Ragnerok 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey OP. Great post, and I think you're on point. I believe everyones bodies are sensitive to the waves, but that's not the same as they're mentally aware of it. (A lot of peoples senses are numb, thanks to constant AV bombardments from media/social media... Tiktok brains generally)

And I want to add, the more I'm in a big city environment with millions of WiFi signals, I tend to have headaches very often, compared to when I'm in rural areas with far less signals.

I've made it a habit to turn off my WiFi router and set all devices to airplane mode when going to bed. And I genuinely feel it helps, although I'll admit it may only be "placebo" and mentally. (As there are so many other signals from neighbours, 5G masts and other crap nearby)

As far as infertility goes, I don't mind, lol. There's no way I want to put children into this mad world, only to be tax slaves for the elite and test subjects for the next "vaccine" etc...

Ragnerok 3 points ago +4 / -1

Correct according to who?

People can always twist and turn some garbage so it will support their own beliefs and view of the world.

Ragnerok 2 points ago +4 / -2

As a European, I'd like to say, you can change that to "Congrats to the world".

Now it will just be interesting to see the incoming assassination attempts, and if unsuccessful, perhaps we will be treated to another fake pandemic, to keep things paused for the next 2 years.

Ragnerok 2 points ago +2 / -0

That old-timer on the photo has that classic wild look in his eyes, and he is torn between "I must obey, be afraid and avoid human contact at any cost" and approach the photographer and tell him "i didn't give you consent to take my picture".

That's how the mind of these imbecile woke people works.

Ragnerok 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've got family in Denmark, they say they're ok. They made coffee a little while ago, medium/light roasted arabica.

Ragnerok 2 points ago +2 / -0

First of all, thanks for the post. And yeah, not one bit surprised.

I have A LOT of people around me, close friends as well as co-workers who all got turbo cancer within the last year or so. They all have 2 things in common... Being naive and having taken multiple shots.

The thing is, as much as I feel like sending them a big "I told you so" in the shape of this link, you just don't do that to people who have limited time left in this world, they have enough to think about, and enough funerals to attend.

I consider them to be highly naive, and I didn't hesitate calling them stupid, unintelligent and morons back when C19 was "trending", but I also know a lot of people have the mind of a child, they cannot fathom that someone would do something like this to them, because they themselves, are kind people.

We only have one enemy, and it isn't naive people, it's the corrupted governments around the world and the people they're working for.

Ragnerok 1 point ago +2 / -1

Google has turned into a pile of poop

Ragnerok 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's good, well done Israel - Russia needs to win this one.

Ragnerok 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you mean, because I'm not rambling away, making a new post, every time a voice is speaking in my head, I won't be "up to date"?

Really too??

Ragnerok 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm usually pretty up to date on what's going on, but this post..... Could somebody fill me in pls??

France f*cled up yes, because the Olympics are woke AF and as usual. But what else???

Ragnerok 1 point ago +1 / -0

A special batch .... og saline solution

Ragnerok 3 points ago +3 / -0

What do you mean replace? They can be both, just like Barry and Michael.

Ragnerok 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are you taking about? Communist tranny pedophiles have already taken over America. Wake up pls!

Ragnerok 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's about f*cking time. But what about Downs Syndrome?

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