I cannot WAIT to make Elie Wiesel deliver one of Hitler's speeches about Jews!!!!
Yeah... let's see if they yank the EUA gravy train they are giving Big Pharma...
Fluoride is for dumbing you down, Estrogens are for reducing fertility. We have both in harmful concentrations.
It also says that they would make the opposite of the current tax code...
he understood modeling the shadow just fine, you can see because he showed how a disc makes the shadow we observe and a sphere doesnt. and sorry that you go distracted by the heart shape angles, he was just making a weird point...but its not just a sphere, its also oblong and strait lines.
Again, he paid absolutely no attention to scale and distance which is specifically how he did it. If he had made any attempt to approximate this (in the way I mentioned above) it would have ruined his trick, which is precisely why he did not attempt it. Lucky for us, the sun is not randomly being held right against the earth's surface...
oh and the dipolar field bullshit, ya. we can still have it without the rotating sphere, i know because i can prove we dont have a rotating sphere. you can go pound sand how the magnetic fields still works, but it does,,,,and the earth aint moving and it doest curve...just those two proofs are all you need really. the rest you can just accept that we cant prove or understand.
Source: "Trust me bro, I saw a couple YouTube videos."
The thing is, you can actually do electrical field experiments even if you can't do the calculations, instead of this brain-rotting dross, look up primitive electrical method... a hundred years ago this was done by random people twisting wires and spinning magnets in their shops.
Ooooor go out and crank your car, the fact that it starts is thanks to an alternator working on a similar theory... BUT! If you spin a magnet under a flat plate of copper, you will not generate stable, sin wave electrical fields... it dosn't work.
However, if you spin a magnet in a cylinder of copper (in the most rudimentary construction) you will start to get them. If you twist strands of copper wire into a semi-spherical shape around the magnet, as in said alternator, you will get even more stable fields. The motion of the field, which can be seen in various ways will tell you the shape of the object generating the field.
See what you can parse of it (for honesty's sake, I am a mechanical engineer, but i design ventilation systems and have not done any of these calculations since college and doubt I could still do the proofs for them). Follow links about the history of electricity. You will find early stators used a rotating disk, and unsurprisingly could only generate a field of force spinning away from it like water off of a bike tire.
Looking through this would be much better for your brain than watching idiots dupe you and play you for a fool with their stupidity and (quite honestly) purposeful psychological manipulations of the gullible.
Or go ahead and call this stuff bullshit while using an electronic device that would not exist if it were bullshit and play the fool for your (((masters))). "It's all bullshit because an ancient, Semitic text made a non-specific attempt at explaining a cosmos they did not understand just like every other ancient culture did, but I choose to die on this specific hill!!!"
Lol, no. Despite his studies in art, he doesn't understand the basics of modeling (or physics but that is not a surprise...)
For one, it is utterly stupid to use a corner. Next, he was correct that the pop-sci hacks he specifically chose to cite said things incorrectly; a sphere will always cast a curved shadow, not a circular one (which is obvious, and which is the only shape he managed to produce). Even if the shadow is oblong or whatever, it is always curved and not angled.
Next, the guy doesn't understand modeling a shadow: he should use some approximation of scale... say a softball for earth and a ping pong ball for the moon is roughly the correct ratio. Then, you need to hang them at the scales distance from each other and the sun. It would be very difficult to get a light bulb that would approximate the sun's size relative to these but a strong light source at a scaled distance will work.
When set up correctly not haphazardly like a moron, he would see that the shadow is the shape of the "earth" ball and rather uniformly curved.
You can try it yourself rather than trusting that idiot.
Now, the things that one cannot understand the proofs of without actual knowledge of physics and higher math that you can't get on YouTube or a blog, is that the electromagnetic characteristics of the earth's dipole field can only be created by a (the) rotating sphere (model of the earth as is well understood). I will leave it at this because if you were impressed with those videos, this stuff is waaaaay above your IQ level.
Well, considering that day is my gf's birthday and I plan to propose to her, you are correct on my account that I will remember it.
Sure! Hang on while I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on rocketry equipment... moron. I can't take a picture of wind either, but I can throw leaves in the air and prove it indirectly... much like a lunar eclipse allows one to indirectly observe the earth's shape.
Wow, TWO videos for that contrivance, whereas reality can be explained with a 3 second .gif...
Also, in reference to the second one... the guy is clearly an idiot... he sat there and proved it to himself that a sphere wil always cast a curved shadow but yet... didn't get it.
The flack is always heaviest when you are over the target.
please explain a lunar eclipse*
Lol, lmao even.
Do you mean Judaism or "Baal Worship"?
No. I mean organized religion which is why I wrote "organized religion" and why I did not write any specific religion. I did this what I said applies to any organized religion (those with a hierarchal structure, guiding councils, networks, official doctrine aside from their holy books, and memberships) whether it be Christian denominations or Muslim sects or Scientology. I think your example of "Baal Worship" would manage to not apply actually.
Christianity is about recognizing God and his men as Elite and the common man as God's servants.
You seem to be speaking of the Catholic Church in practice and not Christianity in its own theory. The primary reason that Christianity spread so effectively and was seen as a threat to the Romans (in particular) was that it denied the idea of "Divine Right of Kings" and the concept of priests being an intermediary between God and men! The doctrine that any man could pray to God and that they were all equals was a revolutionary affront to the Roman Cult and MANY ancient religious structures (learn about the Egyptian priest caste and their power for another example).
This is why I specified the difference between religious dogma and the practices of organized religion.
And if you want to compare them with Pagan religions, you know what happened between the HRE and the Renaissance.
I don't know what you are trying to say here, but I can tell you don't know what "pagan" means. It is a catch-all term for thousands of totally different religions, used primarily to differentiate them from Abrahamic ones.
Many pagan religions specifically separated men into hierarchies and supported an aristocracy above the common man! The Roman Cult (state religion) is a prime example of a pagan religion that put the emperor and priests above commoners.
On the other part, what are you talking about that "happened between the HRE and the Rennaisance?" The rise of Islam in the Byzantine Empire? The various political conflicts with the papacy and European monarchs and other Catholic leaders? The rise of the Ottoman Turks? What are you referring to that I should know?
You imagine Soviet Russia or Khmer Rouge but 10 centuries, you have the idea. (The instigators are the same anyways)
Ok, that is just randomly inserted and I don't know why I should imagine 10 centuries specifically, but yes, the instigators of corruption are always the same: corrupt and power-hungry people.
What!? Do you mean to say "organized religion"!?
Because Christianity's actual dogma is centered on the elevation of the common man and rejection of "the elite".
Now, that is certainly not how it is used by corrupt people, but this issue is not limited to Christianity, every organized religious institution is guilty of it.
The Tragedy of the Commons
It is called pattern recognition and prediction.
That's the guy who shoved a giant dildo up his ass, right?
I think it has more to do with being a dilettante: he wants his (copious) posting to be "recognizable" is my guess. It is annoying as fuck like the majority of his posts, but at least he contributes to this site having posts and occasionally manages an interesting one.
Ayh use Bush and McCain and Romney as examples and yet Trump supporters refuse to admit they once passionately supported them. Jesus, McCain was a hero until he wasn't. How can one be so naive so many times. [dude, that fucking "ayh" shit is stupid and annoying af, btw]
You have no idea how vindicated I felt with my family and conservative friends that, due to Trump, they finally saw that I was right since 2008 in calling McCain and Romney pieces of shit! It was blatantly obvious even in 2008 (and again in 2012) that they were foils for Obama, not legitimate opposition: each represented a characterization of the least popular ideas and policies at the times of the elections!
McCain was a war hawk for the Middle East during an election when public sentiment had greatly turned against Bush's invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and the zeitgeist was anti-war.
Romney represented the vulture capitalists as a scumbag who made his fortune by looting American companies and sending the jobs offshore at a time when the public sentiment was extremely angry with Wall Street for crashing the economy and getting bailed out.
These were scripted opponents who were never meant to win the election, only to prevent any competent opposition to Obama. Trump was meant to be the same against Hillary; her own campaign hoped he would win the primaries... it just didn't end up working as planned.
That shit was a psyop from the start, and was always meant to distract idiots and to manipulate and smear the gullible.
I judge Trump by "numbers on the board" for the average person in the US and he was far from perfect, but a lot better than any president of my adult life (I was born when Reagan was president.)
I initially had contempt for him (remember Ron Paul refusing to debate him and calling him "beneath the dignity of debating" back in 2012?) however my contempt for him was exceeded by my contempt for the farce of the Media-Political machine of this country. This my support for him and, later, my votes in the primary and general, came from a point of nihilism towards the system since he was very effectively pulling back the curtain to this absurdity and bringing it to the spotlight. He was also the anti-war candidate and this is my ultimate criteria when forced to make a choice between two mediocrities.
Despite that, I was pleasantly surprised that he managed to enact competent foreign and domestic policies, and the ones that he promoted (like domestic manufacturing) but could not get passed were objectively the correct positions (covid put this fact in vivid relief with supply chain issues and dependence upon our rival China for domestic medical supply.) No rational person can say that the positions he took, from domestic production to the EU's dependence on Russian energy, were not proved correct quite vividly.
My intuition tells me that the vax was going to be pushed by the government and Big Pharma regardless of Trumps wishes, and that this was probably conveyed to him at the time.
Does anyone actually think that they were going to allow a measly president to stop their plans for power and profit!?
Under these circumstances, I can see him taking that information and then attempting to put his name on it, and claim it was his idea and taking credit for the vaccine as both a media-manipulation maneuver and a "fuck you" to them. In the same way that he would consistently take their attacks on him and 'flip' them around to his own P.R. advantage.
This does nothing to excuse moral culpability for the vaccines, but matches both his own modus operandi and is consistent with the behavior of a government that is captive to control by unelected bureaucrats and corporate money.
I have heard that bacteria is a major issue at commercial scale regardless of a poo filter.
Earth worm production is good for gardening and fishing anyway and I have a (very) small scale "habitat" set up to grow them in my yard for these purposes anyway. It is extremely maintenance free and has only useful by-product.
I look at it more as practical homesteading than fish farming since there is extremely little investment to set up or scale up, and anyone on any amount of land on any budget can do it themselves.
Which was also a time (under Obama) where the US was signaling weakness and begging for energy production from others. But, at that time, there were other factors at play as well. This was also during the period that Biden was involved in (whatever the full scope be) shady dealings he was doing in Ukraine that seem to have come back to haunt our foreign policy.
The current situation hinges on US energy production in a way that the 2014 invasion did not. If the US had continued the domestic energy production trajectory of the Trump policies, then the attempts to use economic sanctions on Russia would be successful because the U.S. would be able to provide the EU with all the oil and gas that they are not obtaining from Russia! This would put the US in a very good financial position rather than the catastrophe we are currently in, and would have placed us on top economically again.
I say that Russia would not have invaded in this case because the invasion would have only caused the EU to drop all Russian energy imports and buy from the U.S. instead serving to bolster our economy and harm their own. It would totally change the calculus of the invasion.
This is probably one thing that Trump was very clear on and could read what was blatantly obvious about the potential risk of Nordstream II. (Which humorously Biden approved only because Trump opposed it before having to change positions after the invasion). In light of events of the past year, it is especially funny to re-watch the Trump-Germany meeting where he lectured them mockingly about buying Russian oil and see the articles from our media calling him an idiot for "not understanding the situation" since it played out EXACTLY the way he said it would.
This place is "anti-establishment"
The establishment now bets on left wingers
Therefore rightwing is the anti-establishment side in this dialectic.
So, the two converge.
I saw the little one page "outline" someone else posted and recalled this detailed text I think many younger people may not be aware of.
Few doom-sayers actually scare me, but this and Technological Slavery chill me to the bone because both were published well before the events they describe took place, and their accuracy so far leaves little doubt as to the accuracy of the predictions of what is to come.