Credo Mutwa interview
Everything humanity does (some) the technology progresses 10 fold. First iPhone in 2007 and look where we are at. We should be beyond the moon landing and competent with space travel by now.
Nothing regresses only progresses
He believed in his mind to be true he just went about it the wrong way just like Ted Kaczynski.
Not inherently racist but I do believe what he was saying is true, black and whites can't coexist, they shouldn't be pushed around but shouldn't be pushing white people around either.
Based Nigger rman
Even more based interview.
Now this sub and the rest of Win are reddit. The same wanna be witty and reddit cringe comments are popping up. No longer conspiracies, just another "sub" with politics and low effort pictures about politics. With the occasional "Twitter banned" posts
What forum, is dead.