I know. From what I can tell, minus the obvious trolls, its about 55% NAY to 45% YAY. I could be wrong.
how well did democracy serve the First Republic?
I mean the Nays seem to have won. Though watch the mods cull half of the nay votes for no reason.
Regardless, it appears, at least to me, that the Nays have the slight majority.
I'm talking about freedom of speech laws. Stuff that is illegal (such as death threats, dozzing, pedophilia, rape, etc) should undoubtedly be banned. But banning Flat Earth just because we may disagree on it goes against my values. I hate FE retards, but I'm not about to support ostracizing them from society. It's more fun trolling them by pretending to be curious and then dumping boatloads of debunks on them and watching them writhe and squirm like Fauci getting grilled by Rand Paul.
Unless it is illegal in nature there is no excuse to censor it.
For a such a stupid and benign thing, why is anyone wanting to ban it from here?
It's not required, anon.
Nay. Censoring the free debate of ideas is antithetical to all that we value. I detest Flat earth but we can't ban it just because we don't like dealing with it.
that is not meat
Must go mountains and worship human sacrifices
All of the above
You really think the Catholic Chirch wouldn't just invent 1000 years to make itself look like the successor to the Roman Empire?
Well duh. Anything disproving the narrative is supressed.
Low effort I could add tons more both sides. Try harder agent gomez
Let us know if itvworks we could all use a couple hundred million
You can get banned for anything there
At this point I think I'd prefer Hitler over whatever this Satanic bs is
Oh yeah, a bot deeeefinitely made that stupid corny (not to mention very human) statement. Do I need to include misspellings lmao. But keep accusing everyone of being a bot, really.
Wow how observant.
Humans are not 2 dimensional retard
Please please please I beg of you don't be fooled by the psyop. Research Hollow Earth. Biblioteca Pleyades has a whole section on the topic. Its far more worthwhile to study. The earth is certainly round; it may be hollow. Physics does not deny a hollow planet with a shell 400-600 km thick.
Which major world leaders haven't gone to Israel and put on the show? Exactly. If we say that any person that put on the little jew cap and touched the wall in a choreographed and media mobbed ceremony is a Jewphilic whatever, how is that any better than "if you own a gun you're an extremist?"
Putin at least cares about his country. Unlike other leaders.
This guy cutes Ventusky but Ventusky isn't showing anything cold the first week of January.
And how ironic is it that I have never had the life experience you guys have all had that led you to this? I was basically force-fed by Grandma, so I don't understand most of it, but I can think.