TallestSkil 5 points ago +5 / -0

But… all of that is good. It would help. You can’t derive “puppet of the jews” from any of that, because it’s the opposite of what they want. The fact that he will never do any of it is irrelevant to the nature of what’s being said. Cutting federal spending alone would destroy about half of all “visible” currency creation.

If you really want to fight the collapse of purchasing power, you have to destroy the Eurodollar. Not the euro. Not the dollar. The silent system of foreign banks creating dollars out of thin air all on their own, worldwide. The Eurodollar.

TallestSkil 7 points ago +7 / -0

I’d support repealing the unconstitutional Civil Rights Act and refuse to hire women and nonwhites for jobs to which they’re not suited. Problem fucking solved.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay, it’s not. There are hundreds of pictures of the same location from other angles. They’re paid to go there. It’s just that simple.

TallestSkil 5 points ago +6 / -1

Current projections are that social security will be bankrupt by 2035. That’s the date they’re claiming. Thing is, back in the days when even Democrats claimed they didn’t want to legalize faggots (the 1990s), I remember reading in school that projections for social security’s insolvency put it at around 2045. So, as a kid, I did the math and realized, “Hey, that means I’ll never be able to retire.”

The date has always been pushed forward because entitlements keep growing and expanding. Beyond just expanding the scope of what’s covered for retirees, illegals by the tens of millions take social security right now, having never worked a day in their lives. This, coupled with infinite nonwhite immigration, coupled with the current (and growing) 15% YoY inflation rate, coupled with debt expenditures in other fields (military, interest, etc.), means that the date will be pushed forward even further than they’re saying now, by the time we get to the date at which… well, you get it.

At any rate, since the entire world will be using a single digital-only currency by 2030, social security’s insolvency in 2028 is mathematically expedient. There will be a “crisis” leading up to the next presidential “election” in which “social security won’t be able to pay anything out to anyone anymore.” People will panic (because the media tells them to). Both “candidates” will then claim that salvation is found in making cash illegal and having the dollar be digital only.

Then everyone on social security will get monthly UBI directly deposited into their accounts, accessible through their smartphones (free smartphones for all of them, of course). And since social security is the majority of all American economic expenditures, that means the rest of the economy will be forced (Businesses don’t care; they only exist to worship the dollar. People will be forced.) to use the same system for all other transactions, as well.

Hallelujah. The economy is saved. Forever. Because now there’s no more limit on printing or the scope of the dollar. Oh, but what’s this? The Eurodollar (not the Euro) system is collapsing because of this! Oh dear! Now we have to have the Euro go digital-only, too! And oh boy, the EU and the US each their respectively largest trade partners! Why not simplify things and use the same system for both! That way anyone in the EU (read: nonwhites) can go to the US and pay for anything there without any hardship! Hooray!

And good golly, China’s doing their thing, too! For the sake of economic stability, the IMF will ask–and the Chinese will graciously “concede”–to peg the Yuan to the same system, too! Now 75% of the global economy uses the exact same banking system and digital currency! Meaning the rest of the world will have to follow suit, otherwise trade won’t be possible.

Gee. It’s almost as though they’ve been planning this for a long, long time.

TallestSkil 9 points ago +10 / -1

Good thing I have no need for my SSN because I can never retire since Social Security won’t exist at all after 2028 and I don’t use credit or any other service that requires it. I don’t give a shit about this.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good, and?

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

And if Russia was as operationally superior to the Ukraine as it appears on paper, why hasn’t the front line moved in about a year and a half now?

I don’t understand why you parrot proven false NATO propaganda, but I’m now—and have been for a while—fully on the side of “the entire war is a hoax” given what we’ve been seeing for quite some time now.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great! So global governments will be arresting all the faggots and isolating them from each other so niggerpox can’t spread to children or animals, right?


TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh well lol

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

What rights? The limeys have never had rights. The Revolution was fought because they have no rights, and they still have no rights. The fact that their media can lie every single day and say that Britons have “free speech” without the US media humiliating them at every turn is just proof that it’s all one entity now.

TallestSkil 6 points ago +6 / -0

“Quantum crypto watermarks on the real ballots” is my favorite part of the Qult so far.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s how hands look. Any screens that don’t show the plane’s tail are just on a different app. And the glow around people, such as the prominent man’s arms, is due to light caught in his arm hair.

There’s all manner of astroturfing going on, because no one actually supports any DNC policies nor has for decades. But they’re not faking crowds with algorithms. They’re just paying them to show up.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn’t it weird that you repeat NATO propaganda, all of which was disproven before you even did so?

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

And? So?

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, the kikes writing the script were too cheap to ship the whore to another venue, so they paid people to show up at a hangar and then get caught in traffic for nine hours later.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +3 / -2

None of those hands are fake and none of the screens are incorrect. Some just aren’t on the camera. Do you not know how body hair works?

TallestSkil 4 points ago +5 / -1



TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

“Ai, dios mio! My skibidi toilet app provided by the US government says not to cross the border! Guess we gotta turn around, pendejo…” ~ absolutely no one, ever

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm done wasting my time, because everything you're saying is literal projection. YOU have no evidence, YOU can't prove your own words, YOU are a brainless Jew. When 100% of everything you say is polar opposite from the truth, any attempt to discuss or argue is a waste of time. You're too far on the retard spectrum to even interact with. It's not that I can't "prove" anything, it's that you've made wild claims and you haven't defended them beyond "NUH UH!!! NUH UH!!!".

The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you.

You've come and thrown your own feces around and when called out for being an idiot you laugh and smear it on your face like you've experienced some kind of victory.

Said the voting supporter.

Listen close; you're actually too stupid to have any kind of genuine debate with. You're the kind of guy who pulled this shit on his parents his whole life in order to get his way. Maybe they were older parents than other kids', because they were too exhausted to correct you.

Holy shit, project harder.

When you encounter someone like me, you don't know what to do.

Other than report your posts as the paid shilling that they are.

So you escalate hoping to get me into an endless debate in which no amount of facts will get you to admit how dumb you are.

Cries out in pain, etc.

You make wild claims

Proven statements of truth.

and any challenge to it is a "straw man"

No, just challenges that are invented from nothing anyone actually said.

A term you picked up from your Jewish friends on Reddit

I don’t use Reddit. You have nothing.

A term you use (also incorrectly)

Never used it incorrectly. You lied about what I said.

Good luck with your baby fit and campaign of "DOING NOTHING IS THE ONLY WAY TO WIN"

Strawman; no one said this but you. You are the only one who said this. You lied about what others said. You are incapable of replying to what others have said (because they are objectively right and you are objectively wrong), so you invent strawmen to burn in order to trick people into thinking you’re correct. You are not. We see through you instantly. You have nothing.

you're doing nothing

Said the voter.

You offer no solutions.

I do, yes.

You can't prove your baseless theories.

Already proven in court.

Anyway, you're boring and very unintelligent. So this is me ceasing the interaction.

Thank you for admitting that voting does nothing. Thank you for admitting that you did not read any of my comments before replying. Thank you for admitting that you cannot defend any of your beliefs or positions. Thank you for admitting you lied about what I said. You have conceded the argument and your spam is dismissed off-hand. No one here will ever vote again. You failed.

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