Ignore the fact that jews were going on about the 6 million number for years before that.
We know you niggas like numerology.
I suspect it's not and somebody just photoshopped it on there to pull the whole "pepe=nazi" thing a lot of the mainstream media believes.
It doesn't line up right over the wrinkles in her shirt. Looks like it's just been made transparent and grainy then slapped on her top w/o compensating for the wrinkles.
Also I love these faggots that post these bait-headlines but can't be bothered to add a link to their post. It's a good way for the dipshits to spread disinfo.
You were implying it dipshit don't even try to deny it.
Also look at you posting 10 stupid videos from the same youtube channel to forum slide too.
Always was a cult devoted to Moloch
That's Jew writing the section... literally at the top Guy Oseary. It's not Trump talking about Kabbalah it's that Guy person who's name is at the top.
Like learn how to fuckin read.
Pretty common for bugs to be named after famous people, probably financed the expedition that they were discovered on or something along those lines.
I agree, it just needs to be beat into peoples heads. It's one of the biggest problems I see on here aside people just posting screenshots like they mean something and can't be faked easily.
It's why you idiots need to archive stuff before you start posting links. These people will delete the shit the minute it gets on too many peoples radar.
use archive.is or ghostarchive.org before you post the damn link.
the video at the end link is just shilling shit.
Holy shit that Corporate Memphis / Algeria art style has infected the physical world now.
Here is the link to the page
I'm annoyed at lack of credit for the Sam Hyde quote.
I can't help you're a retarded kike that can't take a hint.
Ah yes, this lame gay-op tactic...
The whole try to scare people away from a place w/ shit we already know is a possibility while seeding discord.
Not like most of us haven't seen the same shit used in other places.
This faggot gives well meaning kike / nigger haters a bad name...
Way worse is being voted on tomorrow
Rose tinted glasses, you just weren't paying attention back then.
Lol what an obvious shill.
It's really close to some stuff that happens in MGS2 which is the early00's
1 story that I see?
Accidents happen, the title is literally the first line the colonel says in the video.
Hurm... might be a good place to find a date.
I remember when they used to act like the right was pushing the anti-covid vaccine stuff.
It's funny looking back it now is just hilarious to see how lock step all the mainstream was. It's a bit unnerving.
Thing is the people that fall for stories like that will fall for about anything, so much so they will actively disbelieve the truth even if presented to them. That or at the very least proceed to move the goalposts.
This gives me the vibes it's strawman being built to get knocked down later. It's all a huge stretch that'll be used to discredit stuff with actual information to back it up.
Guy makes a dumb pol and follows an art person, you definitely got em dead to rights there and don't just look like you're trying to start some disinfo.
Lol, it's a fuckin' fish-eye lens bro. That's what it does, it makes things look like a goddamn bubble-effect.
Also, who the fuck is Vollmer and why should I care what she thinks when she can't even tell what a fucking fish-eye lens and how it distorts a photo / recording?
Guess that's what happened to the masturbation machines, electrified spike pit traps, and looney tunes shotgun walls.
Them clever nazi's managed to destroy all the shit on the way out the door and not leave any evidence.