Flat earth, no matter how well meaning its adherents may be, is designed to divert attention from other things the government and others do not want you to see.
They also make up some other bullshit claim and forget they ever claimed the first one.
Still waiting to hear how time zones work on FE. Not to mention why the sun doesn't come up in completely different directions depending on the time of year. Or even seasons, come to think of it.
It either a retarded larp or these people have simply decided to stop thinking and just assume literally everything the government says is a lie.
Because bullying works?
Flat earth, no matter how well meaning its adherents may be, is designed to divert attention from other things the government and others do not want you to see.
Why do flatters always stop replying when the inconsistencies are pointed out?
Hey, that's not entirely true.
They also make up some other bullshit claim and forget they ever claimed the first one.
Still waiting to hear how time zones work on FE. Not to mention why the sun doesn't come up in completely different directions depending on the time of year. Or even seasons, come to think of it.
It either a retarded larp or these people have simply decided to stop thinking and just assume literally everything the government says is a lie.