SuicideTruthbomber 3 points ago +4 / -1

There is NO WAY IN THE WORLD that this is a coincidence. Impossible.

SuicideTruthbomber 3 points ago +4 / -1

Can't upvote enough.

EDIT: Find out what frequencies they use. Turn it on sporadically when she's trying to talk. That would be against the law, though.

Are they encrypted in any meaningful way? Could they be hacked to do the following?

Speech Jammer Among 2012 Ig Nobel Winners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV1cpjdOGnQ

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

That post was about the conspiracy that the people to be appointed to the Trump administration plan to jail his political opponents. How is that cheerleading for him? Most reasonable people would say it is the opposite.

To the readers, I apologize that shining a light on actual conspiracy material makes the trolling get out of control.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

I realize that local lawmakers can be of a different political party than the one that gets presidential votes from a particular state, but determining that for all 50 states would take too much of my time.

If you take the list from

Where Is Marijuana Legal? A Guide to Marijuana Legalization https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/where-is-marijuana-legal-a-guide-to-marijuana-legalization

and consult the 2024 electoral map at


You get:

Alaska Arizona Nevada Michigan Montana Missouri Ohio

But we all know by now that you are just trying to waste our time with that. Before their party leadership was taken over, the Democratic party had been the party for liberals and progressives for decades - of course they will be farther along the legalization process than Republicans.

However, your girl Kamala Harris is an exception to this. Listen to her debating a real progressive:

Tulsi Gabbard torches Kamala Harris on Criminal Justice Reform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfp_IIdVnXs

SuicideTruthbomber 2 points ago +2 / -0

As the election approaches, new polling shows the breadth of support for Trump’s authoritarian tendencies.

SuicideTruthbomber 0 points ago +1 / -1

I post conspiracy-related material from many sources. Anyone can click on my name and get a nice list of reading and viewing material. I sometimes post things that are critical of Donald Trump, and sometimes they criticize his political opponents.

I think this is a case of you just cheerleading your favorite in the election, because this seriously has nothing to do with what we are here to talk about.

SuicideTruthbomber 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you talking about? She is so awesome.

EDIT: And this quite the conspiracy, I must say.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, my bad. I forgot to translate your admissions into something a sensible person can understand. Thank you for admitting you hate democracy, the Jewish people and the users of this forum except for the other cartoonish sockpuppet accounts.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're not getting pods, no matter how much you might want one.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

“You need both a public and a private position." - Hillary Clinton, in private remarks to the National Multi-Family Housing Council in 2013.

SuicideTruthbomber 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think so. They wanted access to pray longer in a very holy place so the Messiah will come sooner.

SuicideTruthbomber 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a pretty wild take, but the way I see it, these news reports are like their marching orders, telling them how to talk to other people despite them really believing something different entirely.

Think about the North Koreans. Their behavior is for their own self-preservation. In America, the things people say that are so far removed from reality are not because they actually believe those things, but are doing their part to advnace their preferred politics. That's one of the reasons they have to amp up the political division every time you turn on the news.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

What this does is pour a huge amount of water on one area, causing flooding and mudslides in one area, while creating very hot, dry conditions downwind where there are no longer clouds or rain, causing wildfires and crop failure. That is why it has been a secret for all of these years. This news story would not exist if it weren't for people like me who informs others about the practice.

They will never take responsibility for the property damage they have caused, let alone the loss of life. What do you think will happen when enough of the agriculture is in the hands of the wealthy few for it to be profitable to make it rain only on their own fields while depriving the rest of us of water to even grow food?

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +2 / -1

Trump planning on jailing his political opponents when he gets into office.

EDIT: Another angle is the degree to which people have committed jailable offenses related to the stolen 2020 election. Yet another is media voices conspiring to misrepresent Trump's intent. This is a pretty conspiracy-rich topic, I think.

SuicideTruthbomber 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am certain that the shill groups all have their anti-democracy playbook that they can copy and paste from. People should still vote, regardless of what those paid voices tell them to do.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +2 / -1

Marijuana decriminalization is supported by many among the right wing (RW).

EDIT: And anyone can click on our names if they are interested in track records.

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