TallestSkil 10 points ago +10 / -0
  1. It literally isn’t. Did you even bother to check your source? None of the words in question are in there.
  2. Notice where it says “second edition printed in 1957”? How about you find me an actual source from the actual era you claim it’s from, hmm?
TallestSkil 8 points ago +9 / -1

Nope, because “Nazi” didn’t exist as a word then. None of the alleged “sources” contain this text at all. It’s just a hoax and always has been.

TallestSkil 12 points ago +13 / -1

Why are people still repeating this hoax? None of this shit was ever written until after WWII.

by Chaorro
TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

It can’t be.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

they really don’t

You were already linked to proof you’re lying.

Israel does not have

If jews tell the us to launch nukes, the us will launch nukes. It’s a simple concept to grasp.

Apply the same principle to intelligence. What went wrong you goof

Nothing went wrong. They purposely told their own organization Hamas to purposely attack foreigners in their borders so that they would have an excuse to kill Muslims.

On that basis it is clearance, protocol, and briefings.

Imagine being dumb enough to think that jews have to ask permission from the goyim to see the data they want.

Stop being a dumbass.

Go away, coward. You’re too scared of reality to even think about truth.

There is no point in the rest of your spam.

Thanks for admitting everything I said is objectively true, cited and sourced.

Have the fucking decency to separately quote what you’re replying to, by the way.

It is autism. It does not grasp the basics. It lives in a World of fantasy.

The fucking irony.

You also have alternative agenda. The blame. Why is this. It deflects.

It’s the jews, dipshit.

by Chaorro
TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0


Then it isn’t free.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's naive on a scale of inept ignorance.

Cool. Don’t care. It’s objective truth.

They actually don't. Nobody on the planet claims this.

They do. It’s common knowledge. It’s publicly admitted. Five seconds of searching reveals this information.

it's compartmentalised. Like our nuclear footballs.

So… not compartmentalized, got it.

But you're suggesting the absurd. If Israel can breach it. So can Russia or China or Iran

No… because they didn’t design it and mandate it in all hardware… or maybe you think the chips designed in Israel were magically given consideration for non-Israeli interests?

No dumbass they wouldn't put themselves at that kind of risk

Hence why only they have a back door.

What happens next time? A suitcase nuke? World War Z? A million rockets?

Why would anything happen that israel didn’t directly approve of?

It's laughable your mindset. It's remarkable.

You don’t even seem to know what my “mindset” even is since you keep replying incorrectly.

The end doesn't justify the means. Think. Look at it. It is war. Not fantasy.

Okay, whatever you say. False flags don’t exist. No one would ever pretend to do anything for personal gain. Everything is exactly as the jewish media says it is. I definitely believe you. You win. Conversation over.

Now take your seven sockpuppet accounts and fuck off, coward.

TallestSkil 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hey there, sockpuppet! Finally get your Internet back? We will never support jews. Ever. Find another website to spam.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's really only a matter of time.

It really isn’t. There’s no indication it will ever happen.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

There won’t be violent revolution in the US.

TallestSkil 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Saudi royal family is jewish and they’re spending 500 billion to build a total surveillance city in land that is going to be handed over to Israel, so don’t expect anything from them.

TallestSkil -5 points ago +2 / -7

Albert Pike described the third world war as a conflict between Muslims and Israelies.

But that was a hoax quote.

All of this is to destroy the US

They did that 80 years ago.

TallestSkil -6 points ago +1 / -7

You're making shit up. It does not have backdoor access to the entire Planet. No. Not even the Western half.

Do you really know nothing about Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, and Fourteen Eyes? They publicly admit Israel has access to all this information.

Otherwise it would get Russia to launch on China or something.

Why would they ever want their puppets to attack each other, except insofar as it kills whites?

How did Iranian weapons enter the Strip?

Israeli permission, since Gaza has been under blockade forever.

TallestSkil -5 points ago +2 / -7

to what extent remains [to be seen]

I’ve just learned never to believe that my personal desires are ever going to happen, that’s all. It’d be great if they were all exterminated. Both sides. But it just won’t happen.

Hamas are being outlawed on a scale of ISIS.

“Being given direct support by Israel for operations worldwide,” you mean?

TallestSkil -6 points ago +1 / -7

What is the deal.

It all really doesn’t line up, does it? How does a missile platform that costs billions to maintain every year not stop any of these homemade missiles? How does the Mossad—the most powerful intelligence agency in the world, with direct back door access to every western agency’s data and decryption keys for all Internet platforms—not catch them while they’re planning?

Almost as if…

TallestSkil -5 points ago +1 / -6

Don’t we only have israel’s word on this subject? How do we know any of it is true?

TallestSkil -3 points ago +1 / -4

In a month’s time when Israel has pulled out of Gaza without destroying it, what will you say?

TallestSkil -4 points ago +1 / -5

You know damn well what power is. This isn’t a game. There are no similarities between domestic and foreign organizations. They’re irrelevant. They have fuck all to do with each other.

TallestSkil -2 points ago +2 / -4

Truth is not a matter of agreement. You don’t get to have an opinion about something that isn’t questionable. No power is changing hands. You fundamentally do not understand the topic of discussion and cannot hold a conversation on this matter. Drink bleach or find somewhere else to shill for foreign treason operations.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

You don't live in the real world. At all. You live in fantasy. You're peddling insanity like a few others on here. Constantly. Despite of whatever.

Look at all that disproof of the things I’ve said.

There is no controlling the mob.

Jews do it.

It is opposed.

What is.

Israel might have infiltrated Hamas

Created it. They publicly admit it.

they don't control it.

They do.

Not in any other regard except housing it in occupied territory.

Funded, gave support and documentation, directly controls…

It has zero ties to Israel except its continued warfare.

I mean… read the links.

On what Planet do you constantly assume it's Israel and not other any regional affiliated sponsors?

The one on which Israel admits to creating it.

Those sponsors are from a separate religion.

Maybe they should do something that doesn’t benefit Israel for once, if they’re actually opposed to it and not controlled by it.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, sure. A surgical excision of their own agents and ContOp sounds entirely reasonable, despite the posturing from press releases that it isn’t an “operation.”

by Asterix
TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0


Oh, they have to be. Palestinians are going to flee south into the Sinai as refugees.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must understand: I’m totally fine with the extermination of all musselmen everywhere. I just can’t see Israel doing it here. They won’t be able to get away with it cleanly, and they like clean narratives*.

*Read: they will have to do physical labor and they’ll have to be under hardship for decades afterward. Their holy book says that’s a no no.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're equating every Middle Eastern war as Israeli.

For the last 50 years, yes.

I don't think Iraq was Israeli

You mean… the Iran-Iraq War?

They're taking back their border. Then they're going into the Strip.

Nah. They still can’t get away with that. The West is too dependent on Saudi oil and chink resources.

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