RentFreeCrisisAct 3 points ago +3 / -0

Me too, my friend. This whole shebang as gotten WAY THE FUCK OUT OF HAND.

RentFreeCrisisAct 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also these kinds of stories usually have some truth to them when they spread this far and wide.

Like the one where Rod Stewart got the jizz pumped out of his stomach? We ALL heard that when we were kids , before we knew who Rod Stewart, or what jizz, even was.

Needless to say, I'm not buying that one, and it spread far and wide as well. Hijackers did 9-11 spread pretty far and wide as well.

Get my drift? No offense I'm not trying to bust your balls here, just saying. Far and wide == true by a long shot, in fact generally it means the opposite.

Somehow scientists have been able to take pictures of 2D and so the men in black had taken a picture of hell

Nope. Heaven and hell happen POST rapture. There is no Heaven OR Hell right now. That's what the Bible says, anyway. So how a 2D pic of a non-existent place?

That's the freemason's secret knowledge (I think) This life is a freebie and you'll just be back to it in your little reincarnation loop. "George H.W. Bush" no longer exists in any form at all (thank FUCK) he's back as a whole different person with nothing to pay for his deeds.

That being said, is there a record of all of your lives somewhere in another plain? How the fuck should I know? If not, then all of those dead bodies and shady deals mean nothing. He is dead as a doornail just like Ghandi.

RentFreeCrisisAct 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah but it's "industry darling" 🌈✨Mel Gibson, not you who did it. Or me. Why isn't HE talking about it AT ALL. If he actually did this, he's a fucking hero and I will support everything he does from here on out as much as I can. But I don't think it's true..

Besides, pedo ring doesn't tie anyone to it, it's just a general inkling that's been floating around (here) for a while. He busted a pedo ring. That doesn't tie Bidet to it even though he's 100% guaranteed involved. There's no paper trail so it's just another Corey Haim. "I'll release the names if you pay my bills...oh yes, the names...I'll tell you after my tour, I'll tell you (sometime later.) Just keep sending those greenbacks fluff head supporters!

by DrLeaks
RentFreeCrisisAct 1 point ago +1 / -0

We already know everything he says. I think you are doling out too much credit here. It's all....not common knowledge per-se, but we all fucking know it

RentFreeCrisisAct 1 point ago +1 / -0

He wants to test them for safety and gets shut down. Need any more proof, idiots?

RentFreeCrisisAct 5 points ago +5 / -0

To help with your decision, remember Jade Helm with the ice cream trucks in the convoy (to carry "vaccines," perhaps? )

That's the end mission I think. Cut the power and then drive all around forcing people to either take the vac or die. How are they going to keep mRNA up with such a sketchy profile? Nobody, and I mean NOBODY who actually knows about these things says they are safe and they are CLEARLY not effective. Besides, the control group would be non-existent, so "it's safe!" and some people (myself included) will never go to any doctor EVER AGAIN and vaccines? Hahahaha! Just kill me,.faggots! Fuck this world anyway.

It could all be a set-up for Jade Helm Live and Uncut.

We should ALL be taking these scumbags out with prejudice. It's clear their intent isn't a good one for you and I.

Their time is running out, they have to make a move soon, people are waking up. They already divided the population and lots of people still get that fucking.shit and refuse to hear a word about it or any wondering WHY? They themselves said it doesn't work. Shouldn't that be enough?

RentFreeCrisisAct 5 points ago +6 / -1

Then why is he still breathing?

It's clear he is a bit of an industry outsider, but this seems far-fetched. Where is any proof of this? Wouldn't this be pretty big news? Mel seems like a good dude generally, but that doesn't mean a thing. Deception is their whole plan.

It does, however, match what we have been thinking all along, that Ukraine is a giant Nazi toddler-fucker paradise. Probably every single high profile piece of shit that's been there "for humanitarian efforts" was actually banging toddlers. We already know that part. Conceptually scary and disgusting.

Gods biggest mistake was making procreation the most pleasure a person can have. The more deviant by society standards, the more enjoyable. (If you disagree, why does every guy want to fuck more than one girl at a time? Even me. That's against the whole concept of sex.) He should have made sex unpleasant so NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING and people wouldn't have kids unless they wanted them, and gone through trouble to get them. Omnipotent my fucking ass!

As it stands now, it kinda looks like they get women pregnant and then when the baby is born, fuck it literally to death during a satanic ritual, and then have a satanic ice cream party and a concert by U2 after. (Bono a-capella anyway...)

OR they got the micro-micro-penis.

I've long held the belief that calling yourself "Satanist" is just a dog-whistle for insufferable rich cunts who want to use their resources to destroy instead of help. That's what "philanthropy" means to them. Fucking shit up and stealing whilst saying they are helping. If you look into their "help" though, it's actually destructive shit they are doing

Like philanthropist jerk-off faggot Gates not trying to send food to Africa (I mean, we all need food) but instead sending "vaccines." Who the fuck can't hear the message sent there. It's just cool that they are smart enough to tell him to go fuck his philanthropist self in the ass with them. If you don't know vaccines actually SPREAD disease, you're a fucking retard. Why this summer cold bullshit? EVERY SINGLE PERSON I FUCKING KNOW has this upper-respiratory bullshit right now. Where the fuck did that come from? Yeah, sure. It's "natural."

I digress. 😂🤣😂

I know. It's just a long and arduous post to say FUCK YOU, EISENSTEIN AKA NOYOUSHUTUP

by DrLeaks
RentFreeCrisisAct 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who cares? Just fine Alex Jones some billions for saying an idea. And then, after you fine him, you don't even have to prove anything.

Kangaroo courts one and all.

Like Pall Jenkins said in a Three Mile Pilot song back in the 90s "nothing is sacred these days,"

And that was the 90s he was just bitter. NOW is when nothing is sacred.

by pkvi
RentFreeCrisisAct 4 points ago +4 / -0

"deliberately infecting" their FAVORITE! It's the only way to get their fake ass bullshit into anyone's system

RentFreeCrisisAct 0 points ago +1 / -1

Where did you come from anyway? Haven't seen you in a year easy around here.

Your instant return has a certain "just got outta prison" vibe. 🤣😂😂

RentFreeCrisisAct 1 point ago +1 / -0

I rescind it. Fuck them. Come get it if you want it so bad, kiddy diddlers!

RentFreeCrisisAct 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sister of my Klanma in 1954


Thank FUCK all of the racists are gone in my family.

What is it we say around here again...? bless their hearts!

RentFreeCrisisAct 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why is it SO FUCKING IMPORTANT that we not only accept them with open arms, but EMBRACE them? Doesn't make any sense. Like none AT ALL. I was pretty open-minded about all of that, but now I kinda hate the whole thing. When someone brings fucking KIDS into their plot, they lose my support.

RentFreeCrisisAct 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if I tell you there is no hell. Even the Bible says heaven and hell come AFTER the Rapture, so right now, nobody is nowhere.

RentFreeCrisisAct 2 points ago +2 / -0

WAAAAAAAAAAAAY over medicated

RentFreeCrisisAct 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was no cache of apple pie on that UFO? WHERE THE FUCK IS MY APPLE PIE????

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