VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine being this narcissistic yet not being able to back it up at all.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean at this point if they're debooonking a forced cashless society that means there really will be a forced cashless society within the next 18 months.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think a lot have "woken up" but don't know what to do now, mentally paralyzed as usual. People in my life who used to be aggressively cocky in pushing the mrna jabs now just don't mention or even acknowledge it anymore. They just quietly stopped getting boosters and look like they might puke every time someone else in their social circle "dies unexpectedly" from "unknown" cause or sudden heart failure/ stroke.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

UFOs are definitely a thing but shimmering semi-transparent geometric shapes are a type of migraine aura. I've had a few of them myself and they don't always come with pain, sometimes it's just the aura.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can't be based while mutilating kids. They just brazenly play all sides. It's called "nonlinear warfare" and is the most aggressively effective mass scale psychological warfare technique known to man. The end result is psychological paralysis of the masses, which is already well under way.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is legitimately demonic

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Y'all are retarded, it's because women are seen as non threatening, even if you try to compare a female leader to Hitler or Mao or Stalin it just doesn't work. Nobody can conjure up real examples of female serial killers or female mass shooters or female genocidal dictators from history. A female puppet can get up there and push for the most horrific demonic shit her masters tell her to and the public will still just see her as dumb or nasty but not as an actual threat. Meanwhile Biden so much as gets a red light backdrop while talking like a dictator wannabe and people lose their damn minds going on about the threat, the danger, everyone should be worried, the seriousness, etc.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Idk you can do a psychological deep dive into the cliche about good times / weak men / hard times / strong men.

People who are used to adversity psychologically adapt to it, and as a result they are less risk adverse and more capable of handling otherwise stressful situations.

Look at how people who grew up in the hood can drive through the hood at night like it's nothing. Now picture your average upper middle class suburbanite needing to drive through the hood and their ensuing anxiety attack.

As another example impoverished people in the appalachians don't freak out over missing teeth, it's a part of life, getting teeth pulled with no replacement as they age. Now again imagine your average upper middle class suburbanite losing a front tooth and being told they just have to live with the gap. They would be painfully mortified and also absolutely devastated, like they lost a limb.

Point is most people are not necessarily too stupid to understand reality, they just can't handle facing it because they've lived relatively pampered lives and are psychologically fragile as a result. Only the extreme outliers with the genetics for high psychological resilience are exceptions.

Thus good times = weak men.

VanillaBean 5 points ago +6 / -1

Ngl it's hilarious how patriots freaks out about antisemitism because it's "bad for the cause" but will allow wildly misogynistic circle jerks without concern over losing support from 50% of our species. Someone do an experiment and talk trash about jewish women.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Power for the sake of power is narcissistic. Narcissists are more dangerous than psychopaths. The narcissist is severely unstable just under the surface, like a psychotic toddler once the mask comes off, and a lot of things can trigger that, so a powerful narcissist inevitably becomes a psychotic toddler with a lot of power, hence the danger.

Psychopaths don't crave power for the sake of power itself, they are just forever miserably bored and do experiments for their own personal entertainment, with no conscience involved, like letting insects devour puppies alive just to see exactly what happens.

VanillaBean 11 points ago +11 / -0

So in Canada they openly coerce people into being euthanized, here in the U.S. the system euthanizes you with a tube and then tries to gaslight your family into believing there was no other way. Both evil but two very different forms of it.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

NPCs morph into whatever they think will appease the greatest authority. They will simply transform to "support the new thing" and pretend their past was never real. This is what it means to be a NPC. They don't cling to any ideologies whatsoever, they just try to survive by appeasing the perceived biggest authority and "fitting in" with the perceived majority.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pretty sure the boomer that made this meme is oblivious to the child trafficking that goes on in this world, so yeah they probably thought it was clever and funny.

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ironically it's our duty to protect and provide for our people, prioritizing our families first and our community second, been that way for thousands of years by natural or divine design, whichever you believe. As a collective whole we really have failed miserably in recent generations, which explains why most of the women and children have gone haywire. Whether we correct course depends on whether we return to natural traditional values or if we collectively keep failing and blaming everyone else (women, government, jews, etc) like we are just helplessly inept.

VanillaBean 8 points ago +8 / -0

Idk I'm surprised young people aren't collectively a lot more distraught than they seem to be, given the clown world they're growing up in and their bleak as hell future. More and more kids lamenting a pervasive yet mysterious sadness and/or dread actually makes a LOT of sense at this point in history.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I still remember the crazy amount of "accidental" saline batches and it's impossible that so many "accidents" happened, can't even explain how someone "accidentally" sends tons of saline syringes AND nobody notices until AFTER they're being given out AND it happens tons of times in many different different locations. And that's just the ones that were busted. There is nearly no way they weren't showing selective mercy.

VanillaBean 7 points ago +7 / -0

The people all the way at the back behind all of this want chaos and collapse for the U.S. and they absolutely will expose all their sniveling useful idiot peons when it's time for that.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk I only buy loss leader sale eggs, when the grocery store is selling them for pennies per dozen just to get people into the store, and then I only buy the eggs and leave.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are no heroes in this story.

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lol this. Vast majority of republican politicians are parasitic clowns trying to stab us from behind instead of from the front like most democrats.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

The truly ironic thing is that the only way to avoid this fate would have required limiting certain freedoms, such as not allowing the outsourcing of any jobs to other countries. Nationalism as an ideology is the only way a nation survives in the modern world. People wanted the "freedom" to take advantage of having businesses in the U.S. while economically stabbing the U.S. in the back, a bunch of bloated parasites exponentially draining the blood from their host. Of course the aftermath is not enough meaningful jobs to go around. Of course the host economy is eventually going to die.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 0 points ago +3 / -3

The same people writing monologues about how the NPCs can't admit they were tricked about covid will likewise never admit that they were tricked re trump. They just take down the memes of the month whether it's "electric pence" or painting barr as a federal batman and then pretend that never happened. Like I've said before most people are stupid and weak and conservatives are not an exception.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Theory has merit because the articles about it never make any effort to make it look remotely appealing. It's like if someone was trying to pitch the idea of eating chicken by using photos of people very reluctantly preparing to bite down a raw dead chicken.

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't think it's so much a willingness as it is deliberate. They are actively trying to destroy western europe.

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