VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

And of course at this very moment they're having a huge pissing match over at pdw, where the people who are rabidly insisting that nobody is welcome unless they 100% support this one man, are using the same argument style seen over and over again from subversive shill types. People really need to understand that tptb are the ones doing 4d chess, always have been, they've dedicated centuries to perfecting it, they study every group extremely closely, they're certainly smart enough to know what patriots see as "red flags" so they can cast massive doubt on a legit person just by endorsing them, and they're fully aware that sycophantic support of trump is a huge deal for their controlled opposition ops, they know what they're doing, too many patriots underestimate them

VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's such an expensive place to live that nearly everyone living there is choosing to do so, hard to feel sorry for any of them, let them see how their approach turns out for them, just natural selection doing its thing

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay but how retarded do the ruling class jews gotta be to have so much power in media and still not understand the streisand effect, I mean seriously, maybe if they didn't have a hateful hysterical meltdown everytime someone simply notices them in government, finance and media then people wouldn't be turning their heads to look closer

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 5 points ago +7 / -2

It's extremely obvious that he just wanted to destroy it and get it out of the way, and buying the ship was the only way he could sink it, he's obviously having a lot of fun with it too, since his intention is to run it into the ground, so he can make sweeping impulsive moves and troll people all day, but it does imply that he has his own plans to make something in the near future that would have considered twitter a competitor, so it's a case of stay tuned and enjoy the dumpster fire circus show in the meantime

VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

It would be really wild tbh, like almost comical in dark way, these days, most in the military/police being obese vaxtards and a bunch of civilians untrained but with guns, talk about reality feeling like a movie

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

I truly think Trump is at his core just a vain money hungry guy, whatever he thinks will get him more money and frivolous luxury in life, that's what goes for, period, I could be wrong of course but I really don't think he buys into zionist bs or even gives a damn one way or another about any race, it's as simple as jewish friends/family = easier/more money, the only scenarios during his presidency where he had a bonafide right to brag were all business/economy scenarios

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

Trump was close friends with the Clintons for several years and was also an Epstein buddy, he has said so much retarded shit in the past 6 years it's almost unbelievable, not to mention the highly questionable choice of pardons and much more, honest to God if he had been running as a democrat the same people on the "maga train" would have torn Trump to shreds, yet with a touch of charisma he still easily hoodwinked them all, and they are STILL sucking his dick even after he outright abandoned the J6 patriots, tptb would have to be off their meds to not maneuver Trump right back into position because either they just rig the election against him, or if he wins he's still excellent controlled opposition AND they can use him to whip up more TDS hysteria on the left, Desantis is frankly b o r i n g in comparison so if Desantis wins the left won't freak out on anywhere near the level they would with Trump, and while Desantis is probably controlled (since aren't they all) he hasn't fucked up (yet) and is harder to ridicule since he is building results

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's almost like white women jumped ship after white men started eating zionist ass for breakfast, can't blame them tbh

by pkvi
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're getting downvoted by angry retards but you're 100% correct, the dems deliberately left the abortion thing vulnerable with the full expectation that the supreme court would go after it, they wanted SC to go after it so that they could use it to drum up hysterical support despite them murdering the economy, it's extremely obvious that was the plan, it's why they never codified it when they could have

VanillaBean 9 points ago +9 / -0

The fraud was really obvious before and yet the vast majority of citizens went "this is fine" and carried on with their lives, the problem runs much deeper than the fraud itself, we are a nation of pampered pussies, nothing is actually going to change for the better until people are starving and freezing to death, so frankly the faster this whole system collapses the better, I don't blame people for still trying to vote their way out of the mess, I mean who wouldn't want that to work, it's the most ideal scenario, but everyone not living in la la land knows we're way beyond that point, but not yet at the point of widespread revolution either, it's the truly obnoxious in between stage so let's get it over with already, let them utterly destroy the economy and then we can go from there

VanillaBean 2 points ago +4 / -2

If Russia really felt so inclined then Ukraine would be absolutely curbstomped over night, whole thing is obviously a farce

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Rigging the lottery is the smallest of potatoes compared to most of the evil shit we already know the government does, which is also how you know most of the public is deaf dumb and blind, even most of the people who trash talk the lottery are arguing about math, not the government lol

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

It seriously doesn't matter. Only genuine revolution can change anything at this point, and genuine revolution won't happen unless people are starving to death. That's why tptb are boiling the frog as slowly as possible. But until then even the psyops are totally unnecessary, just alphabet goonies trying to justify their salaries.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same, most pro capitalist civilians are thinking in terms of local economy, the capitalism of the ruling class is global in its ideological scope, not nationalist, one of the most common misunderstandings I see between people debating economics ideology, even most anti capitalists I observe and debate with online ultimately are referring to globalist capitalism

VanillaBean 1 point ago +3 / -2

I'm still convinced Russia and Ukraine are in cahoots with all this, Russia is hardly starving for economic opportunities with other nations if the west won't play, and of course Ukraine's corrupt government is getting billions, western countries including U.S. are the only ones getting economically wrecked from the conflict, would also explain why so many of the stories/videos/photos coming from the conflict wind up being staged bs, Ukraine helping its big brother take down some rivals

VanillaBean 7 points ago +7 / -0

Either way now the adl has to come up with some type of "it's different when we do it" spin, clown world about to reach yet another level

VanillaBean 9 points ago +11 / -2

The people who still to this day can't admit Trump was controlled opposition are never going to admit that Musk isn't Techno Jesus.

VanillaBean 20 points ago +20 / -0

It's almost like a higher power waited until groups like the adl had spent decades trying to whip everyone into a hateful frenzy against white people for XYZ things and THEN started revealing that it was jews behind most of XYZ the whole time, otherwise it's one hell of a crazy karmic coincidence

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Them denying we're in a recession is some USSR type shit lol. No a nuclear reactor didn't explode here, that could never happen here..

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welcome to the doomer squad, we have uh.. reality, and uh.. that's basically it, but welcome nonetheless.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just wait until they introduce the cure for the mrna fuckery, if anything is going to usher in the antichrist it just might be that, a figure that will be seen as a miracle working savior to the world

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wouldn't say delusion if it was certain that they would get away with it, but again they're overplaying their hand, all this aggression just because the person acknowledged the historical existence of jewish slavers, this isn't some cringe neo nazi tossing slurs around and it's not even someone questioning the details of the holocaust, it's literally just "jewish people did some bad stuff in history too" and they're very publicly trying to not only ruin his life but coerce him into groveling for mercy, they done fucked up, the sympathy for them is about to evaporate into thin air

VanillaBean 10 points ago +12 / -2

Okay but hear me out, even without the Qanon psyop nobody was ever going to do anything anyway, not you or me or anyone else, and we all know it, this country is 100% doomed so people can enjoy their larp entertainment if they want, frankly it's way more cringe for anyone to be pretending that patriots would have done anything more than they did "if only it hadn't been for Qanon", talk about cope and larping

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Most people are going to be deep in denial forever. Imagine if you encouraged or even pressured your own close family member into taking the mrna injections and then they died of "suddenly and unexpected" and also imagine you are a typical fearful narcissistic npc. Are you going to let yourself even consider that your loved one died of something YOU encouraged or even pressured them to do, through coercive threat of being ostracized and ridiculed? Nah. It'll just be "baffling" and "mysterious" forever.

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