You've got it backwards. Humans are innately driben to seek profit and our systems of government exist to make the best use of that drive.
If you can incentivise maintaining a good reputation, efficiency, craftsmanship, and companies as long term communities, you can have those things. Our current system does not because, while companies usually start this way if they're successful, they'll inebitably be bought out by (((capitalists))) who have no idea how anything works but still consider themselves the boss because money.
That's why I always try to work for small business, even though they pay lousy and expect a lot compared to big organisations.
Castro clones?
What does 286 signify according to the Kabbalah?
The problem with crypto, which gold doesn't have, is that it depends on government to exist. If you lose internet, power, or simply can't access a computer, it's worth nothing at all.
At least with gold you can bludgeon a checkpost guard or something.
Remember your Jew lore. Three things destroy Jews: garlic, Christianity, and sunlight.
Exposing someone as a Jew is the same as destroying them because, once exposed, they can no longer hide among other people and work their Kabbalah magic. Without any other way to sustain themselves (because they cannot "stoop" to physical labour) they whither and crumble to dust.
You're literally genociding them, you monster.
Anywhere where words have more influence than actions, Jews will control
The flu shots, which started around this time, were really Covid 0.1: it was a nothing burger disease, which only really effected the elderly, and resulted in a yearly "vaccine" that didn't actually stop you getting the flu.
When I was am edgy teenage I read the Bible, cover to cover. At that time my attitude was "Hur dur, sky daddy can't actually live in the sky".
As I get older, I realize that everything in the Bible is true, you just need to figure out what it means.
Other than to allow the EUA for the mRNA injections?
Back to the real question: what exactly was in those shots?
Well, I wonder if the mass infantilizing of our young adults has an influence on pedo rates.
My grandparents never played video games or watched cartoons but it's not even uncommon among my generation for childless 40yos to do both.
Am I crazy, or were paid congressional staffers actually sent to Mexico to train caravans on how to work the system for refugee status?
Both they and their bosses need to be deported. Make Canada a prison camp for traitors.
AI operates by aggregating millions of samples.
AI asked to help with school.
AI tells student that they are not needed and to kill themselves.
Where, oh where, did it get that idea?
Why the hell are these votes even counted if they come in after counting starts?
Let them take the billions we send them and start 15 forever wars.
You can disagree with their interpretation (I and do), but they're still two different things.
Would I like to see "hate speech" eliminated from law, or reduced to an immediate and actionable threat of violence? Yes. Do I think threats should be dealt with by authorities before people take matters into their own hands? Also, yes.
Do I think there is ever a reason for thr government to make determinations regarding facts? No, never, no exceptions, which is why I'm fine with the two being dealt with separately.
Did he say he was going to revoke Section 230? Cause that would open every platform to legal liability from anything posted by anyone. Everyone would have to immediately shut down all user content or risk getting sued, or charged, for not blocked the pedo pajeet fast enough.
Eh, they're fundamentally different.
One is the government being the arbiter of objective facts, and it would be good if they were explicitely blocked from doing them.
Hate speech falls within their discretion because it has to do with whether some speech is threatening to the point of justifying violence.
Jews are pussies so we really don't need to worry about offending them.
Yes, most Jews voted Democrat.
Yes, most Jews identify as White.
These assassination attempts are too weird to be a coincidence. If the SS is so incompetent that they'd allow all these random people to get this close with weapons, Trump would have been taken out by now. I figure Trump cut a deal with the deep state and now they're staging these attempts to play up his "one man against the government" angle. This squirrel thing could absolutely be part of it.
The science is pretty solid on this one.
Not really. We're talking about comparing ice core temperature estimates, which give about a mm of data for every thousand years of time, and modern digital temperature measurement. How can you even say that current temperatures are above pre-industrial levels if that wasn't even a thousand years ago? They're comparing apples to oranges and saying, in essence "Apples are only green when they're unripe, thr good ones are orange".
Sediment cores also completely fail to account for instantaneous phenomenon, like solar flares, asteroid impacts, and volcanic eruptions, which are significant factors to global climate.
As for the interglacial stuff, he's talking about a single data point. You can't make serious predictions from a single data point.
Add to that all the "scientists say", "evidence suggests", and "models show" language and they make a pretty weak case.
It's like they're trying to get my hopes up just to dash them.
Democrats are fully admitted Communists.
I'll take Nazis over Communists any day of the week.
Part of me finds this horrific, part of me sees it as genetic dead ends removing themselves from the dating pool.
following three vaccinations
This guy got "fully vaccinated". Then, after anyone with a brain realized that the jabs didn't work, got another one. And now he asked the government to turn hin off. And my taxes paid for all of it.
Good riddance, pussy.
Profit is required to keep existing. Hunting food returns the profit of meat; if you didn't profit by hunting, you wouldn't hunt. The same is true of any organisation.
Government has no responsibility to manage people's understanding, it's the other way around. If corpos can influence people, they can influence the government as well. This is on us.
If the government is responsible for anything, it's putting kids into schools that teach them to believe whatever they're told by an authority figure. But I'd blame the churches before I blamed governments for allowing manipulation.
It's not about "big bosses" it's about outside (((capitalists))). I'll work for a company with 1,000 employees if it's privately owned by the person who started it. The problem isn't size, it's structure. When you have a public company, it's run by people who don't know or care to know anything about the company other than that it makes them money, which they use to buy the next company.
The reason that this always looks the same, for the past 70 years, is because it's the same people every single time. All companies use the same "marketing" strategies, even when they fall flat, because they're being told to by the exact same (((shareholders))). The last place I worked used word of mouth and reputation and doubled in size while I was working there. Then it got sold to someone who didn't understand the business and now it's floundering.
You have to constantly pay for maintenance of equipment no matter what, either to the original manufacturer, a service tech, or your own time.
The one thing I'll say the government could do (and already should have done) is vigorously uphold property rights, especially regarding so-called "intellectual property". If I buy something, it's mine. I should have every right to fix it, reverse engineer it, even publish technical documents to sell to others, like Haynes manuals.
But, again, this comes down to personal psychology; people don't want to fix their own stuff, they want someone else to do it, preferrably for free, and they don't care if that means they'll get screwed down the line. No amount of government will fix that.
Like it or not, our system is sustainable. It will keep going for a long time, albeit with much less prosperity. Government could prevent or disincentivise capital investment but that would mean building companies would take much longer and still ultimately result in less material wealth that we have now.
The reason it looks like everything is collapsing is because we've been in a bubble for at least 50 years. It's going to stabilize, but if we ever see prospertiy like that again, it'll be the precursor to another crash.