Stylishman 8 points ago +8 / -0

I don't agree. Most people here seem to recognize the truth that the GOP is one side of the uniparty, that has been in power all of my life. The Agenda marches on, and it doesn't matter which "side" is in control. It's the same agenda. They swap out periodically in order to placate the masses.

I see a fair few switched-on people on this board. Maybe it's just because I don't visit daily, but I think you're misrepresenting.

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its Lucifer. Sucking blood from baby dicks sounds very Luciferian/Gnostic indeed.

There's a reason that Talmudic laws (currently in reserve in the US since George H W Bush, and signed off on every president since including DJT) say it shall be a crime punishable by beheading to say that Jesus is the son of God. And look at all the "Smart Guillotines" that FEMA have been stockpiling for the last decade.

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, you're not wrong. And this touches on the root of the great spiritual battle that high degree Masonry is engaged in. For Luciferianism is about giving in to your animal instincts and "living in accordance with nature". If you want to kill, well there's killing in nature and allowed in nature and therefore cannot be considered wrong - see how the hornet slaughters hundreds of bees to get what it wants. Might makes right. Give in to your lust freely, for that is the force from which life originates. Helping the weak is wrong for it is not natural and would slow you/society down etc etc

There is a fair chance that John Denver is a member. One is hard pressed to find a celebrity that isn't a Mason or similar nowadays. For it is through Masonry that they are given power and influence. Some Masons are more concerned with hiding it than others. The pope, for instance, cant go praising Satan openly but will still throw up hand signs to worship him. (And make the inside of the Vatican look like a snake. And have a telescope called L.U.C.I.F.E.R ha). They have a way of rubbing it in your faces without you being able to prove it. Naming their girl something demonic sounds par for the course for them.

Yes, you're not wrong about that. Pay attention to peoples actions when judging their characters, rather than their words. There's some wisdom there.

Heh, didn't even really mean it as a "call-out" per se, just something to note.

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have already corrupted the population enough that they don't really need the lodges anymore. Soon, they're moving to their "New Age", and culling the population to below 500 million, so I doubt they care much.

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone never cursing is no bad thing. Nor those proceeding through their life with joy in their hearts.

What a, dare I say, Satanic message to instil into all of the members.

But yes, obviously most below the highest degrees are not bad people. And I can even understand the Satanic point of view on the world, though I dont agree at all.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Below the 33rd, the Satanic elements are only hinted at. But seriously, what other clubs threaten you with all that gnarly shit for breaking your oaths to silence? That should be the first clue that there's something off about it. Then there's the initiations with the skulls, with the daggers etc etc as you climb the degrees. Woven throughout all the while is information that, when viewed a different way, is most certainly Satanic (as in, the laws of nature are the only laws, do what thou wilt, there is no good or evil -- that is where they will guide you up the degrees).

I know you don't believe me. That's fine. Its shrouded in Christian trappings to trap members with Christian values/sensibilities at the lower degrees, and you will never find yourself invited too high without seeing into what they are actually trying to teach you. The only way Satanism could survive the last few hundred years was through the Masons and other orders/sects, which had to portray themselves as Christian to not be destroyed.

When the Masons work is done, every church will be a brothel.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Part of it is that they feel empowered to shove it in the publics faces through the symbolism. To them, we are the vulgar and the profane and would never understand. And those of us who do, well, what can we do about it? Shit all tbh. People wont wake up easily and they hold all the cards. They have captured much while our eyes have been wide shut.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

The links between masonry, the occult and societal degeneracy are too strong for that to be realistic. There is a (long!) video linked in a below thread (this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLA-iejhwek ) that makes those links explicitly clear.

Stylishman 3 points ago +4 / -1

This warning would be seen as a badge of honour from any thinking adult. And tbh, the way the twitter rules are atm, many bitchute vids would fall outside them. I don't think there's grounds to sue, this warning is cringe but hardly criminal.

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your wife's boyfriends?

Stylishman 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think if you look at the political effects of this incident, it becomes far clearer.

They were told to stand down so that more kids would die. There is no other fathomable reason why cops wouldn't intervene in a situation like this.

If more kids die, they can call for stripping the population of their guns (as they are now doing) If the population loses their guns, they are fair game for increased state oppression, which all signals point to that being the plan. By 2030, you will own nothing. A hell of a lot easier to enact if they have guns and you don't.

Does this really need spelling out so?

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact that the more older brothers a guy grows up with, the more likely he is to be gay, shows that environment is a major factor.

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reminds me of that old saying: "Only the arsonist knows when the next fire will start"

Stylishman 1 point ago +2 / -1

What I dont get about this film...

Why didnt they show footage of the same mule posting in multiple ballot boxes, as they say they can prove happened (and it likely did tbh). They have all this footage, and yet they cant show that cast-iron proof that this video lacks without it.

Sure, a lot of the people filmed looked sus af. Still weird that they cant prove something they should easily be able to, if they were telling the truth.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Super unlikely to be a public figure tbh

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha I think I will use ice tea next time

Stylishman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Theres the comment of someone emotionally reactive as fuck.

Dont let internet arguments get to ya, lets just shut up now.

Stylishman 1 point ago +2 / -1

I look away from my computer for 3 mins and come back to 4 or 5 notifications from you.

Lets both just shut up

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah shit, replied that to the wrong one. My bad. The other dude was saying the same gay shit you were, but with an angry cap rant thing going.

Stylishman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Compassion for the doomed is not weakness. Finding it regrettable that things are going to shit is not thin skinned. You are clearly a little insecure bitch.

Stylishman 1 point ago +2 / -1

ahaha just speaking his language. If you cant tell I was laughing while typing all that, you're autistic as fuck

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