Friend, would you and other want to do something CONSTRUCTIVE with our time?
Lets create some google docs, add trusted editors and do a compilation of all the things we talk. Preferably a clean work, with references and links to sources...
So that what we learn, can be recorded... otherwise we talk talk but nothing is left behind.
If the devil is in control, we will get carnage.
I don't follow any organized religion, but if the devil was real, and not just a metaphor, he would do exactly what he is doing.
The devil, from how I understand religious myths, wouldnt want to give away his entertainment... Or am I wrong?
no shit.
lemme do a prediction for you brainlets.
Musk is a CIA agent.
we never went to the moon, we might have sent probes there but thats it. So Musk is another layer of deception regarding FAKE space exploration.
he is also creating surveillance techno, aka STARLINK that WILL be used to spy and track every single human that tries to save himself by going into the wilderness when the total world government is established. no jungle will save us, no cave, no rock. drones will be sent to hunt us. return to the CITY plantation and eat bugs of else..
if you can imagine it, IT WILL HAPPEN
Cope harder retard.
Have you ever seen what the rest of the world eats, and how much of it.
Just take a look at your portion size and compare it to Europe and you will see.
Now there is no doubt that EVERYWHERE food is going to shit, but excusing the obesity of americans as a special case is totally dishonest lmao
My question is, what if all the problems we had were the result of bioevolutionary factors?
What if the cause of PC and related sjw phenomena is the result of allowing women into politics?
What if the cause of civil unrest is the inability for young males to have a decent life?
Watch this friend. JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick You can find it free on Odysee.'s-Trick-(Documentary,-2014).:0
All belief systems, even though seem contrary to one another, or different, have overall the same effect of human sheep. The effect is to make the sheep feel that things are going well, according to some higher plan, or in the right direction at least. Sex, family, schooling, work, nation, race, culture, all targeted to sheep to keep them hopeful for the future...
I'm happy with yandex for the most part. Problem is I cant seem to find a way to adjust settings to remove Cyrillic results.