Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

All nukes are a hoax and it's always been this way. Of course, why just believe someone when you research yourself.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Silent seems to be the most concerning

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pussies! We all just sit here and watch this fucking joke take out money. Fuck this government. Bankrupt their ass

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are hundreds of argument against heliocentrism.

There is no dicodomy though. As in, just because one can prove heliocentrism isn't possible, doesn't mean they must simultaneously prove some other model or theory.

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's not Flat earth. That is just language used against us to prevent shared knowledge.

Calling the globe and space the deception it is, does not mean one needs to prove where we are. Just that we aren't where we are told.

Tallester_Skittles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Love the highlighted pun at the end. Seriously, we've been reading AI generated news for so long, I can hardly even recognise real journalism anymore

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

I tried it out but it felt a little less phony than chrome and I figured it was just another flavour of wire tap

Tallester_Skittles 6 points ago +6 / -0

Since when do numbers really matter when it comes to the subject of covid

Tallester_Skittles 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's not enough to convict. She needs to forget to sign a page in a tax return. Or something really serious like paying her lawyer with a check

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ya, flat isn't a shape. It's just an observation and a certainty. The certainty is that it's not a globe

But ya, it means space cant be possible, so ya, land could go for trillions of miles in all directions

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Languages are different sounds for the same data. Separate the word, the sound, the letters from the meaning.

If you look for meaning in words, then you search with a flash light compared to just looking during the day light.

Tallester_Skittles 4 points ago +4 / -0

So fake and gay. For so many reasons, it should not be posted without a disclaimer that the moon landings and space walks are all fake.

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lol, no, it's not. And it's a dumb conclusion to arrive at if you have some basic understanding of the world biggest deceptions. (🌎 Space, viruses, nukes, nations and governments, etc....most people think they made it when they figure out trump is a Zionists puppet. You don't need to go deeper, you need to go wider.

Most of the biggest and most obvious conspiracy theories are much older and still perfectly hidden.

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think this is for people who already know how to disprove the globe and space theory. Then, you're ready for a deeper dive into speculating how they decieve. To determine if they are decieving is better proven with a laser test or just common observation of where we really are.

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's all to legitimaize it. NASA is the world's more valuable brand, it's no accident that a poorly funded space agency somehow got their logo to be cool among the population.

Tallester_Skittles 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't bother. It's so easy to under a laser test, or any other numbers of obvious observations that prove the earth could not be a planet in space.

You don't need to go to much lengths to discredit the possibility of a globe and space.

So, though it's nice to have this in the toolset, it's for you and me, other people who are already awake. The people who aren't awake yet, cannot be convinced by this. They just need to take a second and understand basic tests that disprove the globe. Then they can recover from the shock, before diving this deep into speculation of the details that NASA must do. For them, they can't even imagine a world where space is fake.

Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nah, it's gonna be fine. It's fake

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ya, I'll skip that psy op

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