RJ567 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's why after considering EO for a few years and spending a lot of time enjoying the Eastern church fathers (and the beautiful art/aesthetics), and now agreeing with their metaphysics over the Western views.

Some of the traditions that started developing are a bit weird and unbiblical IMO.

Too much emphasis is put on iconography (some would say to the level of fetishism), thinking spiritual beings are aware of you through images you are kissing. Asking Saints and Mary to pray for you rather than praying directly to God (Catholics are weird about this as well, something we simply don't see in the Apostles or Apostolic Fathers, nor instructions to do this in the deuterocanonical books even if some claim there are allusions in a verse in Tobit, we simply see no commands to or examples by the Gospels or Acts, the Pauline Epistles, or the Apostolic Fathers like Polycarp, Clement, and Ignatius).

Lack of an understanding of the Atonement, no concept of God being angry towards humans for sin.

Colossians 2:13-14 also, it's like they haven't really developed their Pauline theology. They get Christus Victor but not the other important aspects of the atonement.

They sometimes get furious when you mention any of that, and I don't want to cause division but it's enough of a problem I have to warn when the topic comes up because I worry they don't understand the basics of the gospel according to the Bible, and fell into the same trap as the Pharisee's did, holding up oral traditions higher than what God had written down in stone for us.

I'm not protesting anything I'm simply labeled "protestant" because I love the Bible.

Still enjoy listening to many EO and Catholic philosophers and theologians though, I am not saying they aren't true believers.

I just want everyone to know they can have a direct relationship with Jesus and speak to Him one on One, you don't need a middleman.

RJ567 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the image is hard to read:

"Ukraine is becoming a litmus test for Republican candidates because of the bad-faith argument that if you think we must fund Ukraine in its war against Russia, you don't care about American poverty. This is wrong. The two issues are not connected.

First off, pouring money into poverty-ridden areas does not result in prosperity. That has nothing to do with Ukraine. "Government spending means prosperity" is a lie. Half the people now promoting that lie know it and have spoken out openly against it in the past. You can be skeptical of Ukrainian military aid while STILL being in favor of entitlement reform.

Second off, the notion that America has no interests in Ukraine is untrue. We have an interest in the Russian military being defanged so they do not invade surrounding nations, thus threatening global supply chains and strengthening American opponents. We have an interest in deterring China from invading Taiwan.

But we are now stuck in this weird binary strawman situation in which we are told that either we must fund Ukraine "until they win, as long as it takes," without defining winning or "as long as it takes"; or "we must stop the war in Ukraine" without defining what "stopping" looks like (does it mean withdrawing all aid, thus leading Russia to take Kyiv?).

What about the position that we have interests in Ukraine, that they do not match the Ukrainian interests entirely, and that we should fund Ukraine so as to prevent their takeover while pushing for a peace agreement that cedes certain territory to the Russians while granting security guarantees to the Ukrainians?

All nuance is lost in politics pretty quickly. It's always much easier to malign your opponents as uncaring about their fellow Americans. But demagoguery comes at a pretty high societal cost."


Regardless, the State of Israel must be destroyed along with NATO and all central bankers

RJ567 3 points ago +3 / -0

We know happened but everyone is afraid to implicate Mossad because fears of being called an antisemite.


Michael Collins Piper: FINAL JUDGEMENT lecture [Mossad connection to JFK Conspiracy]

So they get to do whatever they want, usury, transgenderism, communism, pedophilia, pornography, ethnic cleansing, all because to call them out on any of it is "racist."

And through the media, they have declared "racism" to be the worst crime imaginable, so it trumps all of their crimes so everyone must stay silent if they want to be moral.

This is called the Babylonian dark arts, aka trauma-based mind control as the trauma part was having holocaust propaganda terrorizing us as children to suggest anyone who says anything against them is "like Hitler," someone who was just trying to defend his people against Bolshevik invaders who started an ARMED REVOLUTION in Germany in 1918.

Those weren't innocent civilians in those camps, it was Bolshevik soldiers and their families.

Americans are far more brainwashed than the N Korean's ever were, and have been fighting for communist jew bankers since the late 1800's after we lost the Civil War to them.

This is made even more clear with US banker JP Morgan sinking the Lusitania to false flag us into WW1 for their communist efforts, with US banker Jacob Schiff funding the Bolsheviks who invaded Russia. (and most certainly 1918 Germany, as Trotsky said Germany was next after Russia).

America has been the bad guys fighting for jews who worship Satan since the 1860's, this is not hyperbole.

Welcome to Babylon.

RJ567 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also see:

The CIA and the Occult: How the US Government Came to Practice the Occult


RJ567 2 points ago +2 / -0

"I may have to live on the run the rest of my life" - sheds tear


"Faces up to 100 [gorillian] years if convicted" - Joe Biden is literally Hitler!


It's just like David and Goliath!

He's a Mossad agent and all of this is made up and Conservatives keep falling for it, there's 1-2 in the Zerohedge comments who get it.

I'm expecting a new wave of tiktok video psyops of 'Conservatives' waving Israeli flags "in solidarity for Gal!"

RJ567 4 points ago +4 / -0

Archived Audiobook: A History of Central Banking and Enslavement of Mankind

Founder of a South African political party called “Income Tax Abolition and Usury Party” which was established in 1994, dying under mysterious circumstances in 2018.

In a 2010 radio interview, Goodson stated: "they've [jews] been expelled from over 70 countries, some of them several times. But unfortunately they have such a tight control of the media. Well, there is a small window of hope in that the Internet can provide alternative views, but even there they are trying to exercise supervision."

This page mentions how South African missionary Peter Hammond believes they poisoned him then quickly cremated the body.

Peter Hammond is quite based himself, they were both warning it was a jewish cartel planning on enslaving the world. Hammond was trying to warn Western churches we were decieved in WW2 as well by shining a light on General Patton.

RJ567 3 points ago +3 / -0

James Crown, mainstay of the Chicago Jewish community, dies in car crash on 70th birthday

More on Krinsky aka Crown: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2023/04/investigative-series/crowning-the-king-of-wall-street/

Part of the prominent Crown family, which has long donated to Jewish and other causes, Jim was eulogized by President Biden, Chicago’s mayor, head of the Chicago federation))

"Crown, who served as a board member at both JP Morgan and General Dynamics, was killed when his car careened into an impact barrier at Aspen Motorsports Park in Woody Creek, the Colorado Sun reported, citing the local coroner.

"member of Mega Group with the Bronfmans and Les Wexner.

He owned half of Chicago, and 23% of General Dynamics which makes half the weapons we're sending to Ukraine.

His grandfather was a Chicago mafia don who basically helped run the JFK assassination, and he put how own personal lawyer on the Warren Commission to write the report and dismiss the possibility of conspiracy to kill JFK.

It goes on and on. The Crown family runs the Aspen Institute, which is where 9/11 was planned, and where all those wars afterwards were planned, which all made General Dynamics/Crown family a fortune.

Aspen Institute even has a headquarters in Kyiv, and a lot of the weapons Zelensky has asked for are General Dynamics weapons. F-16, Abrams tanks, Stryker IFV, etc. ))"

His father, Lester Crown, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the chairman of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. He is also a lifetime trustee at the Aspen Institute, a major globalist organization.

"Monica Crowley Lester Crown William Croxton"


"The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations is expected Tuesday to announce a new chairman: billionaire businessman Lester Crown."


"A native Chicagoan, Mr. Crown is chairman of Henry Crown and Company. He is also chairman of The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and past chairman of the Civic Committee of The Commercial Club of Chicago."


"He also serves as a life trustee of Northwestern University and The Aspen Institute, a member of the Board of Overseers of the Henry Crown Fellowship Program of The Aspen Institute and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences."

Also the grandfather, Henry Crown (real name Krinsky) owned a big chunk of Hilton Hotels, and they had a big hotel/casino down there in Havana. So JFK not murdering Castro hurt the Crown family's interests down there, just like with Meyer Lansky (as depicted in Godfather II).

"As Obama moved closer to running, he paid a visit to James Crown and his father, Lester, billionaire investors who presided over a sprawling Chicago business dynasty and prominent leaders in the Jewish community.

As the meeting ended, the younger Crown said, his father — who is "fairly hawkish" about Israel's security — was noncommittal about Obama. But, James Crown said, "I pulled him down to my office, and I said, 'Hey, look, I think you should run, and I want you to win.' "

In courting families like the Crowns, Obama was gaining entree into the upper echelon of the city's corporate boardrooms, a ripe source of campaign money. But he was also seeking to broaden his appeal to Jewish voters,...

...Crown, for his part, could not be more pleased. Since Obama was elected to the Senate Crown said that even his father had been won over, helping to arrange meetings for Obama in a visit to Israel. James Crown said he had "never had even the slightest glimmer of concern that Barack wasn't terrific" on Israel — a view that Obama jokingly reinforced at a meeting last year in Crown's office....."

He controls [correction: CONTROLLED ((he's dead, jim.))] family holdings, including large stakes in Maytag, Hilton Hotels, Alltel, Aspen Skiing Company, New York's Rockefeller Center, and pro basketball's Chicago Bulls. He also holds a 13% stake in the New York Yankees, an increase from 10% when he was an original limited partner with George Steinbrenner's investment group in 1973.[2] Presumably, the large stake held in Bank One at the time of the 2003 Forbes 400 listing has converted to JPMorgan Chase stock and was derived from an interest in First Chicago Bank, which was enumerated in the 1998 Forbes 400 list as First Chicago NBD shares.

(post found in this Zerohedge comment section)

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