Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

The goods on MLK the civil rights leader is that he faked his own death. The hilarious aspect is that if you look up photos of him, he was apparently buried in two distinctly different caskets, like no one else ever.

To be serious, though, if we're talking the Hebrew word root, no, it's through another path. You have to tentatively accept the thesis that the entity that has come down to us as Satan (although a metric shit ton of misunderstood and made-up cruft has collected around him) was one of the Anunnaki, namely Marduk. I hate to spoil the ending that way, but it's impossible to follow the plot without that in mind.

If you're familiar with Manley P. Hall's telling of the origin of the name, he's correct up to near the end. The mistake he makes (and he sounds 100% certain as he does it) is that the South American tribe lived in "Amaruca" or "the land of Amaru", and that this Amaru was also known as Quetzalcoatl. That's not correct.

If you look up the original cuneiform of Marduk, it can be read two ways, either logographically or syllabically. In one of them, you read AMAR.UTU. Well, we can see the barely altered "Amaru" right there, can't we?

Interestingly--and maybe this will help these novel ideas gel--is that if you read it the other way, you get NAMR.UD. Recognize it? Yeah, it's where we get "Nimrod" (and "Nemrut" and various other corruptions). Also, both of those readings mean something like "young bull of the Sun" or "golden calf". Intriguing, right?

These may strike as happenstance or long reaches or simply made up, but I can only add that I started discovering these things around 2017 or so, and you would not believe the pile of evidence I've collected since then.

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, to reiterate the point about Heiser, every single other thing he said may have been true and correct, but getting people away from the Anunnaki was the crucial goal. To paraphrase and invert a famous Winston Churchill quote, "In the psywar, the lies are so precious they must always be attended by a bodyguard of truth."

In fact, I have come to recognize this as by far the most prevalent mode of "disinformation". The word itself conveys that some lie is being pushed--which is true in limited circumstances--but far more common is simply keeping people away from the truth. Everyone is then free to select as they wish from the numerous attractive diversions, irrelevancies, and dead ends presented to them.

The texts you mentioned, and numerous others, far from being a diversion from the Anunnaki are where we are informed about them. The Anunnaki are in fact the lens through which they can finally be understood as they were written.

As an example since you're interested in her, did you know Inanna is mentioned in the Bible? It's plain, but to recognize it you have to understand her name as a (slightly corrupted) term in the Sumerian language. She was, of course, one of the Anunnaki, and so we see them specifically named in the Bible.

I don't think many people--or any that I know of, anyway--who study the Bible know this, or would acknowledge it if pointed out to them.

Primate98 5 points ago +5 / -0

I feel pretty sure you don't want to hear this, but I'll say it anyway: I was finished with Heiser as trustworthy or an expert after about three minutes of exposure to his work. Whatever else he might have to say, I believe he was promoted specifically to divert people from study of the Anunnaki. This is one of the Big Secrets, so that is the importance.

Several years ago, as I was beginning to study the "ancient alien hypothesis" for myself, I kept hearing Heiser come up in regard to being a "Sitchin debunker". In the interest of scholarship, I went to his site where there was an autoplay video front and center.

Heiser said, "Sitchin made up everything about the Anunnaki. The Sumerians never mentioned them once. Go to the ETCSL, put 'anunnaki' in the search, and nothing comes up." He demonstrated this on screen.

Well, that's true enough: "Anunnaki" was a term Sitchin came up with. But... the Sumerians referred to them as "the Anuna" or "the Anuna gods", and did so prominently, many, many times.

Can Heiser really not know this? Whatever conclusion you may come to regarding how he came to his conclusion, I personally never considered that he would have anything worth listening to.

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

lol... Jesus Christ, 45 seconds in and Kamala has had it with this "Bear" character and his right-wing antics. They probably edited out the part where she screamed, "And where are my fucking zannies?!"

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

It strikes me that such discussions fail to see the forest for the trees.

The underlying issue, which almost all are blind to and the authors of which do not want discussed, is that society is so incredibly fucked up and profoundly sick that there are members of it who are suffering so much they would sooner die than continue, and who that supposedly advanced and enlightened society is either powerless or unwilling to pull back from the brink,

I also think that if the handful of aforementioned authors of such a twisted and demonic situation could be located and euthanized, society would be very, very different. Perhaps I'm not against euthanasia in this circumstance.

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Social Equality"? Ohhh, I get it: we're all going to get Holocausted.

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's something with little meaning, and "They" can simply reverse themselves after another 20-year study. I think "They" like to throw these things out from time to time to keep the masses in thrall to their own egos.

That is, those that fancy themselves "aware of the JQ" or whatever get to congratulate themselves that they "were right about the Jews all along". On the flip side, the normies get to say, "Everyone who comments on this is an anti-Semite, which of course makes me a better person than them for pointing this out." The cycle continues because none of these people can raise their consciousness to leave that cycle.

As far as the factoid itself, I can't say it makes sense but what I do see is that no one actually tries to make any sense of it. The Catholic Isabella I of Castile sends out a Jew on this important mission? Oh well, maybe she's a crypto, right? At precisely the same time, Torquemada is running around and they clean house (like pronto) with the Alhambra Decree giving all the Jews the boot.

Does anyone attempt to bring these basic things together under a sensible thesis? Perhaps one that points us towards a deeper understanding of our real history? Nope, just Jews = bad or Jews = good (choose one).

As I see it, this type of divisive diversion keeps people away from the really sensitive issues. For example, was America really named after Chris's buddy Amerigo Vespucci? No, it's ridiculous upon any examination. America turns out to be named after Satan. That's a sensitive issue pointing at real history, but a story for another day.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmmm, flying over Langley for 17 days? Mere coincidence, I conclude!

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a larger context into which this fits, one which involves the true nature of human consciousness. Most people--I would estimate around 80%--are NPCs. Their thought processes are fundamentally different than what is assumed.

Starting with an understanding of that thought process, we can derive what Chesterton points out. NPCs do exist in a state of what could crudely be called madness, and less crudely described as psychosis. The fundamental nature of psychosis is a detachment from reality.

You can see demonstrations of this daily. NPCs will create "facts: quite freely, and bat away other facts as if they were annoying flies. What this points towards is that NPCs are not interested in exercising their rational faculties to ascertain objective reality.

Rather, their subconscious seeks psychological stability and comfort, and freedom from anxiety and stress. When they are presented with situations that tend to disturb these states, their subconscious rejects them. At the far end of the process is rationalization and, as Chesterton terms it, "insane explanations".

Primate98 2 points ago +3 / -1

But hang on to it after the attack so you'll have something to soak up all your blood. If you're not alive to won't have to worry about this.

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe they're finally nuking the DUMBs in SoCal.

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

Everything old is new again:

Election in Christianity:

God chose certain individuals, known as the "elect", to receive his saving grace and be predestined for eternal salvation; Calvinists view this election as unconditional, based not on human merit or works but solely on God's sovereign will and purpose.

Primate98 7 points ago +7 / -0

Off-topic: You know what they never show you about these "forensic facial reconstructions"? How it comes out when they put it to the test. I think it serves to deliberately add to the psychosis that the vast majority of the population lives in. This paper pretty much admits it:

Forensic facial reconstruction under test (Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal 6/24/2015)

So I must report that sadly by the end of the last course run in 2011, having developed a reliable system of working, we were unable to achieve anything like uniformity in all reconstructions and were a long way off achieving the Daubert standard which in my view will never be achieved.

Why they don't just show you some pictures, like, "We took a person who died, and handed some of these 'scientists' the skull and some DNA. Here are some photos of the living person and here's what they came up with." They avoid that because it's so ridiculously far off, would be my guess.

Of course, the next logical step will be to tell us that "AI" did it. Can't argue with that, can we?

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

Politics was so much simpler when it just fellatio.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know who I heard comment on the "erasure of history", a number of years ago? Melania Trump, of all people, in her interview with Hannity on board an aircraft carrier early in Trump's administration.

I thought it was very profound at the time and no one else was pointing it out. I'm working from memory and paraphrasing here, but Hannity asked her how she felt about all the lies being told about her husband. She said, "Well, that's just politics, but the problem is that it's getting written down in history books as if it were fact."

What happened to MH370 was clear within a few days for anyone that had the right sources of information and was paying attention. And no, it had nothing to do with anything "Ashton Forbes" is saying.

What we're seeing here is the fundamental mechanism by which history is controlled: "They" can tell whatever lies "They" wish far, far longer than anyone who knows the truth can repeat it. It is just that simple.

Any decent conspiracy theorists knows "They" control the mainstream media, and hundreds of billions of dollars cycles through that mechanism every year. No one who watches it questions Their narrative about MH370, but how about those who don't watch and do question?

Easy: They spend a couple of hundred K and roll out some dipshit like "Ashton Forbes". For the people that have any possibility to penetrate to the truth, he clouds the waters, wastes everyone's time, and maybe even convinces some people, like apparently Candace Owens. Is that worth the rounding error in any mainstream media budget?

I don't think I need to answer that.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

I try to keep my hellaciously long posts as short as possible, so just to add a bit to the nukes thing: H&N and the early testing were clearly faked. but the weapons and power plants are real. I've posted a number of times about nuclear weapons used in just the last few years in Lebanon, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia, and now Lebanon again. You can't believe the static I get.

As for the early days of nukes, it's a bit of an outstanding question. There's no direct evidence, but I would surmise that "Their" script called for nukes as the grand finale of WW2 to usher in the Cold War/M.A.D. phase of controlled history. Since they hadn't completed the engineering, they just faked it and caught up behind the scenes.

(Side note: the evidence is that nukes had been available since ancient times, so they knew it was possible and apparently planned around that, but they just didn't do their homework soon enough.)

As far as covering up an actual event at Roswell, I throw that right out. To accept that thesis, you have to believe that a UFO crashed aaaaaaaaaand all the other stuff I wrote up was pure coincidence. I reject virtually every coincidence these days.

I mean, suppose they found the "Jupiter 2" from "Lost in Space" with a bunch of dead alien Robinsons on it. The military boxes it all up and tells everyone it was a regular old weather balloon. It's way the hell out in desert, in a very rural area. Who would even notice this event, let alone have the evidence to challenge it? They tell "Mac" to STFU and that's the end of it.

It turns out that Ramey was definitely in on the fakery too. It's a bit of a long detective story to understand the precise events and circumstances that make that clear. I didn't mention it, but rather than having the shitstorm end his career running the most highly sensitive outfit in the military, Blanchard ended up a 4-star Vice Chair of the USAF. The Chairman was Hoyt S. Vandenberg, who just before the Roswell incident had left his job as CIA director. Rewards for a job well done, I'd say. I'll have to write all this up one of these days.

The oddest thing about the whole Roswell psychodrama is that they just dropped it right afterwards, and it stayed unknown for over 30 years. Seems like a lot of effort for little payback, but there you have it. It was resurrected in the 70's by Stanton Friedman (who was an asset), and now it's flogged by Kevin Randle (who is also an asset).

None of this takes away from the "UFO phenomenon". But the dynamic you have to see is that every minute interested persons spend on researching and discussing the phony Roswell incident is a minute they do not spend on researching and discussing and getting to the bottom of the "UFO phenomenon". As I mentioned, disinfo is about divorcing you from the truth.

Primate98 5 points ago +5 / -0

She might as well have said, "If social media stops censoring content, we're going to have to do this the hard way."

Primate98 1 point ago +2 / -1

What I find baffling to this day is the fact that some of these events are fake and some are real, there being numerous examples of both types. (Those who argue for purely one or the other seldom address themselves to counterexamples.)

The point is, if they can do certain things for real, then why bother with the fakery? It's hard to believe it's for the purposes of psychological manipulation. Is anyone going to, say, turn in their guns because of a fake spacewalk? Really, few are paying attention to any of these events in the first place.

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Glitch" will become the new "died suddenly".

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the point was that this guy was much more like the people he was criticizing than the "normal people" was representing.

Donald Trump owns a much smaller jumbo jet than he can afford, but no one breaks than down to normal people levels.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

To me, this guy talks like what I think people suffering from TDS assume (or "know", really) that Trump talks like. You know, something along the lines of, "If I do not get what I want, I will burn this whole motherfucker down." No wonder they're frightened and angry, huh?

Plus, it's really off-putting--even to me--when he refers to "my men". You'd think the easily triggerable progressives would flip their lids when they heard talk like that. But no, they need the votes of "his men" so they never take note.

Also, this guy talks about how much money they made during COVID. Oh, you mean that time when all those working people were prevented from going to work, and lost paychecks, jobs, and businesses left and right? How out of touch can you be?

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you very much for thinking such a thing would be of interest to people! Want to hear something funny? By "funny", I mean alarming and dismaying.

I started writing about the Parkers and the Parsons to sort of "get them out of the way" before I started writing about more important families like the Percys, the Folgers, and the Coffins.

And I wanted to write about them to get them out of the way before I started writing about the important subjects like Tartaria, stolen history, the Anunnaki, what the Bible is really about, and human consciousness.

I try to do a good job and be complete, so when I set down to research and sort of make sure I have my arms around whatever little subject I thought I should write up, I find it always blows up in my face and becomes much bigger than I ever imagined.

The point is, there is so much that has been left unnoticed over the centuries. I'm pretty sure no one has ever noticed these same things I'm seeing because I've never seen a hint of it (besides "Miles Mathis", and we know his story). It would be a lot easier if I could just create a "link post" instead of "text post"... lol

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haha, good old Wayne Carver? If you listen to his voice alone, he sounds exactly like George Carlin, and if you watch the video it seems like he just walked off the set of "The Sopranos".

This guy is a triple-threat.

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