by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bit of a twist when msm is allowed to use it 6000 times but the citizens are not allowed to use it at all. Are there other examples of this? Where msm can use a term/phrase constantly but not grandma on fb?

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably just another test. The vast majority of people won't even notice let alone give a shit. Means TPTB indeed still have the power. Always testing the waters. They don't want to be caught off guard by people waking up. If people are going to wake up, TPTB want to be ahead of it and control/direct it in their favor.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Preservatives possibly. Most tourists in Europe only eat freshly prepared foods.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pretty sure both U.S. and Russia faked some shit in a desperate effort to make each other think they were more ahead in the race than either really was. Not necessarily a fun conspiracy, just cold war bluffing.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

That sounds really cool and all until you're trying to making earrings and hair dye illegal because it's not the creator's own original design. Humanity has spent literally thousands of years trying to pinpoint a good line in the sand and children vs adults is it, ie don't mess with children but adults make their own choices and own any consequences of those choices.

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

I tried psychedelic mushrooms when I was younger. They basically unlock new perspectives that you probably never would have experienced otherwise, and the novelty of those perspectives makes them feel rather profound. In addition to new perspectives to experience and consider, it also tends to leave people a bit more open minded and thinking critically because the experience unto itself offers greater awareness of just how much you don't know or notice in your daily life, and to know that you don't know is powerful when it comes to ongoing personal growth. A government that wants mindless herd animals as citizens obviously won't want psychedelics to be normalized, to say the least. Obviously psychedelics need to be respected in the same way firearms need to be respected, ie you need to be responsible, safe and informed. But I can easily see how psychedelics could be healing for many people with unresolved trauma because they offer new perspectives, and people with PTSD and similar struggles are often psychologically "stuck" in one detrimental perspective.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Capitalism at its core means no entity government or otherwise has the right to use violence or other significant threats to force you to participate in the economy.

Corporations can certainly be evil monopolizing overlords but they don't get to force you to work for them or purchase their goods/services, and they're not allowed to forcibly stop you from trying to compete with them, either. You are always free to boycott for any reason.

The alternative is that some entity ie the "government" gets to force people to work X jobs for X compensation (or else) and gets to decide for you what you can purchase and how much and for what price. Police brutality against union members on strike is a historical example of anti-capitalist sentiment from government, though the irony is lost on most modern day anti-capitalist pro-union types, who can't comprehend that unions are quite capitalist in their nature, using basic supply/demand principles in negotiations.

But anyway, people are turning against capitalism because capitalism does require active participation in society and a willingness for personal sacrifice, in the forms of boycotts and strikes etc, to use deliberate supply/demand maneuvers as leverage.

Instead more and more people just want a powerful authority figure to do all the work for them and save them. Most people are frankly going to get what they deserve as capitalism is thrown out the window in favor of brazen government control.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

So y'all believe a hateful radical feminist bordering tranny as long as they tell a story that supports your notions huh. Interesting.

Couldn't be that she was never truly "passable" and was socially strange, invasive and inappropriate towards women during her "experiment" and the women recoiled.

Nah her suicide isn't because she was always mentally disturbed, it's because other women totally thought she was a man and then they were all super mean to her in some unspecific way so she eventually killed herself.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

LOL we really are watching a movie!!

by pkvi
VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

The math actually suggests that the current global population is fine, if you divide the total square footage of habitable land by the number of people. Even assuming that each person would have their own home and no couples or family units existed, even with that wild hypothetical everyone still gets a big piece of land. Factor in couples and family households and now everyone gets a big piece of land plus there's plenty of land leftover for farming, manufacturing and general public enjoyment. People will make arguments without fully thinking them through. For example they'll point out how in some civilizations the average lifespan is notably greater than it was 1000 years ago. True, but that population increase caps off at a certain point, it's not ongoing let alone exponential growth, and the space and resources used by most elderly people is quite minimal, it's not a problem, and is still offset by fewer children born as childless people and parent couples having only 1-3 children has become the norm. There are factors causing major problems but total number of people is not one of them.

VanillaBean 4 points ago +6 / -2

I live in a big urban city controlled by democrats and I am forever bewildered by people's beliefs about the welfare. Someone making $25,000 pre tax per year doesn't even qualify for food stamps. That's an $11/hr job again pre tax. Then the people making around $14,000 pre tax per year working part time jobs, people who do get food stamps, get about $50 per month, or about $1.65 per day. The memes showing carts full of name brand junk food to represent "welfare" people grocery shopping are laughably ludicrous.

If socialism actually worked the way it is described by its advocates, then yes the whole gravy train concept would exist, but in reality it works the way y'all warn it does. The leftists fatten themselves up while the "welfare" is quite pitiful. Using the examples provided by reality would work much better to drive home the point, rather than by erroneously suggesting that millions of citizens are having their ways paid by the state, which makes it sound like the socialism approach actually works for poor people (it doesn't).

The people living in houses with trash bags for windows yet wearing $600 shoes, those people get money off the radar, usually but not always forms of crime. The government isn't giving them a bunch of money.

Now the situation with invaders being given royal treatment, that's a whole other issue, but with the typical low income urban family living in the ghetto, the government gravy train simply isn't real. They don't rely on the government. They rely on their own underground economy, again often rife with crime.

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's being used to make it really obvious that the position of president is absolutely pointless and just for show. Predictably the NPC masses don't want to talk about it, or even acknowledge it. This was a test and the results are what TPTB were hoping for. The shadow government is just an obvious known thing now, not a conspiracy theory, and most people are okay with it.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Defining a Jew is a lot like defining a woman these days. You'll get some responses based in reality but a lot of responses from the smoke and mirrors land of make believe.

I worked with a guy who told me he was half Jewish, that his mother was Jewish, and that specifically she was not religious at all but that her parents were. His father was a catholic raised white guy.

Some people will tell you that my coworker was a Jew, and among those people they will have different reasons for claiming that. Some people will tell you my coworker was not a Jew, and again their reasonings will vary.

This is why the obsession with "Jews" is pretty pointless, in the same ironic way that nazi Germany wound up acting like communists with their desperate paranoid purgings in their battle.. against communism.

Basically you can easily figure out who the baddies are without having to argue over whether or not they are "Jews" especially since it doesn't matter anyway, baddies are baddies.

It makes a lot more sense to have certain qualms with certain governments, including Israel. I don't care if they worship a furby, they shouldn't get such special treatment. It's not like Ukraine's special treatment is "okay" so long as they aren't "Jews", the special treatment itself is the problem. That government obviously shouldn't be getting billions of dollars, we know what's really going on with that.

VanillaBean 0 points ago +3 / -3

More like pushing back against a 2.0 experience of 90% of the right thinking Trump is a mythical savior figure playing 4D chess against TPTB until he single handedly saves America and beyond, followed by that same 90% just instantly repressing it every time they're betrayed.

Trump is still a better pick than say Biden or Clinton, obviously, for no other reason than how Trump's rhetoric inspires a lot of people who would otherwise just sit home in the dark of defeatism. But Trump is a far cry from a true light warrior like Ron Paul.

It's a double edged sword because Trump makes people feel like everything is just automatically going to be okay as long as he's in charge so they can all just relax and wait for Daddy to save them. Remember most people are stupid and weak, and the right is composed of people, too, not a bunch of superhuman / demigod figures.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +4 / -1

Depends on where you're at on the internet.

Nobody here needs to be reminded that the left side of the aisle sucks, but many here do seem to struggle with grasping that the right side of the aisle also sucks.

Somewhere like reddit and it's reversed, nobody needs to be told that the vast majority of republicans are parasite clowns, but many still think the democrats are the "good guys".

Places like youtube are a mixed bag, depends on the channel.

VanillaBean 5 points ago +6 / -1

Most of the comments agree that the mrna injections are dangerous and conclude that the MSM is trying to set the stage for blaming Trump. Those that disagree with these perspectives are a minority and mostly go ignored.

Views on covid in general are pretty much like this place. People who believe that covid is a real virus that is dangerous and either mutated from a Chinese bat or was created in a lab, and people who think viruses aren't real at all. Hard to find the people that understand viruses are real and "covid19" was madeup bs and it was just the usual flu.

The only significant differences between here and r/conspiracy are that over there they have marxist trolls and over here we have neo nazi trolls.

by xihg
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only cultures that give Jews special treatment for religious reasons wind up having a problem with them. If you voluntarily create a special untouchable class then yeah that group is going to become a problem. Neither China nor India believe that Jews are special chosen ones of God or that horrific apocalyptic prophecies will unfold if bad things happen to Jews. So they don't give them any special treatment, not to the ethnic group nor to their nation. So there are no problems.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm mostly just amazed they can find so many people willing to do this "job". Most people don't even watch the "news" and have no idea that "takedowns" over possible tax filing errors are coming. So what happens when some random person in a fake police uniform tries to pull a gun and tackle mr business owner? This "job" is going to be dangerous as hell.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Autism is a sensory processing disorder. The way their brain processes sensory information is abnormal, with some sensory stimuli being very amplified and some sensory stimuli being very muted. Imagine lights being way too bright and sounds being way too loud to the point it overwhelms your brain. In distant times these people lumped into the same vague category as other people with brain abnormalities that made them unable to function properly or to function at a notably lower level than most other adults in their civilization.

Aspergers is a mild form of autism where the sensory processing abnormalities are quite subtle and so the person can be perfectly high functioning, but if you pay attention you can notice how they tend to hyper focus on certain things and be oblivious to other seemingly obvious things at the same time.

The idea that autism/aspergers is about the way a person thinks is a relatively new concept. It's like the "experts" tried to shove a whole personality and cognitive style under the autism umbrella. For example being highly interested in the finer details and inner mechanisms of how something works doesn't mean you have a sensory processing disorder, it just means that particular angle of analysis interests you more than other angles, nothing more or less.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The covid thing was way more intense than merely media. Hospitals were given monetary incentive to let people die and then blame it on "covid". A lot of people knew somebody who was basically murdered by willful negligence and malpractice but told the death was inevitable from covid. This whole thing went way beyond propaganda. People were terrorized with death by willful incompetence, they weren't thinking rationally in their grief.

VanillaBean -1 points ago +2 / -3

People see how stupid the lower rank and file of the swamp are and underestimate the wizards behind the curtain. They think they could never fall for controlled opposition even for a short period. It can happen to anyone. What matters is being able to pull out of it.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

Memes like this are posted a lot by both the right and the left, one of the areas where everyone knows what's up.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some people are claiming the virus could have spread by pus from the sores somehow getting in the kids mouth in a non sexual manner but how do you have a virus with awful open sores and not bother to make sure it doesn't spread to kids? Like what happened, they took their kids toothbrush and rubbed it on their sores? They touched their open sores with their hands and then immediately made their kid a sandwich? Instead of isolating away from their kid to protect them? Even without any sexual abuse it still looks pretty damn bad.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Musk tries to pick what he perceives to be the best qualities of what he perceives both the right and the left sides of the political spectrum to represent, and then to combine them into a "best of both worlds" ideology while removing the bits he perceives to be detrimental from both sides.

He does this because he understands how team red and team blue work in tandem to keep people in a "lesser of evils" mindset so that they always settle for some level of evil, and Musk's brain is wired to automatically try to solve the problem in the most convoluted yet systematic way possible.

He then tries to coach republicans on how they can achieve this perfected hybrid political ideology and ascend to the next level towards utopia, from his perspective he is genuinely trying to help them, just as he does with the left on occasion. That's why he's such an oddball to TPTB.

But he is also highly experimental with ideology, immersing in different views in addition to battling them, to understand all ideologies better, in pursuit of something perfect and yet unknown.


VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nobody that voted for Biden talks about Biden.

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