aside his mild hatred of jews in order to attack jews' greatest enemy.

A jew is a jew, brown or grey.

americathegr888 7 points ago +7 / -0

I remember when they paid for people to pop up on any forum in which chemtrails were mentioned in order to claim they didn't exist, and were "just vapor contrails" despite normal contrails not ever hanging in the air for 8+ hours and spreading out over a massive area, and their total inability to demonstrate this happening in history prior to their "cloud seeding" (chemtrails) programs going into effect.

Now it's "of course they exist, but it's a GOOD thing, goy!"

americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's basically the political equivalent of a reality TV celebrity, they aren't gonna tell her anything important IMO.

americathegr888 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think this is the actual answer. One thing people often don't understand is that the jew contempt extends not only to people "on their side" but also to other jews as well, the jewish mindset is that if you can pull one over on someone, they're the idiot for being fooled and too trusting.

They don't tell every minion of theirs "Oh yeah this shit is poison we're lying" for multiple reasons, the main two of which are that telling people even if they're on your side is a leak risk, and because having those same "authority figures/celebrities" actually doing the thing that's fucking over everyone helps convince the masses to go along with it.

I'm sure Soros, Rothschilds etc were told not to take the poison gene therapy, but anyone below that rung, not a chance.

Further, some of them are actually ideologues to the point where even if they were warned, they would still take it just because they believe their own bullshit.

americathegr888 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I should say I am not an academic and don't care about academic versions of phrases, so when I say natural language task I just mean something where you are using natural language to describe it or it requires some operation on natural language data (conversations etc etc), not a rigidly formalized specification as you might see in related academic literature.

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another example from my own tinkering is something I've wanted for a while which was not really achievable with previous NLP machine learning or heuristic systems, which is pulling out key information from a conversation and formatting it into a machine readable format (granted formatting it isn't great unless you use other techniques but those do exist).

For my case, I want to generate some dialogue from a character using a certain LLM that's good at that, have another LLM look at the generated dialogue of the NPC and tell the game certain things:

  • Was a quest/task offered?
  • Were enemies mentioned? And if so, what types? From those types and the types of enemies actually in my game, which ones should I spawn?
  • What locations were mentioned in relation to the task?

All of these things were technically possible not using LLMs with very cumbersome and hard to utilize NLP libraries that can manually break down written English text into Subject-Object-Verb or other similar structured data, but getting at the actually interesting data was much more difficult and brittle - if your code that looked at the returned extracted language modeling didn't account for something, or if the text was poorly written grammatically etc, it could easily (and usually did) fail, whereas all of the above are trivial for an LLM to complete mostly-correctly.

americathegr888 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well like I said, tasks, not reasoning or understanding.

Example: I have 10GB of memes broadly separated into folders, but otherwise unorganized - names of files are random. Given a multi-modal LLM - i.e., can "see" (really describe) images - it's quite capable of going through each image and renaming them to a descriptive file name based on the image content, just given a prompt telling it to do that.

Same for some of the UI interaction models, where you can say "Click the button that says 'OK' in this program" and it still works even if the text on the button is "Okay", "Ok" or even "Accept" etc.

Yes you can manually do a lot of those things as well but it's more cumbersome than without LLMs.

Reasoning and "intelligence" isn't actually required for it to be useful for NLP tasks.

I actually am doing a lot of this stuff in my day job, and I can say the ability to do fuzzy type searching, instruction etc is light years ahead of where it was just a couple years ago. Doesn't mean they're intelligent or are "AI", just that they're good at attending the input context in a way that makes generating the right (or at least, usually good enough) response much easier.

americathegr888 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep, came to post much the same.

Was reading this: https://github.com/neurallambda/neurallambda yesterday and it has a really good example of what these LLMs actually do:


Text for the lazy:

User: All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. What else do we know about Socrates?

ChatGPT: We can conclude that Socrates is mortal.

This looks like reasoning. It isn't. It's picking (based on "attention" to the input prompt, and its trained word-probabilities) the next word to output. So it picks "We can conclude that Socrates is" and at this point it could have completed with "n't mortal", "mortal", "a dog" etc. but "mortal" has the highest score so that's what's picked. It's also kind of a bad example of reasoning because the context (input text by the user/previous replies by the bot) is clearly weighting "is mortal" for "Socrates" very highly when the attention mechanism reads that context.

Regardless, there was no thought process or reasoning happening. Even "chain of thought" and other methods in use for making LLMs "reason better" are basically a trick, because outputting text that describes (the most likely based on weights from training and context) some plausible reasoning process is then attended to and is more likely to produce a weighting that gives a better result.

That said, it can be used "like reasoning" in practice: For automating things that require a little bit of fuzziness, like if you want to ask a question about some text but don't have the exact word to search. It's decent at that.

It fails at planning, hard.

It's also (as of this moment) impossible to get these to actually learn new things dynamically, because the model's weights are fixed after training (training is slow and takes lots of memory). Naive methods of context implementations are quadratic to the number of tokens, so a super long context (needed for long term learning) is currently out of reach, though there are techniques to extend this, but even then we're talking about extending to 1m ish tokens, which will still require hundreds of GBs of very fast RAM (VRAM or similar) and is still inadequate for a long term memory.

What we will see instead is narrow expert models that are good at some task or job and can deal with that specific thing adequately (like automating basic computer tasks like sorting files, drafting boilerplate emails etc.).

The vision enabled ones are useful for recognition tasks etc.

They're going to be very useful and already are in natural language tasks, but "AGI" this is not.

americathegr888 4 points ago +4 / -0

We haven't even seen the real fallout in the vaxxies yet, which is prion disease. If the 1200+ side effects and diseases don't get them, the improper protein folding and production will when it causes them to go full mad cow. "If" (((they))) had designed it to be a prion disease factory they couldn't have done a better job.

Better print your M1337 gatlings now (@Nopel on the oddysey) boys, 10-15 years there will be a lot of frothing cannibal zombie vaxxtards running around.

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

Considering Gemini is already trash in a lot of ways, it will just get shittier lol

americathegr888 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reddit posts are effectively worse than useless for training a model lmao. It's a good way to make a model that is fucking retarded and responds like faggot Plebbitor trannies do, and not much else.

Quality of training data is insanely important, even more important than quantity, and ALL Plebbit posts are low quality data.

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