ZyklonShower 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol in America we prosecute people that dump flyers for littering. America has found many ways around the first amendment for example littering laws, civil litigation and restraining orders can all be used to punish speech without the ability to truly challenge them. To put it in context if I got a restraining order against you and you so much as said hello to me I could have you arrested in America.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sheeeeeit Dey be dey Schreveport family now muhfugghah.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

And? The Y chromosome is a tiny part of your dna. So in your mind you have more in common with a black guy that has the same Y chromosome from a shared ancestor in the early 1800s than you do your maternal cousin.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, the autosomal dna is what’s important- you have nothing in common with some random black guy because his Y chromosome is the same.

ZyklonShower 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why are you so fixated on child porn laws? You seem to really be upset about anti child porn laws.

Aren’t you also the guy that was upset about having to show ID to access porn but not about having to show ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, buy a gun etc. SUCH PRIORITIES.

Also lol at comparing NSDAP germany to anything we have now- germany under the nsdap was far superior to the degenerate hell we currently have.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

This wall of text is funny when it tries to claim about YDNA. is the writer aware that in the modern world YDNA is irrelevant because millions of people of all races will have the same YDNA haplogroup because it’s passed down almost uncannily from father to son with only minor mutations every 500 or so years? Does a man in Norway with R1b haplogroup share kinship with a black man in Brazil with the same haplogroup who got it because his paternal great great great great great grandfather was a White man with that same haplogroup?

Autosomal DNA is far far far more important than the Y Chromosome. Two Whites from the same country with different haplogroups have more in common than some half breed half the world away with the same haplogroup as one of them.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +2 / -1

Actually wasn’t.

More the opposite lol.

ZyklonShower 2 points ago +3 / -1

Now that bullying is illegal there’s nothing to challenge woken ideology in school lol.

ZyklonShower 6 points ago +6 / -0

Blacks don’t write their own rap(e) music. It’s written for them by jews and armenians.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol whatever, jew.

ZyklonShower 0 points ago +1 / -1

You and him are both jews talking together in Tel Aviv.

ZyklonShower 2 points ago +2 / -0

u/tallestskill just ignore the jew. It’s paid by engagement so if you ignore it it doesn’t get paid and then he’ll just have to clip the coins he’s already received or make multiple accounts to talk to himself lol.

ZyklonShower 2 points ago +2 / -0

u/crazyrussian notice the jewish pilpul in Madumarov’s appeal against his guilty verdict. It basically goes like this where he claims the group protest protest he committed was actually not a planned orchestrated protest because him and the other protestor were some distance apart.

What Madumarov doesn’t acknowledge is that the other protestor with him (the one who took this photo) was his wife, Madumarova Violeta Nikolaevna that he’s now divorced and who has her own photo of the protest (that he took of her) on her vk. Her sign and his sign, as the judge notes, were the exact fucking same sign.

That is the ultimate Jewish pilpul.

ZyklonShower 2 points ago +3 / -1

Lol the jews are really brigading heavily at the moment aren’t they?

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

Invasive species and blacks are basically the same thing.

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