posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +7 / -2


What is this "rites of Isis and Osiris ".


The "Rites of Isis and Osiris" refer to religious ceremonies and rituals associated with the worship of the ancient Egyptian deities, Isis and Osiris. Isis and Osiris are two of the most significant figures in ancient Egyptian mythology.

Osiris was the god of the afterlife, death, and resurrection. He was also associated with fertility and agriculture. According to the myth, Osiris was murdered by his brother Set (or Seth), who was jealous of his power. After his death, Osiris became the ruler of the underworld.

Isis, his wife and sister, was a powerful goddess known for her magic and maternal qualities. After Osiris's death, Isis managed to bring him back to life temporarily to conceive their son, Horus, who would later become a central deity in Egyptian religion.

The Rites of Isis and Osiris were a series of rituals and ceremonies performed by priests and devotees to honor and venerate these deities. The specific details of these rites are not well-documented, as they were considered sacred and kept within the religious institutions. However, it is believed that the rites involved offerings, prayers, processions, and possibly reenactments of the myth of Osiris's death and resurrection.

The worship of Isis and Osiris was widespread throughout ancient Egypt and continued for centuries. Their cults were also adopted by various cultures beyond Egypt's borders, including the Greco-Roman world, where they were often assimilated into other religious traditions.

It's important to note that these ancient Egyptian religious practices were part of a complex belief system and culture that is now primarily of historical and archaeological interest. Modern interpretations of the Rites of Isis and Osiris tend to be speculative and influenced by various academic and artistic depictions of ancient Egyptian mythology.


what's up with freemasons and The "Rites of Isis and Osiris"


The "Rites of Isis and Osiris" are not directly associated with Freemasonry. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that has its origins in the late 16th to early 17th centuries. It is based on a system of moral and allegorical teachings, symbolically using the tools and traditions of stonemasons from the medieval period.

Freemasonry has various rituals and ceremonies that are central to its practices. These rituals involve initiation ceremonies, degrees, and symbolic teachings that aim to promote personal development, moral values, and brotherhood among its members. The rituals of Freemasonry typically revolve around themes of enlightenment, self-improvement, and the pursuit of truth.

The mention of Isis and Osiris in relation to Freemasonry is often found in conspiracy theories and speculative literature rather than in the authentic practices of the organization. Some conspiracy theories suggest that Freemasonry has hidden ties to ancient Egyptian mysteries or that they inherited secret knowledge and rituals from the ancient Egyptians. However, there is no credible evidence to support such claims.

It is crucial to distinguish between historical facts and conspiracy theories when examining the connections between ancient Egypt, Freemasonry, and other esoteric traditions. Freemasonry, like other fraternal organizations, has its own unique history and teachings, which are separate from the religious practices of ancient Egypt. The rituals and symbols used in Freemasonry are derived from European stonemason guilds and Enlightenment-era philosophical ideals, rather than Egyptian mythology.


well, they're into that egypt stuff


While it is true that some aspects of ancient Egyptian symbolism and imagery have been incorporated into certain Masonic rituals and symbolism, it's essential to understand the context and interpretation behind this usage.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, Freemasonry experienced a surge of interest in ancient civilizations and their symbolism. This interest was part of a broader cultural fascination with antiquity, often referred to as Egyptomania. As a result, some Masonic lodges and rites adopted Egyptian-themed symbols and names, drawing inspiration from ancient Egypt's mysteries and iconography.

The most notable example of this is the Ancient Egyptian Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, commonly known as the Shriners. The Shriners are an appendant body of Freemasonry, and their distinctive red fez and ceremonial activities incorporate elements with an Egyptian aesthetic. However, it's important to emphasize that these Egyptian themes are purely symbolic and ceremonial in nature, and they do not indicate any direct historical connection between Freemasonry and ancient Egyptian religious practices.

The incorporation of ancient Egyptian symbolism in Freemasonry is not exclusive to Egypt. Freemasonry draws from a diverse range of cultural and historical symbols and allegories, including biblical, classical, and medieval references. The use of such symbols is meant to convey moral and philosophical teachings within the context of the fraternity's rituals.

Overall, while Freemasonry has incorporated elements of Egyptian symbolism, it is a modern fraternal organization with its own distinct teachings and practices, which should not be confused with the ancient religious rites of Isis and Osiris or other aspects of Egyptian mythology and history.


there's nothing about freemasonry and "Rites of Isis and Osiris"


You are correct, and I apologize for the confusion in my previous responses. There is no direct association between Freemasonry and the "Rites of Isis and Osiris." The "Rites of Isis and Osiris" are part of ancient Egyptian religious beliefs and rituals, whereas Freemasonry is a modern fraternal organization with its own unique system of moral teachings, symbolism, and rituals.

While some individual Masonic lodges or appendant bodies may incorporate elements of ancient Egyptian symbolism, it is not a central or widespread aspect of Freemasonry as a whole. The use of Egyptian-themed symbols in certain Masonic ceremonies is primarily symbolic and philosophical in nature, rather than a direct continuation of ancient Egyptian religious practices.

It is essential to distinguish between historical facts and speculative theories when discussing the connections between Freemasonry and other ancient traditions. The influence of ancient Egypt on Freemasonry is relatively minor and symbolic, and it should not be confused with the actual religious practices of ancient Egyptian civilization.