Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thanks for proving my point again. :D

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. So, you just pick a timeline that I haven't mentioned, you think I am wrong because you nitpick a specific timeline, but we both agree on the current state of patriotism in America. Good start... [Please read carefully what I wrote, so your answer could be according to the statement, not picking your own question and "prove me wrong" based on your own misconception... :D Unimaginable...]

  2. Compared to my boot - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2oMv93EUpY . How many times should I post this? Just because you're arrogant, or you know a couple of conspiracy theories, doesn't make you smart. I've been on math competitions with Americans... Their team was made out of Indians and Asians. Let that sink in.

  3. Europe. Actually, the level of belief in the system is primarily in the US and the UK. Other places know they are being brainwashed from the news, so they stay away from them. You should visit Europe some time... It will help you to gain some perspective of other countries. [Apparently, you never read my part about the US medical care system, but that only proves my point.]

  4. So, I say that this is mainly focused in the US, you say "it's human nature". Do you notice how deluded you are about the world? :D Somehow, I am not surprised to get an answer like "meh"... downplaying the actual problem. So very American of you... :D

Well, anyway... I know what this is all about. I study psychology from 6th grade, so it's quite obvious. You read something bad about the US, you got angry and arrogant and attempted to disprove it. Unfortunately for you, facts point to the contrary on your points mentioned. Just take a knee, have some time to relax, so you can think this over before you rush to reply with great zeal... Is that impossible for you? You are probably a very smart person, you're probably aware of many problems that you want to fix, you want to fix them because your country is falling apart and you don't want that. I agree so far. But to defend a nation that starts wars and sends its own children to die in other countries is SPECIFICALLY the deluded patriotism I am talking about. When you think about it with a clear mind, you will see that we both want the same thing - the best for our children. And it doesn't matter if your children call themselves Americans, British, Zambian, w/e... Would you love them less? Would you care if the US starts a war with them? Would you help them to seek spiritual value instead of defending a country created by the Brits to control the military portion of the NWO?

You seem like you are thinking clearly sometimes, when unaffected by anger or w/e, and I hate it that I have to be against you on such tiny issues, while we are both being raped economically by the NWO... It just doesn't seem right, you know?

My point was that devotion to a country that is clearly in the wrong is in itself wrong. You only further my point with your comments. Just take the latter "you're going to have to do come comparisons to come up with a baseline"... Because you haven't studied European history? I have to come up with comparison because your young country doesn't even compare to 5% of the history of Europe. And that's just Europe. What do you want to say here - that I am wrong and now I need to defend myself with facts that you missed about history that should've been taught to you in school? Have you played any sport involving a ball? Perhaps you know the meaning of the phrase "the ball is in your court". Well, there you have it - game, set, match - win. I don't care if you downvote my comments or posts in your anger, this happens quite frequently in here, I don't mind it. But when you thoroughly thought about the issues that I raised, eventually, might be at the end of time even, but eventually, you will agree with me.

Traxx -2 points ago +1 / -3

You actually think damaged lights begin to emit UV light?

Give me one example of your absurd statement, please. One. Single. Example.


by DrLeaks
Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess fgt Bill Gates broke his piggy bank and wants more money now...

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stature. The bigger the wig and the fancier the clothes - the higher the stature.

I don't support this way of showing stature, but that was the way in the 15th to 18th century. Some still use them to this day.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't get it? Could you expand on that?

I know the sun forms the form of 8 throughout the year, but why the other images that make a perfect 8 form, while the sun doesn't make a perfect 8 form?

I get that the image changes, but the sun is describing a specific 8 figure with smaller part at the bottom. How does that match the images in the video? Please let me know.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed the Old Testament is serving to prove the New Testament, as many prophets before Jesus have prophesied his coming. I recently found this quote in Revelation 13:8 "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

That supports Jesus' claim that before Abraham, he is.

Walter Veith is very good researcher. I watched his work on exposing the Catholic church and the jesuits. I recommend watching/listening to his testimony, a very unusual and supernatural experiences by this guy and his wife... His lectures are amazing, I will save this one to watch it later. I especially like his story where he insulted some girl to give up on her faith in God, but later was instrumental to further her faith when he was supposed to defend evolution, but ended the lecture with "that's why evolution is false" much to his amusement as much as his students', one of which was the same girl that was previously discouraged by him... Aren't the works of God great?

Thanks a lot for sharing it! I will look deeper in what this "sanctuary" is meant to describe! Please continue to share the word of God, we all need it!

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, it doesn't say ipsus fetus, it says ipus fetus. Nice correction.

How is it shortening of "spiritus sanctus"? You never explain that.

If you study Christianity, there is no trinity. This is Catholic Antichrist teaching that is used to subvert Christianity.

Anyway, thanks for your view on the subject.

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was it called Lifelog... Thanks! If that's the case, I really appreciate the addition. I couldn't remember the name.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have heard him many times, it seems legit, but I was never able to cross-check any of his unpopular points with anything else...

He states that he was asked to chose whether to become a "vampire or a werewolf"... I've never heard that from any testament ever... Although, his work with masons seems true but you can gather the same from anyone else that has been on the inside.

I just take this with a pinch of salt, especially, if his surname is Schnoebelen... Just my 2 cents on the issue.

Traxx 2 points ago +3 / -1
  1. Carbon dating of C14 has a half-life of 5730±30 years - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-14 . That means that beyond that point it gets vastly different results than the actual ones. It is used today as a way to prove antiques, not as a reliable source of information.

  2. Dinosaur bones are never found, they find only fossils - that's when a bone changes due to huge amounts of water that flush the actual bones and harden the structure with minerals that the water carries. Thus, proving the great flood in Noah's time.

  3. The most famous dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus Rex - a large lizard with tiny hands. However, if you think of a bat, it has very fragile finger bones (that would create the bone structure of its wings) and ends every finger with a claw. If the bones decay and/or petrify, they will most probably destroy the fragile finger structure, leaving the nails alone. That suggests that Tyrannosaurus Rex was more like a winged dragon, than a tiny hand giant lizard...

  4. Here's 100 reasons why evolution is stupid - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ku0XDiyjFX8O/ . The idea that we all come from nothing and our lives doesn't matter is a project sold to children that have no idea how to counter these arguments in their youth. That's why most people believe the theory of evolution without ever thinking that it is still a theory.

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. Patriotism is really strong in the US. People can't even speak against the soldiers (sold - root word), because some drunk idiots will boo them on the spot. "They fight for freedom"... is the common misconception.

  2. The US is mostly uneducated. With the addition of some crap in schools like "gender theory", normal teens can't even name a single other continent... Most teens care only how to gain popularity online by selling their image, not who won what war, or any history older than the 200 years that the US has...

  3. Psychological tricks forced on US citizens have made them think that they are number one in something valuable. They have a major apathy towards other countries. I have heard stories that in the US they only care about your carrier and the money you get annually. A sort of status card to talk to others in the same payment range. This is so deluded that opens some absurd things about the so-called "number one country". Americans have to calculate their own taxes and get fines if they calculate wrong... :D That is absurd... Americans have to pay absurd amounts in medical care, which is the primary reason that EU representatives have to remind specifically americans that they don't need to avoid medical care if they are in the EU. Americans in the EU share that the medical care is just a couple of bucks in comparison to the blood drain that is US medicare.

  4. The US has a strong identity cult. They vote for the most liked person. They watch the most liked person. They will even try a new person if someone else tells them they are liked. They rarely look for information themselves, they prefer someone else to tell them what they've learnt. Which is the reason they mainly turn to podcasts or someone just talking rather than exploring any area on their own.

Finally, I don't want to diss on Americans. I have gathered a lot of information because amazing US citizens have compiled a lot of data to share in a documentary. I have mainly documentaries done by Americans. That being said, I think even the smart Americans will agree that the US is taken over by some angry feminist drug addicts and corrupt politicians that Israel strictly controls. If you read about the "whore of Babylon", unfortunately, the US fits the bill. It may also be Israel, but it is hard to find what place is more perverted at this point...

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Facebook itself is social engineering. It's a CIA or FBI project to have a personal profile of as many people as possible. The same project was cancelled one day before facebook's creation.

We are in a technocratic era. Naturally, any defense against technology, A.I., metaverse, neuralink, etc. is direct threat against the new world order. Clearly, that would be their major target.

They also blacklist videos/pictures/words. If you want the video to show, you need to modify it a bit, so A.I. doesn't block it immediately.

I hope this helps.

Traxx -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why does covid-19 has a 19 at the end?

Why does 9/11 refer to the date of an event rather than anything actually connected to it?

Why did you chose that username "DojaDog"? Are you a dog?

It's because names are chosen because of what they connect to. It helps anyone working with it to not mistake it with another object, lamp in that case.

Or are you really a dog writing comments?

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, in the circles, it is actually written: pater - father; filius - son; ipus fetus - I will assume this is the "holy spirit" because I cannot find it anywhere. In the middle, I guess it is written Deo for God.

I guess it's just a latin drawing of the catholic trinity. Although, the hidden kabbalah root of the tree is interesting.

Traxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

In my experience, you shouldn't insult the ones that are not awakened to the idea. You and I were once blind to it, would you want someone insulting you in that moment? [mental 4th grader]

I agree with you, but you should be patient with those who want to learn. You are providing a good reply, but that doesn't match the post.

Try this - https://youtu.be/4oIEpRYgzFQ?t=326 . The video shows how something literally disappears in that distance while using lenses that were not available 100 years ago... I don't see how a picture could beat that.

Also, just present evidence and help people understand. Don't just be arrogant that you have the information. Leave that to the mod, who pinned that recent post of an angry old guy, while other posts beat it easily...

Imagine yourself when you were trying to figure out flat earth. What helped you? I am sure this image wasn't enough. Would you like to share more information? I would like if you share more information. I would even help you with anything that improves your current post. Any mathematical calculations, video examples, comparison... I would like to help you, so you know you are not alone in this. But if you insult others [mental 4th grader], I don't want to help you...

“To whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48)

If you know the truth about the shape of the very Earth we stand on, prepare for many insults... Still, that doesn't give you the liberty to insult others. Quite the opposite, you are the one chosen to endure the insults, where others cannot.

I hope God speeds your way. Just remember that you and I were those "mental 4th graders" once... Still, if you want to share information on that topic without insulting, let me know how I can help you. If you want to insult, I don't think you get the meaning of sharing...

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's all you've gathered?

Incest was a bit popular in the old days... Perhaps you should look it up. I don't say that it is good or bad, I just say it has happened often in the past.

Just don't mind anything else that I wrote. Focus on what is most important to you.

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

3 faces is a trait of demons. Look how Bael looks in this - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bael_(demon)

Also, the bottom is the bottom of the kabbalah "tree of life" as kabbalistic jews would put it. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=kabbalah&t=brave&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hermetics.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F05%2Fkabbalah_tree_of_life.jpg

I hope this helps. It also looks like the alchemical period in post-Roman empire. Dante, Popes, Da Vinci,... that sort of thing. AlChemy comes from Al Kemet = Egypt. Al Kemet is the real name that citizens used. Egypt is the Roman name, since they went through the Aegean Sea [pronounced Egyan] and reaching the land of PTA = pt. Egyan + PTA = Egypt (Roman name for Al Kemet). Also, Al Kemet means "black land". The Egyptian land was most productive and that's why Egyptians were the initiators for things like paper, dyes, statues/masonry. That's why Alchemy is called also "the black arts".

Kabballah is jewish mysticism. But if you study the words, you will find that muslims have a sacred stone called Kaaba - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=kaaba&t=brave&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images. That is a BLACK CUBE.

They pray to a deity called Allah, which is the same as the word "God". Kaaba + Allah = The God of the Black Cube. Have you seen black cubes? https://www.pinterest.com/pin/286823069992317452/

Anyway, the picture is an occult depiction of the reproductive system of the human as dictated by Bael (demon). It suggests a way of a high demon influencing the human's reproductive system. That's all I can share on a simple picture. You can visit the sites that are shared for more information.

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, Isis is Osiris' wife and sister... It's something you usually learn from 5-minute investigation, not GPT chat...

Masonry means stonecutting. Stonecutting is needed for the Egyptian pyramids. What is so unbelievable to you?

I don't get it. You seem to want the truth, but you chat with GPT... :D Are you an idiot? Do you work for GPT? What are you promoting anyway?

Sorry, but you seem like the sort of person that has heard of a story but is never going to get it... Like you know 1% of the truth, but only for the wrong reasons... I feel improper to tell you the rites of Isis and Osiris... As if you are the same sort of person that works for popularity on their channel but doesn't care about the actual content...

  1. You could've just asked.
  2. You could've googled it...
  3. You could've found some matches online and share them with us.
  4. You could learn about Egyptian Mythology...
  5. You could do so much more... But you decided to just copy a chatGPT example and waste our time... Just a thought...

I wasted more time on this comment, than you on your post. I will let that sink in...

Traxx 7 points ago +7 / -0

So you are unable to watch it in parts?

I should "fuck off" because you are lazy?

I hope nobody like you pays attention to it. That's why I post long documentaries. The users that expect a 5-minute video that will open their eyes - don't deserve even a half % of the truth. I am sure you are busy wasting your "waking day" so don't let me stall you. :D

Don't expect others to be as stupid as you. The ones that go the extra mile are the movers, you are just inconsequential. Nobody should care what you are doing anyway. :D Go waste your time somewhere else. This documentary is for the pros. However, thanks for showing people that information may be just in front of you, but you can do nothing to attain it. :D :D You make me laugh. :D

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