JIDF forum sliding be like...
Cameras are designed by Big Photo to change how stars work and thus fool people...
Trump was not on board with the lockdowns, and every time he was forced to go along with them, he became enraged and lashed out at Birx – the person he believed was forcing him.
Man, Trump really turned out to be a little bitch, didn't he?
Anyone else remember that time lenders gave out no-down-payment mortgages to people who couldn't afford it, then they all defaulted, and the banks hid the bad mortgages in investment "vehicles" to spread them around the economy, and then it caused a global recession in 2008, and Obama gave said banks $700 billion dollars because they were "too big to fail"?
Wonder what they're doing these days?
I would never take seriously a story sourced entirely from TikTok...
I'm doing the opposite; it's time to point these people, who will suffer more than purebloods, at their true enemy.
If we don't rise now, we never will.
Me: Well that's a perfectly reasonable statement for a parent to make.
Checks name...
Excellent synopsis.
The only problem is whether or not the vaxxed even care, or would rather remain ignorant even if it means their deaths and the deaths of their children.
What exactly is the thinking here?
From watching Covid I've come to believe that high-cycle PCR tests can tell you whatever you want, but nothing has made me question the existence of viruses.
Where are the holes in the theory and what is the alternative explanation for people getting sick, particularily when they're close together?
We're the ones walking with our backs straight and our eyes open.
Covid narrarive depleted, switching to nitrogen fueled climate change.
CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur, though they are generally mild, and persons who have had COVID-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against severe illness from their previous infection.
Wow, lie to my face without actually saying any one untrue thing...
I'm surprised they didn't go with "herd immunity"; that way they could still act as though the unvaxxed were plague rats.
It literally got the vax just so it could attack and abuse the unvaxxed. It deserves everything it gets from the poison it took, both physically and spiritually. But it's right about one thing: CANCEL THE CDC!
He's not wrong.
We have, right now, all the technology needed to support our current population, which is dropping.
We need farmers, truckers, construction workers, raw material processors, mechanics and custodians.
We don't need "think tanks", scientists pushing the cutting edge, advertisers, "influencers", politicians, or capitalists funding expansion.
Let start getting rid of them and see how we do...
Nah, this is good. Just drop a the public health numbers on him (they're the same everywhere, hospitalization and death rates mirror vax rates) and everyone else reading gets a wake up call.
Remember that gen Z went through an even worse version of the school system than we did. But once they start thinking, they won't go back.
Lol, didn't several studies suggest that POCs were at lower risk from Covid than Europeans?
Imagine being "systemically oppressed" and still trusting your life to the government, when you aren't even in danger.
Looks like another case of "long Covid", lol.
Yeaaaaah, but.
If it's all because of the vax, why have the deaths already started increasing in 2020, before the vax was introduced to the public?
Seeing this gentleman makes me all the more disgusted by the fat, fine-threatening, losers that also share my country.
Time zones prevent people from taking it seriously.
Explain to me how I can call a friend in Europe from NA around dusk and it's fully dark over there? Time travel? All my friends are secretly NWO operatives? Or is the Earth a globe?
If you "believe" the Earth is flat, you got stuck at "questioning" and never made it to "thinking".
Then why do you recover from flu before spring?
Can it happen after a single contact? Cause I've gotten sick from visiting people once, who lived miles away from me.
So, do you wash your hands? If there are no viruses and all you need are vitamins, why wipe after you shit?
It's called "topology" and, yes, you can make many predictions about it based on how external objects interact.
For example: if the Earth were a flat disc, and you put a light above the disc, anywhere, it would be visible anywhere on the disc.
If the Earth were a globe, and you have a light at some distance, there will be a point closest to the light, and a circle centered on that point will represent the barrier past which the light is no longer visible due to it being blocked by the curvature of the globe.
It's pretty obvious you're talking out of your ass here...