Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Angry bot only focuses on personal attacks to avoid the argument. :D Thankfully, I can just mute you. :D

Traxx -1 points ago +1 / -2

Angry bot only focuses on personal attacks to avoid the argument. :D Thankfully, I can just mute you. :D

Traxx -2 points ago +1 / -3

Avoiding argumentation, spewing baseless insults - classic "honesttruth". :D

Let me guess, you will get more angry in your next comment and continue with the insults? :D

You shills are so predictable... So do they pay you for the number of comments that you leave, because your replies are getting dumber every time. :D

Traxx 1 point ago +3 / -2

The most in recent years? Is that just a free upvote-grab post?

Everyone, who is not a brainwashed American, can figure out that the US is the whore of Babylon.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2oMv93EUpY - This low level of intelligence is not possible in any other country. The US is a laughing stock. The mainstream media just boosts American's ego so they think they are better by living on loans their entire lives. :D

Did you know Americans avoid healthcare because it costs too much, while I go to a better doctor for free in my country in Europe? :D Only idiots will agree with such f*cked up "healthcare" system, wouldn't you agree?

Traxx -2 points ago +1 / -3

Considering you spew death threats to anyone, who disagrees with you, I would go with "Ironic post" on that one. :D

The shill posts "we are surrounded by shills" - hilarious! :D

Traxx -1 points ago +1 / -2

So angry... Your parents didn't want you, right? So you get angry for the smallest thing at all times. :D

Keep up that low quality. It suits you perfectly! :D

Traxx -2 points ago +1 / -3

Typical angry bot. :D I like seeing you so angry. Keep it up the low quality. It's what you're best at anyway! :D

Traxx -1 points ago +1 / -2

I have sources of several documentaries on that but by my experience, people would avoid anything longer than a minute and upvote some opinions they agree without evidence...

At this point, whoever knows the issue - they have finalized the "discussion" and whoever doesn't know - they wouldn't lift a finger to learn anything more. Ergo, there's no discussion - just people who agree and others, who really don't matter at the end.

Traxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

If I get it correctly, you are exposing Trump? Not 100% clear on that one.

If so, why is this getting downvoted? Are there so many Trump-lovers in here?

This place has turned to sh*t in the last few months... I guess shills won. If you are exposing Trump, don't get discouraged. Just make your own forum to avoid the infestation of shills in here. Just my thoughts considering people watched Trump do nothing to "clear the swamp" for 2 years and they still want him back... :D The US is the clown hotspot of the world... :D

Traxx 0 points ago +2 / -2

This is the guy, who removes flat earth documentaries and experiments, but promotes Big Foot and Yeti? :D

Can you find a more blurry picture next time, please? I think you can beat your previous record of stupid posts with a more blurry picture of a guy in a suit.

Question 1: How can this be a real picture when cameras focus on the center, while this one focuses on the trees on the sides?

Question 2: How can this be a real Yeti, when the "supposed Yeti" is clearly viewing the photographer and will catch up to him. Definitely in snow.

Question 3: I can do that same picture with little to no effort. Step 1: Get a big suit. Step 2: Make the camera out of focus on the suit. Step 3: Send it to you, so you can promote it here. :D Oh, right... it has to be a question: How do you know this is any reliable evidence?

Every time I click on your post it's 100% dumber than the dumbest thing I've shared. Gold material. Keep it up!

Traxx -1 points ago +2 / -3

Judging by your comments, you are the communist. You are also arrogant, racist, sexist, retard, and you suggest people to kill themselves... Technically, how are you different from the enemy? :D

Just check his comments. If he doesn't agree with you, he will insult the sh*t out of you. :D With people like you in here, the devil can go on vacation.

Traxx -1 points ago +1 / -2

Just came back to see how low you keep this place in terms of quality. Venting, playing the victim... Memes and retweets... :D

I like how you defend the lowest standards in here. You are really the example of the arrogance and stupidity in this place. :D Keep it up, you don't hurt me, you hurt yourselves. :D

I just checked your profile. You never posted anything. I guess your contribution is only hatred. :D Keep it low, bro. It's what you're best at.

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

So you treat others with bs posts... How does that feel? :D

Sorry, I actually have standards. I know people here just like their twisted opinion validated, just like you. :(

I treat the best with the best and the worst with the worst. I see you can't figure that on your own, but that is obvious based on your posts.

Anyway, keep that low quality of yours. The masses in here appreciate your low contribution. All you do is vent in here and act like a victim when someone disagrees. :D You correctly represent the masses in here - worthless, angry, and spineless. :D

Traxx -1 points ago +1 / -2

You seem to have repressed anger issues... I'll let you deal with that on your own. :D

Freak. :D

Traxx 0 points ago +2 / -2

Please retweet more! It's what you're good for anyway. Or bad for...

Please tell me what Musk tweeted next. Without you, I wonder how I am going to know what Musk tweeted next...

Please, I cannot live without Musk's tweets... Oh, wait. That's you.

Traxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

They used that to inject nanotech in people. It wasn't a distraction but he scare that forced a lot of people to accept the vax.

If you think Covid was a distraction in 2023, you must be as stupid as they are. Which is not surprising based on your other posts. You either work for them or you are as stupid as they are. With freaks like you, the Devil should probably take a vacation.

Traxx -1 points ago +2 / -3

I've seen your posts. You speak of mental handicap because of your own experience.

Please continue to post the DailyMail or retweets as usual to confirm.

Traxx 1 point ago +4 / -3

You realize that now because someone tweeted the opinion you finally agree on? You are a template for your own kind - retweeters.

Traxx -6 points ago +1 / -7

Apparently, your parents never taught you anything, so you lose any faith in other parents teaching their children.

I like how retards like you try to assess a situation that they don't understand. It makes me root for the ones that will wipe you out. I don't really root for them, but wiping out a nonsense user that posts a theoretical scenario with little to no background and then assesses this imaginary scenario, is at least worth more than your online activity.

Patiently waiting for your next two sentence post with an additional comment to show us how far you are willing to go to convince people that you are worthless.

Traxx 0 points ago +3 / -3

BuckeyePatr1ot with another copied tweet. Nice work. Did it take 3 or 5 seconds for you to deliver this magnificent piece of valuable information? Oh, I am sorry, I am getting delusional as you do. It's just an opinion in white letters.

Please share more tweeter opinions when you have the time. Or memes that use focused anger to get upvotes. It's what you're good for anyway. Or bad for...

Keep the posts simple and pointless while you use a username like "patriot". That wouldn't backlash, I promise! :D

Traxx -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nice to see how many racist subhumans there are in here.

Remember! Always upvote "focused anger" posts. Make yourself unrecognizable to an angry tweeter feminist...

This place is gone. The mods have no standards to uphold... Toothless anger that you share in here will have no value... Ever.

Generalize on "blacks" and that makes you no better than the globalists... I guess you can make shills obsolete with posts like that. Just a matter of time to ban this place because you can't control your anger issues...

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wow, so easy to cherry-pick what you like from my previous comment. Tell me you're a shill without telling me you're a shill.

I have seen a lot of shills like you to suggest "turn the other way and don't look at the evidence". In the long term, it makes no difference. At least someone will check both scenarios and realize the truth.

Your tactic to make people "turn the other way" will work only on idiots. Thankfully, my tactic remains with the intelligent ones. There's at least a single user that is not as demented as you think he/she is.

You exhaust people with long replies. You cherry-pick the replies that taken out of context seem bad. But there's at least one person in here that will track the whole conversation. That's actually enough for me. I don't need a 100 idiots, who will disagree. I need one smart person to investigate the topics.

Let's see who comes on top. Your strategy of "looking the other way and pretending reality doesn't really exist", or a person willing to spend 15 minutes researching the topics we've mentioned?

I write this comment only for those, who are willing to research. Only they deserve the answer. Not some username, whose aim is to divert the attention in all his posts/comments. Yes, I know what you do in different posts and I will expose you about it.

To anyone with a working brain - just research predictive programming. What is the last emotion that the propaganda movie left you with? Anger? Fear? This guy's comment to make you DOUBT? :D Easy tactics. He/she is only working you to ignore the evidence that you can spend 10 minutes researching and confirming for yourself.

Traxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

I regret that you are falling for the shill Tucker still. So many of you, 18 so far, are just waiting for the next talking head to voice what you hate... Just play some unfair circus, so you think he is just as unfairly treated as you are. Oh, put on a pink shirt, that always signals non-aggressive and innocent.

So many of you are just triggered by their emotions, and the devil can use them as a new instrument to play his music. You will just echo the anger of someone else...

Trump wanted to "clear the swamp", when he was a president, he didn't even make the slightest difference. The media turned against him, so you think he is the good guy. Same story with Tucker, just a different face. And you fall right for the same propaganda. Tucker never changed things, he just has a big conservative following. Now mainstream media hates him...

You just want the next "smiling" person to voice your anger and lead you by the nose... You are not movers, you are followers, who cannot understand who they follow. "And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch."

I made an experiment to share some reddit tweets and you just ate them without further thinking. Most upvoted posts I shared in this place. You just see a short anger statement and you get right into that train... Wherever it leads you... But I post a 2 hour documentary of pure information that can change your life and you don't bother to look it up... Well, some do... I guess Hope is still alive since someone else also disliked your Tucker propaganda post.

I posted a video that someone else made about Tucker and exposing him as a CIA shill. Wouldn't that raise some questions on his stance regarding the 9/11 story? He even laughed when asked about the towers... But now he raises the question and you all fall for it?

I can reach a single conclusion. At least 18 people in here are not worth anyone's time. And at least a single person is still using their brain.

Present the truth and nobody would care. Share a focused rage tweet and everyone looses their minds... Just how easy people are to get manipulated by using their emotions. In this case - anger.

This place seems so hollow. What good is intelligence if everyone else is as dumb as a rock? Emotion is immediate, thinking takes time. How many upvoted this post without even seeing it? Just because it aligned with their beliefs? That's the strategy of every politician. They promise good things and they deliver none. And you fall for the same thing again and again...

I realize that this place is full of 20% shills and 70% idiots, who will echo whatever you say that is against the system. But as long as there are 10% thinking people in here, I cannot quit. I refuse to believe all people in here are as stupid as you to echo Tucker at this point. Glad to see a downvote so I know I am not alone. To anyone, who sees clearly beyond the twisted veil, I just want you to know you are not alone. Don't fall for the next talking head, just because it voices your anger... Twitter's idea was the same - what kind of short messages can trigger people the most? Don't fall for the emotional response, seek a rational response.

Tucker was on the mainstream and did nothing. Trump was a president and did nothing. Dispel the illusion. Every politician promises big things before election... How do you forget this when a new face is shown?

Anyway, I know at least someone is thinking clearly. To YOU - Please don't give up! If there's at least a single person, who is willing to go through a lot of information to know the truth and not just echo their anger in tweets - then you are worthy of the truth. The rest don't matter. They will follow whoever is more famous at the time. But YOU, who see beyond the illusion - don't keep that to yourself. Be more active with posts and comments. Break the illusion of those "followers". If at least one person turns away from their emotional response to seek a logical one, then it is worth every second!

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