VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I don't have any diseases or anything but I'm an old guy who never married, tbh I'm just kinda ugly and a bit socially awkward and also was never motivated enough to really try, I enjoy doing things my own way and having my peace and alone time, I'm sure some people have wondered if I was gay or asexual or whatever but I just sort of naturally have always been a friendly hermit socially, lots of acquaintances for good convo but then my home is my own, all of this just to say that it's not some terrible fate unless you decide it is, messages about "hope" are irritating to the mind when "hope" isn't even necessary, just casual acceptance, to each their own but I live for things like breakfast at my favorite diner, listening to my music while relaxing on the porch with a drink at sunset, the rewarding feeling I get growing high quality raspberries, stuff like that, life is supposed to be simple with various little joys, think about how our species experienced life for thousands of years, that's what normal

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean there is definitely something about autumn and the west experiences full transition into noticeable distinct autumn atmosphere (you can sense it outside, very distinct atmospheric change) in late Sept, many people go NUTS over fall, many people seriously LOVE fall, many people experience a different sort of headspace during the distinct fall atmosphere, there could be something to this tbh

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

More original content that features black people is fine, but everyone with an ounce of awareness knows the only reason entertainment staff make stuff like a black little mermaid is to piss off some white people, that is THE reason they do it, it's a form of trolling and nothing more, that's why black people had a field day with it on twitter but weren't actually into the movie itself, now versus black panther movie and all its original lore and world building with cool black characters, see how black people actually got into it and the spirit of it was totally different

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

They won't assassinate Trump unless they are wanting to enter into a chaos stage, shit will hit the fan across the nation if they kill him, so if they do kill him their end goal won't be to restore trust in government, but they don't seem to be there yet; as mundane dystopian as it is, they are going to repeat literally everything from last time, and for no other reason than because it worked last time, ie smear trump with as many straws as they can grasp, more covid pharma fear porn and more flagrant election fraud, just the same tired bs 2.0

VanillaBean 10 points ago +10 / -0

People get insane about this topic if you point out plainly that it's literal genital mutilation not to mention without consent, and I mean truly INSANE, complete and total departure from coherent reality, I think there are too many parents who are too terrified to grapple with the reality that they let someone mutilate their kids genitals so it just "can't" be true because they can't handle it

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm in an area that goes all out with the halloween decor ie giant statues inflatables animatronics etc and it's very much so a competitive thing, people with money to burn want to be the coolest house and win facebook competitions and impress the trick or treater kids, but also people want to be unique so one guy buys a 15ft skeleton but then 5 other guys get 15ft skeletons and then next year 15ft skeletons aren't considered cool anymore unless they dress them unique somehow, and the creative types make all their own stuff and try to stand out as original, it is frankly like guy version of women picking out the perfect dress for an event and getting upset if another woman wears same dress, couple years ago 2 guys in same neighborhood unknowingly both spent lord knows how much on the same giant animatronic creature thing and apparently it was "awkward" but bottom line retailers make $$$ off these people

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Younger adults today are completely financially fucked, the economy has gone to hell compared to decades ago, as per usual tptb know how to play both sides, the lefties try to normalize poverty as wholesome and traditional while the righties blame the younger generations as simply being inferior, both sides keep their heads in the sand and aim to keep younger generations from reaching the point of revolution, whether it's the lefties trying to normalize it or the righties insisting everything is fine the people in their 20s & 30s just suck, personally I'm rooting for the zoomers I hope they snap and clean house, the millennials unfortunately bought into the idea that they are all just pathetic babies and became mostly a bunch of depressed doomers

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

MTG follows same pattern as Musk, occasionally fucks up BAD and has all the whole MAGA crowd screeching that they always knew she was a fake / traitor, but then a few weeks or even days later she posts a sassy diss the libs tweet and they love her again, and then the weird histrionic behavior woven throughout

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Idk man you're quoting a rule given to some humans vs an act carried out by angels, but even disregarding that, the idea that a divine being has to act the same way in all possible circumstances like a soulless robot is also a weird notion, a stronger argument is that Jesus's power level was on a whole other level such that he didn't have to fight, he was able to simply command, whereas angels are on a power level that requires actual battle, and this difference makes sense considering Jesus's main objective of helping humans in spiritual warfare not a battle of flesh and blood

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Women's faces look different in newer generations, I have a hard time articulating exactly how but I can point it out instantly, once in a great while I see a younger woman with essentially a vintage phenotype expression and find it very nostalgic, it's not even a hot/sexy thing some of them are more so homely-cute but I swear there's certain genes that used to be more common and are now rare and while it's a subtle difference I do miss it

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure how anyone could think this unless you have almost no real life awareness of the society around you, the lockdowns were brutal on the vast majority of people, nearly the entire low wage working class was exempt from any lockdown stuff, people still had to go to work and serve utterly insane customers whose daily life left them free to go shopping and run errands through all that nonsense, but you were "lucky" to be a wage slave dealing with psychotic karens and kens in public, the unlucky ones lost their jobs when places shutdown and went out of business, and the compensation from big daddy fed was what $600 for a year lmao? The cushy do nothing office jobs are a tiny % of the jobs market, lockdown was extremely unpopular and for good reason, but between reddit bots insisting it was good and maga memes crying about millenials for the umpteenth time you could think the lockdowns were well received if you only went off of internet bullshit

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Any time western civilization is close to overcoming an "ism" the marxists have to find a way to kick the hornets nest because they gain power by posing as grand fighters against the "isms", so without the "isms" their whole platform becomes defunct, same reason we went from a rather successful "don't see (ignore) color/race" approach to flipping it around so that everyone MUST make a BIG deal about color/race to be the "good guys", in the case of trans BS it's because we were very close to achieving a rational cultural perspective on gender where both sexes were welcomed to do whatever they want with their hair, clothes, career, hobbies, etc and nobody was "less of a X" or "not a real Y" so the marxists rushed to flip that around, too, so that gender stereotypes now = gender according to the "good guys" and so on and so forth

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Still ultimately doesn't make any sense though, the vast majority of non whites can't distinguish between white people and light skinned semitic people, most people who identify as jewish look white, only a very small percentage actually fit the visual stereotypes, if they kick up another full blown race war the it's not like every stein and berg is going to be seen as jewish, they will be seen as white and treated accordingly, the existence of white civilizations is literally the only thing allowing jews to be their own separate identity whenever it behooves them

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're trying to make a case that Trump was trying to overthrow the government and are referencing things he said to make their case, ie on such and such dates he tweeted this and called that person and yada yada, this is a circus show compared to actual professional trials where there have to be actual steps taken towards an effort not just someone whining on social media and bitching on phone calls, Trump himself is a joke but this isn't really about him, it's about normalizing the idea that all a person has to do is openly criticize and question the government while demanding investigations & that alone being enough to convict someone of conspiring to overthrow the government, it's just another step towards overt fascism

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hits different when you're old enough to have experienced multiple times when something that would've been considered incomprehensible sci-fi when you were younger becomes common technology, those moments happen and your brain has to go through the process of "okay this actually real now" and in a sense it humbles you to the possibility that you're probably going to have that experience again at some point if you live long enough, ie concepts that once seemed very far fetched being introduced as totally real, at this point laser weapons don't seem that crazy

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thread title made me imagine a fat barbie that is basically like a stress ball toy and now I actually kind of want one

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

In addition, sometimes also hospitals also lack enough psych staff with the right temperament for these patients and the regular ER doctors get overwhelmed with them, borderline personality disorder patients who tend to be mostly crazy eyes women tend to threaten suicide on a regular basis and make numerous disingenuous suicide attempts, they're developmentally stuck around toddler age emotionally and only communicate their needs/feelings through temper tantrum dramatic outbursts, imagine being an ER doctor dealing with the ongoing mental wear of people who don't want to die actually dying while you struggle to save them, and then here comes bitchy beth the borderline to hold up the ER with more fake suicide threats, I can totally see a doctor losing their composure one day and going "okay fine maybe you should just do it", those patients should be redirected to another team entirely

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The human brain evolved for thousands of years to handle knowledge of its own surroundings and a relatively small group of humans, the human brain is not designed to process vivid awareness of stuff happening all over the planet nor is the human brain designed to have so much social interaction through textual format only, which kinda mimics schizophrenia if you think about it from a sensory perspective, but bottom line is the human brain is not designed for the modern first world, it's designed for the life experience humans experienced for literally thousands of years, even our forcibly structured sleep cycles are abnormal with most people in the first world chronically low key sleep deprived and/or their circadian rhythms are way the hell off, people are gradually going insane because their brains are the result of thousands of years of waking up naturally at sunrise and spending all day chopping wood and gathering food among a tribe/village, and now that same brain is trying to function in the absolute unnatural shitshow that is modern society

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

They speculate that it's climate change and are not freaked out at all, this is same crowd that points out mass insect die off as proof of climate change and simultaneously agrees that eating the bugs that are left is a sound solution

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I find it really odd and kinda fascinating how the racism and sexism stuff go in polar opposite directions, if the right were to get really loud about how most women are not physically strong enough to be firefighters, you'd get a line of not even in shape women demanding to be allowed to run into a burning building and die with msm like yes let them do it they're totally capable, meanwhile the left insists math tests are racists against black people because they can't pass math tests and the overwhelming popular narrative is yes this absolutely true no more math tests so black people can graduate, like what nuanced differences in the brainwashing caused these polar opposite reactions in 2 different demographics receiving an otherwise identical narrative about how they need more equality

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Idk this comes across differently to me tbh lol, the company's webpage about the program says it's a learning course to help people be better managers, and it lists the 4 things taught in the course:

  1. How to develop strategies
  2. Critical Thinking
  3. Networking
  4. How to solve problems

The company's own exact words, yes a class on how to think critically, and it's only for the not-white managers because white managers don't need this extra uh educational help

This just reeks of the usual "bigotry of low expectations" crowd

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

I used to see things that way but the mrna shit changed everything, so many people I previously had thought were playing dumb about all manner of things went and got that shit injected into their own bodies multiple times, many without any real pressure such as job threatened, just completely voluntarily, among the most haunting things I've seen in my life because without a doubt a notable portion of the population is genuinely insane/retarded and tptb flexed it in our faces

VanillaBean 8 points ago +8 / -0

A basic labor job like warehouse worker used to support a family of 4, frankly impossible to tell at this point how many working age adults would put in an honest 40 hours of work every week if it actually afforded them a home, reliable vehicle, basic healthcare, utilities, groceries etc ie cost of living, because there are far more working age adults than living income jobs, welfare abuse is real of course but can't fix it while the feds and globalist corps are fucking the economy in the ass, as both are by design (ruin jobs market and put people on welfare instead to increase government dependency)

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jesus's teachings were lumped into the bible with multiple other religions and prophets to not only muddy the waters but get people to "throw the baby out with the bath water" so to speak, Jesus's teachings can't be properly understood unless you disregard everything else in the bible and consider his teachings on their own, the way you would have had you been some illiterate orphan child who met Jesus himself in the desert and only digested his own words, Jesus even explained outright that people must be able to become like children to enter the kingdom, he even used dumbed down metaphors trying to help people understand basic concepts, and nothing he taught was exceptionally wild or groundbreaking to anyone who doesn't have their head shoved up their ass, for example rituals in a temple don't make a man holy, Jesus presented himself in his teachings mostly as the concept of TRUTH which encompassed all things, the true nature of choices and behaviors, the true nature of people, the healing power of truth, not trying to manipulate or deceive or lie or coverup things or be a fake in public, as none of this will save your ass forever, better to rip off the bandaid and let the fresh air and sunshine of truth do what it does

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