Random10101010 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would be interesting to see if you could infiltrate this network if you had obscene amounts of money for some reason that you didn't really earn, like if you latched onto Bitcoin early or something, buy it and see if you can get further in the chain, though if you succeeded and reported it, corrupt LE might just come after you instead.

Would also be interesting to make a bunch of these listings, fake, but with known pedo symbols and such, and see if you can get some random to buy it. Listing on most sites is close to free, also insanely risky and stupid of course.

Random10101010 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good post, strikes me that the strategy in #6 could be used for lots of things, honestly could have been used for the supposed novel coronavirus, it's a random virus to normies, it's a bioweapon released from a lab for conspiracy crowd, in reality perhaps it's something related to earth changes that did make people sick but was neither (no firm conclusion on my part, just extrapolating the idea)

Random10101010 2 points ago +2 / -0

AFAIK it used to be Agenda 2021, now it's Agenda 2030, and as far as I can tell, it's not close to being implemented yet -- https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/only-12-un-sustainable-development-101700030.html. So one of two things. Either this is a constant rolling thing, what u/free-will-of-choice is describing, or there is something planned to forcibly accelerate towards Agenda 2030. No idea the significance of the year in general.

Random10101010 2 points ago +2 / -0

This website is so overloaded with shills it's insane, I'd imagine it's the same on every conspiracy website but it's fucking hilarious because this one is so small (posts get like 5 upvotes LOL), I've blocked so many people, I had to create an account just to use the block function specifically or it was borderline unusable especially with the pkvi accounts attempting to forum slide into the next galaxy and beyond, lots of attempts to draw attention to "political conspiracies" AKA noise 99% of the time. Really good community here once you create an account and block the shills though

Random10101010 1 point ago +1 / -0

Will take a look at the video for sure. This is blowing my mind a bit and I've actually just started looking, this one in particular:

A small Box with round knobs will bring Mankind Joy and Desire into the smallest Rooms. Music, frolic and laughter come from this remarkable Thing, and people shall listen to the good and bad words. (…)

I see a small cornered thing in their hands, which will give them information about everything they wish to know. On a white Surface, there appears a small box in which we can see People, Animals, Mountains and Valleys. Beautiful Music accompanies the Figures, and the People are happy over it. But all their joys will mean nothing. (…)

Random10101010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting point on that. You're so right in that it's quite hard to figure out the stunts they're trying to pull and how they're trying to shape perception. So easy to get sucked in. "Nothing mainstream is the real situation" is sort of a cop out, but it's also good to think about. Another thing I've been thinking about is: people say "COVID was a warm up" -- probably, but I don't think I have a good grasp on what's to come. I doubt it's another COVID-like pandemic. Maybe not even a biological "virus" at all? And things like project blue beam, while extremely plausible, also seem to be too mainstream to be right on the money... I'd imagine the people coordinating this are all unfortunately a bit more intelligent than I am, and have planned for the skeptics as well... that line from the Bible in that "even the elect will be fooled" or something comes to mind.

Random10101010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting, thanks for the share. I think you are one of three or four non-shills populating this website

Random10101010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read Subliminal Seduction by Wilson Bryan Key, media programs you through archetypal symbols no matter how much you try to resist, because your subconscious digests and integrates information into your psyche literally instantly and you cannot stop that, period.

The 5GW predictive programming is the CONSCIOUS programming. Yes, you are not a normie and you will not fall for the CONSCIOUS programming. BUT. Just because you are not a normie does not change the structure of your perception, which is almost entirely subconscious.

Anything from TPTB with a big budget has layers and layers and layers of subconscious programming in it. Same reason why you need to be very careful with what music you listen to. Even if the music does not have blatantly obvious programming lyrics like pop and rap does, there are still things like words with double meanings layered on top of major chords which you naturally find pleasant and things of that nature. Your subconscious will instantly pick up on and digest it without your conscious ever being aware of it. Same with this movie. This movie is programming you towards destruction even if you recognize and resist the main conscious programming themes.

The only way to stop this stuff is to opt out entirely, not even watching it for curiosity's sake. Please my friend, I am not a shill and I don't think you are either, please read the book as an intro to this subject, you can find a free PDF if you search on Yandex, it is humbling to realize we do not have much control over how we are programmed despite not being normies, archetypal symbols and SUBCONSCIOUS programming is the key to all of this shit, not regular conspiracy theories, subconscious programming is the essence of everything they are doing, subconscious programming IS predictive programming, conscious programming is a drop in the bucket compared to subconscious programming. If I have managed to catch your attention without offending your ego too much you need to read the book bro

by DrLeaks
Random10101010 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really thought the one comment on this post before I opened it would be from Mrexreturns lmao (no hate bro this just seems right up your alley lol)

Random10101010 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what I'm talking about also. You said you've been studying it on and off for three decades and I was wondering if you had any resources to share on the subject from those three decades of research. The guy I mentioned, Wilson Bryan Key, wrote a couple good books about subliminal psychological aspects loosely related to the video

Random10101010 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey just following up, do you have any resources to share on this subject? I know about Wilson Bryan Key but looking for more. Thx

Random10101010 2 points ago +2 / -0

I gotcha. Yeah, we're in agreement, I was adding that the tech needs to be way beyond anything commercially available, or else even if they don't see how the trick works, people might say "well that just looks like [prior slightly less advanced iteration of projection in the sky tech"

Random10101010 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure I'm understanding you correctly, I may have been unclear, my comment was just stream of thought. Essentially this one and the dragon both look pretty damn good but can't be scaled in the way that blue beam would presumably need to be, with the limitations being the mesh screen here and the need to look through your phone for the dragon one. Blue beam tech would have to go way beyond this to stop the world, and the more common and mainstream this whole sky projection tech gets, the more it will have to exceed it. You need the tech bros to look at blue beam and say "this is far beyond our capabilities"

Random10101010 3 points ago +3 / -0

I also saw a variation of this where a dragon was flying around but you had to watch it through your phone or something even if you were physically there.

Could be something along the lines of the black budget tech being revealed for blue beam, with a bunch of people saying "Bro, this CANNOT be fake, here is where the tech was (these examples), this is way beyond that" with some euphoria generated by the HAARP machines or what have you to sell it

Though I still think blue beam or anything similar isn't happening immediately, I mean, we still do not have people living in 15 minute smart cities or anything close to it, the control apparatus hasn't even tried to be meaningfully implemented yet really IMO

Random10101010 2 points ago +2 / -0

On one hand I pity them because that will be a massive shock and a lot of the younger people are just imitating their millennial parents and trying to survive in the social media dominated young people social world. On the other hand, once the addiction is broken (if it is), they will probably experience a life free of tech addiction for the first time ever, which I'd imagine will feel orgasmic

Random10101010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, are you familiar with "sleepydude" on Substack? The guy himself isn't really important to what I'm asking, what's important is he writes about hidden communications in language, right brain language in a sense, how something means two things, which you seem to definitely grasp, even though I only really have an intuitive sense that you grasp it because I don't grasp it to any significant degree yet. For example I can mostly follow along with what you write but I couldn't easily write the same comments. If I had to guess, I'd say you post the comments that you do as practice, and possibly to open up others to this way of thinking about language. So my question is, do you have any recommendations for reading resources on this broad topic? And outside of posting these comments, how have you developed your ability to see language in this way? Many thanks for any reply or assistance.

Random10101010 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vast majority of kids in the 18 range have probably indeed been coddled to death by no real fault of their own. Tech addicted parents give you an iPad when you're 5 years old, then you go to public school and nothing develops, and you're never wanting for food/water/shelter, so you arrive into adulthood completely crippled and way behind.

Random10101010 7 points ago +7 / -0

Whole thing could just be part of an elaborate PR and/or distraction/pacification campaign and now that it's deleted it'll get memory holed easily

Random10101010 1 point ago +1 / -0


These are bold claims. Frameworks, especially for diet, are a dime a dozen. Truthfully, I have no idea why this framework works. It’s very old and a lot of people use it. All I know is that it sounded plausible, so I tried it. It fixed my literal digestive issues instantly and I also feel as though I have a brand new lease on life due to the terrible effects less-than-perfect digestion was having on my mental and emotional health without me realizing it. I would bet that the same is happening to you—unless your digestion is literally perfect already and you feel you are thriving as your best self for every single hour of every single day.

Again, this framework can help everyone, from the IBS sufferer to the person who just curiously seems to fall victim to negative emotions at a higher rate than others despite seeming to have far higher emotional intelligence. So let’s get into it.

Everything is made up of the four elements, including humans. Due to nature or nurture, most humans tend to be out of balance—either one or two of the elements is present in excess.

The foods you eat can balance this excess element. Once you’re balanced, your body functions properly in all areas, and especially digestion. Perfect digestion leads to a far better life. It’s that simple.

The three classifications are:

  1. Vata (air). You likely have an excess of vata if you suffer from: dry skin, constipation, anxiety, chaotic thoughts, underweight.
  2. Pitta (fire). You likely have an excess of pitta if you suffer from: oily skin, anger/rage/hatred, diarrhea, heartburn, workaholism.
  3. Kapha (earth). You likely have an excess of kapha if you are: sad, overweight, sluggish, lethargic, slow, too reliant on a routine, struggle to do new things.

There are, of course, benefits to any one of the three classifications. However, the benefits come to the surface when you are balanced. If you are not balanced, you experience the negative effects of an abundance of that particular element, which is why it makes sense to focus on the negatives when determining which imbalances you have.

Most people have two imbalances, with one imbalance being more extreme than the other. Seasonal changes are a factor in which imbalance affects you. A particular season can balance out one of your imbalances and bring the negative effects of the other imbalance to the forefront. For example, vata (cold, dry) is balanced by the hot, humid summer. So if you are primarily vata with some pitta, the negative effects of your pitta imbalance will likely surface during the summer because the vata imbalance is subdued.

Give yourself an honest assessment, look up foods to balance your imbalances out (just search “vata diet” etc. and cross reference different lists), then build your diet around only those foods. Simple as that. The effects will be nearly instantaneous.

Personally, I am extremely vata, so in the cold, dry winter, I need to take extreme care to maintain balance. In the summertime, my pitta imbalance comes to the forefront. If out of balance, instead of feeling anxiety, I feel anger and hatred. Instead of struggling to get anything done because I switch between tasks so quickly, I get hyper fixated on a goal, usually exercise, and try to overachieve, usually in the form of working out multiple hours per day and usually getting injured.

Full list of things that this approach has fixed for me:

  1. Literal digestion—perfect scheduled BMs like clockwork, no more discomfort
  2. Lower back pain—I could do as much stretching, foam rolling, yoga, and strength training as I wanted, and my lower back would still be an issue
  3. Rampant anxiety—this made no sense, because I’ve done a ton of work on my mental and emotional states, yet sometimes it seemed to be completely out of my control—body imbalances were overriding mental effort
  4. Drug habits—nothing extreme, just needed a combination of coffee/weed/tobacco if I wanted to get work done or think consistently pleasant thoughts—this is no longer the case
  5. Focus is vastly improved—I am always at my peak level of meditation “skill” I feel and am smarter, because I was experiencing brain fog from poor digestion, ranging from mild to severe and exceptionally frustrating and debilitating
  6. Sleep is deep and fulfilling—I can go to bed whenever I want and wake up after 7.5 to 9 hours feeling completely refreshed, no longer need to religiously wear a blackout eye mask and ear plugs
  7. More clean energy due to all of the above—which I can direct towards anything I want without getting off track

I would highly, highly recommend looking into this unless your digestion is literally perfect all of the time. I would especially recommend looking into this if you still have mental and emotional problems despite putting a lot of effort and thought into healing trauma and managing your emotional wellbeing.

The exact term for this framework is Ayurveda.

It is the most amazing feeling to realize you have been fighting an invisible enemy all along, and the enemy decided to give up the second you adopted Ayurveda.

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