RightWingRetard -1 points ago +1 / -2

Are you trying to stifle my free speech?

You know how many people have libtard in their usernames? You know I've been called a faggot at least 20 times and told to kill myself 5 times in the past week?

It's not me with the anger issues. Even then, so what if I'm a bit pissed off that something like this would be in FUNNY.


Wow, so fucking funny! Telling gay people to commit suicide! LOL! What nice, accepting, and obviously practicing religious group of people. Quite the joke on there. The left's memes hold no water to jokes of that calibre. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Like that's not even a joke. It's just straight up hate and it's disgusting. But no, right wing sites never turn into hateful sites I'm told. But honestly, that's half of what I've seen on every single .win site.

But I get banned by the people that cry "censorship is wrong right wing views are banned", when in reality most are just banned for being assholes.

by pkvi
RightWingRetard 0 points ago +2 / -2

Funny since he obviously doesn't give a fuck about anyone other than himself and his immediate family (some of them at least).

He hasn't said shit about the people in jail because he's laughing at them. It's all a big game for him. Reality TV.

RightWingRetard -2 points ago +1 / -3

Pharma shill calls other people pharma shills while rolling around in millions of dollars. Just more bullshit out there to muddy the waters.

While he may have points, he's never worked on a vaccine that I can find and his main claim to fame seems to be eczema medication.

So doctor Yeadon gets a press X to doubt from me.


RightWingRetard 1 point ago +2 / -1

It should at least wake someone up to the idea of censorship rampantly occurring on both sides. It's like the Spider-Man meme.

RightWingRetard 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's 99% likely funding directly from the GOP paying the bills. No one seems to want to admit to who's paying the bills.

RightWingRetard 0 points ago +3 / -3

Well, there was a "joke" in funny that basically amounted down to kill all the gays, so I said it wasn't funny and that it's sad people actually think like that. Of course I knew it would get downvoted, but banning me for harassment is fucking hypocritical to the max.

I also posted on a pic of Biden on greatakwakening of him grabbing a kids face, and all I said was that it was his grandson and they were at his fathers funeral and he pulls him back awkwardly to give the kid a kiss on the cheek. I posted a video instead and asked people to look at it and tell me it was child abuse.


On gaming, I said that I saw a lot of people during the gamergate scandal calling the chick developer a dirty whore, a cunt, among a lot of other things. It went against the narrative that there was no misogyny involved.


I figure about a week on this one before I get banned for my views like everywhere else here. Bunch of cowards.

EDIT: More like 12 hours before I was banned by a snowflake here.

RightWingRetard 1 point ago +4 / -3

Calling someone a shill or troll is the biggest cop out. If you can't even defeat a shill or troll in an argument, then your argument sucks.

RightWingRetard -2 points ago +1 / -3

I mean, demolition setups are real. Don't know what point you're trying to make here.

Have you seen how many explosives and wires there are when a building is rigged?

RightWingRetard -7 points ago +1 / -8

Wow. This is truly great content for a conspiracy site. Complete trash humans beings you are.

RightWingRetard -6 points ago +1 / -7

Might have gone faster if they hired a company that has... you know... actually done an audit before.

by pkvi
RightWingRetard -5 points ago +1 / -6

Wow. White fragility at it's finest. You send emails complaining about a white man being corrected by a black woman. You sure do have a lot of time on your hands to worry about complete and utter bullshit.

Truly funny beyond belief that people like you actually exist in the real world. Fucking glad as hell I don't know any.

by pkvi
RightWingRetard -4 points ago +1 / -5

Worthless zero detail guesswork from a desperate fraudster.

RightWingRetard -2 points ago +2 / -4

There sure are a lot of shootings and the only result seems to be people buying more guns and more ammo. That's the real conspiracy. The 2nd amendment is pushed to make billions in arms sales to it's own population, ever fueling the need for more guns.

RightWingRetard -4 points ago +2 / -6

So it's not owned by Billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch?

RightWingRetard -7 points ago +2 / -9

I dunno about all of this, but one thing you left out on the Donald being on the front page is they started maliciously gaming the systems. The mods started stickying posts getting everyone to vote for the post, then unstickying it and putting up another, rinse and repeat. They were getting 4-5K upvotes in a small amount of time and flooded r/all when it existed with Donald posts. It was coordinated, planned and called for by them.

Now, can you say in good faith that there should have been no repercussions for this? Forget the other shit. Whatever. Just this scenario, which you left out. It's well documented.

RightWingRetard -3 points ago +1 / -4

Let's face it, she might be legit crazy after everything she's been through, but that also doesn't mean that they didn't purposely make her worse, take advantage of, and abuse her in turn.

That being said, give her back her shit.

by gamepwn
RightWingRetard -3 points ago +1 / -4

Ou baby I like it raw, yeah baby I like it raw!

by pkvi
RightWingRetard -2 points ago +2 / -4

I'm old enough to remember when we protested not being able to wear masks at a protest. Haha. How the world changes.

RightWingRetard -3 points ago +3 / -6

I hope she was worth it. Also, that site is a Murdoch rag and garbage MSM, just another side of the disinformation game.

RightWingRetard -4 points ago +2 / -6

Honestly looks like some sort of sinkhole situation. Took out the middle, left both the right and the left hand side at first, then those kinda tilt inwards like the hole was expanding.

The flashes could be from electrical shit going haywire, I dunno.

The thing is, I watched many a TLC show on demolitions, and in the best case scenario they take a shit ton of time to set up. They generally gut the building too. There's a shit ton of wires everywhere and charges around every pillar. It's very noticeable.

Now, maybe we have technology that can do it without all these things... But I dunno I think that's a stretch here. Even if you wanted to kill someone in the building, seems a bit extreme. Like, there's psychos that would, but it just seems too much.

With no real goal or "terror attack" theme, or something to make people afraid (other than living in Florida on swampy land lol) I just don't jump to demolition. Way too slow and sloppy for this.

But who knows.

RightWingRetard 0 points ago +1 / -1

As someone that worked in it for a large city, it's crazy how out of date and insecure so many things are.

It's scary to think about how fast society would truly crumble if there was a mass, long term power outage. With so much riding on electricity (including infrastructure, money, deliveries) I think modern cities would start to crumble after 2 weeks.

Everything is electronic, even most landline phone systems. Who has analog phones that work with the power out these days, how many even have a landline?

All money would stop. Orders would stop. Food wouldn't be delivered. Hell, water processing plants would probably even stop. 95+% of employment would stop.

Max 1 month to complete and utter anarchy and killing people for food scenario. Before that? The riots might even start day 1.

Scary shit.