Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

DAE find it kind of a weird thing that these elite teams were texting each other? It's nothing like what's portrayed in the popular media.

It would be like "Mission: Impossible - Poor Signal Quality", where Tom Cruise digs in his pocket, pulls out his iPhone, and says, "Eggplant plus butt plus crying face? OMG, we've been compromised! Everyone get the hell out!"

Primate98 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe that's true, but for anyone trying to see what's up on the scoreboard as to whether Erdogan is a Zionist puppet at present even if he was one before, he's recently said:

  • the ICC must hold the butchers of Gaza accountable

  • the corrupt oligarchical Islamic world has let Palestinians down

  • they will send Netanyahu to Allah

  • Israel surpasses Hitler in committing crimes

  • Turkey will end the Jewish criminal occupation

  • terrorist Israel will set its sights on Turkey if Hamas is defeated

  • no place on Earth is safe from Jewish global terrorism until international law is honestly enforced

  • Muslims must unite against Israel

  • 'Like we entered Karabakh and Libya - we will do the same to Israel'

Everyone's free to decide if that all means anything, but you'd think Netanyahu would at least send him an email saying, "Bro, take it down a notch. Going to be hard to walk some of that stuff back."

Primate98 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's really hard to say what's going to happen there.

Israel has taken a beating against Hamas and Yemen, with a handful of Hezbollah and a dash of Iran. Anyone in their right mind would declare victory and wind the whole thing down. But, well, it's now more clear to the world than ever that we're not dealing with people in their right mind.

Then on the flip side, it's hard to figure out where the "Resistance Axis" is really at. We have to set aside (the real, not controlled) Hamas, Yemen, and particularly Hezbollah, who are pretty straight talkers to begin with and now have little time for rhetoric.

But there's one thing I've noticed about Middle Eastern types, and maybe it's a cultural thing: the US swings it's dick around with aggressive warmongering, but the Middle Easterners--most particularly Iran--seem to constantly issue the most inflammatory and apocalyptic threats. The North Koreans could not hold their jocks when it comes to threats.

And it's not that they're too weak that they could not follow through, or too pussy that they would not follow through, but the rhetoric is seemingly it's own form of diplomacy. You're left being able to tell nothing about their true intentions from deciphering their public statements. Is that perhaps the point?

As it stands, Hezbollah could (re)take the Galilee all by themselves, Iran would remotely leave every facility of importance decorated with blast craters, and the Turks would hammer whatever was left. Will they? Who the hell knows?

And the clock is ticking with Trump headed back to office. As CinC, he'll pull the plug on it militarily, which in the end would be enough to stop it. In the meantime, he has carefully crafted a trump card of trump cards: he's the most popular politician in the world among Israelis and Jews in general. (Years ago, I saw a Jew who criticized him get booed off the stage at the Israeli film festival in LA. Could not believe what I was seeing. Not covered in the news... lol)

I keep thinking that if the time becomes ripe--President or not--maybe he says, "Hey, I think Netanyahu and Gvir and these other clowns and losers are doing a lousy job, and they gotta go for the good of Israel!" Get the worst lunatics out, end the war and, you know, work from there.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think that rifle is the weapon of choice for top assassins everywhere: a 20" barrel AK pistol. If you see one for sale, pick it up because it's a unicorn. Maybe even non-existent.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll admit I just looked that up see if it was real. You used to be able to tell what was real and what was fake just by figuring out if it made any sense. I suppose we're past those days now.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

Since I first learned about it from Mark Passio, I have always been on extreme alert for solipsism as the core, foundational concept the Dark Luciferians wish to implant in everyone's minds:

Solipsism: The Biggest Lie (3/10/2014)

On the flip side, to even begin to consider oneself a moral actor, one must begin by accepting it as an inherent duty to discern objective reality to the best of your abilities.

Lacking that, you just get infinite variations on, "Why wouldn't I drop these bombs? I don't know for sure what's going on down there, but this paycheck is real enough for me."

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

We may live to see the end of the Olympics because no one gives a shit. Know why France won the bid for the 2030 Winter Games? There was only one bid.

They try to disguise it by talking all around it in this very long article: Bids for the 2030 Winter Olympics. Everyone except France just fell off the table before submitting a bid.

The real villain is not total lack of interest, of course, it's climate change. Yes, they do say that.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know, if you take a look the comments on this post, you really do see how much of "Reality" people just make up. And they are not uncomfortable that they don't have anything reliable to back up what they believe. In fact, it's the opposite: they invent "Reality" to makes themselves comfortable.

For anyone trying to figure out how the world actually works, this is a vital point.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, the thinking which I've noticed become prevalent might be classified under "hasty generalization", probably because disinfo operations hammer on that basic fault in reasoning to drive people away from the truth. Selling you a particular lie is ideal, but divorcing you from the truth is imperative.

Suppose you take nukes. People will look at an example or two of fakery and conclude that--absolutely--all nukes are fake. Disinfo then piles on. The exact same works in reverse. It sounds ridiculous, but it's amazingly effective (which is why They do it).

I don't know how many times I've told people, "Some are fake and some are real, and some real ones have been set off which they tell you was something else or ignore entirely." They believe this to be an absurd statement, utter lunacy. These people will never discover the truth.

I suppose this all goes to show that very few people are capable of what we're supposed to think everyone does: gather evidence, exercise their reasoning and judgement, and come to a conclusion if warranted. That's not how it goes for most.

"They" are well aware that's not how it goes for most.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

Joy Reid: "In another obvious Mandela Effect, right-wing nut-job conspiracy theorists are now claiming they remember Kamala Harris was named as something called the 'border czar'. What'll they think of next? Czars are from the evil country of Russia, idiots!"

Why doesn't MSNBC ever make me an offer? Better than the shit they're shoveling.

Primate98 1 point ago +2 / -1

I always wonder where the flat earth/space is fake and ghey" shills/retards are to explain this to us.

It would have to be something like, "Since there's no such thing as the ISS, they're trying to convince us it exists by very subtly opening the door to suspicions about NASA and Boeing's competence, all while trying to brush it off like it's not really a problem. Pretty clever, but yUr DuM if u fall for it! PrOoF!"

Anyone? I just typed it out so you can copy and paste it. Could not be easier.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

Goes along with the theory that "Thomas Matthew Crooks" was not a real person, but rather a walking Intelligence legend with manufactured bits and pieces of an existence.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

Total misunderstanding. He only bought them to set them free, then invited them to crash at his pad in the Caribbean. Then he said, "I don't have Netflix, so you can play golf or swim at the beach, or maybe just cut sugar cane all day." Same deal even for their children.

What a hero!

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have no idea just how much effort it is trying to pry one buck each out of a bunch of dead people.

Kameltoe FTW!

Primate98 5 points ago +5 / -0

So, like, ten $8 million mansions, or one badass ultra-mansion?

I heard the old Epstein place is available but New York is literal shithole.

Primate98 5 points ago +5 / -0

Frankly, if I was her, I'd be worried about the path where I get to keep my life.

She's probably just thinks, "I could buy soooooo much weeeeed, man!" then starts cackling uncontrollably.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sure he just wants to gracefully step back and go out on top. Of a nine year old.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe Joe should have said: "Hey, I suffer from Sniff-O-Mania, alright? Everybody just lay off. It's a medical condition, man!"

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

Due respect to Garand Thumb, of whom I am a fan, and I appreciate his efforts, but this is quite irresponsible. I get that he's excited to discover something about the assassination attempt using his own skills and experience, but that sort of thing leads him and everyone who subscribes away from the truth.

The funny thing is, his skills and experience would be applicable but he goes down the wrong path so they're misapplied. For example, he should note that the report of the first three rounds differs substantially from the next five and then try to explain that. He completely missed it.

The main point is the rifle: the "authorities" are extremely cagey about it. AKAIK, the totality that has been admitted can only be traced back as far as this text from Fox News:

FBI leads investigation into attempted assassination of former President Trump (see entry for 7/15 "Family of would-be Trump assassin cooperating with FBI, laptop being analyzed at Quantico")

Law enforcement sources tell Fox news that the rifle Crooks used at Trump’s rally on Saturday was a DPMS AR-15 that uses ammunition with a 5.56 mm diameter.

Ah, the classic "sources", no names, no organizations, no direct quotes, no existence. By now anyone reading this should know for a fact that the truth is anything except what was stated. Also, note how easy it was to inject this "fact" into the information sphere. At least they didn't say he was hurling box cutters.

The thing is, everything Garand Thumb says is true. It's true, but it all works to advance the official narrative in a subconscious way. Sure, it refutes the cockamamie theory that TMC was an ultra-sniper, but that's about it. Everyone ends up more firmly looking the wrong way because they've now "seen a recreation of the shooting", and will discuss that endlessly.

The psychological effects of such things cannot be understated. You can examine this article regarding the courtroom counterpart known as "forensic animation":

9 High-Profile Cases Where Evidence Animation Influenced the Outcome

Off the top of my head, it's probably not coincidental that four of the nine cases examined were phony social engineering ops: OJ, Depp, Rittenhouse and Trayvon Martin. That's how these bullshit psychodramas were sold.

In one case that may have been legitimate, I find this quote as chilling as it is confirmatory of my point:

“They watched my client execute his wife,” said Joe D’Andreas, Serge’s defense attorney. “When the animation ran for the few minutes that it ran, there was silence, absolute silence. It was eerie. You thought you saw a murder.”

I'm shocked such "evidence" is allowed in any courtroom, but YouTube has no problem (unless it's something bad about SH, right?). The subconscious and unrecognized cost with GT's video is that it inadvertently acts as a mental firewall in front of the truth.

Yes, that's why "They" allow it. They'd do it themselves if They felt They needed to.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm surprised you mentioned the Bush connection to Percy. I only ran across that very recently myself.

Are you aware of the further connections to the Smithsonian and the Battles of Lexington and Concord? I've never written it up, nor has anyone else, but "Their" hands are all over the War of Independence. Makes it look like another initiative that got away from Them that's been taking two and half centuries to reel back in.

Primate98 8 points ago +8 / -0

Just as a historical note, Gerald Ford went from the House of Representatives to President in less than a year thanks to the 25th Amendment, which was not that old at the time.

On October 10, 1973, Nixon's VP Spiro Agnew resigned. On December 12, Ford was sworn in as VP. Nixon resigned August 9, 1974, and Ford automatically became President.

Primate98 4 points ago +5 / -1

I see this as yet another act of tremendous desperation.

The thing is, some number of people actually voted for Joe Biden and a bigger number voted against Trump. Then if you closed your eyes and wished upon a star, maybe somehow that rounded up to 81 million. First order understanding: it was on the edge of plausibility to believe that. Second order understanding: it was on the edge of plausibility to believe a sizable fraction of the population had that first order understanding.

But with this, it doesn't matter how much They rig it. Harris is universally detestable, repellent on a gut level. I've never personally heard a single person speak in defense of her. First order understanding: almost no one would believe she could win against Trump. Second order understanding: almost no one would believe anyone else really believes that.

So They can rig it all They want, but the key is that people have to believe it believe others do too. What happens when no one believes it, and knows that no one else does either?

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seriously, how long before a mysterious man in a grey suit comes on TV and says, "That never happened, and I was never here."

Really, the appalling thing would then be that most people would "know" there had never been any mysterious men.

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

Christian Zionism in action. Trust me, this guy (goy) thinks he's paving the way for the return of Jesus Himself, and he will not tolerate any shenanigans like the last time around.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since they're inventing the story as they go and therefore leave out any individual facts they may have to later "modify", they've never specified where the Butler Township officer poked his head above the roof line.

If that actually happened (and I think it did), the only clue to where the cops might have been is in the video that shows TMC crawling left-to-right up the dangerous slope of the roof. Just for a second in that video you can see a cop moving left-to-right looking up at the roof, presumably trying to see WTF that guy is doing up there.

Assuming that cop met up with another at the far side of the roof (the side facing the venue) and that's where he got boosted up, then all anyone in the 2nd floor window would have seen is the cop's head poking up briefly. It's impossible to tell, but you may not be able to see the far edge of the roof at all given the intervening peak. Also note that TMC would not have turned, but would be looking over the peak and down the far side of the deadly sloping roof.

And just a quick note about the Secret Service saying that local law enforcement was responsible for securing the AGR building and whatever else. There were other departments involved, but as for Butler Township specifically, the population is just over 13k and there are only 20 people total in the municipal police force. So 10% of their police were trying to get a look up on the roof.

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