Please provide any images of space you believe are real. This can be images of Earth, other planets, satellites, ISS, far side of the moon, Tesla in space etc. But it has to be pictures that cannot be produced from earth or a spy plane at high altitude. Personally I think all planets are shitty CGI, all moonwalking footage was in a Hollywood studio, mars is simply devon Island Canada with a red tint. We have thousands of satellites in space (allegedly), so we should have clearly real photos of just about everything in our solar system, in addition to live streams and video. Hopefully we can debate the credibility of some pictures/video.
PS Flat Earth Society is a government psyop meant to mislead anyone looking into this issue, so real Flat earthers will not share their claims.
please explain a lunar eclipse*
Wow, TWO videos for that contrivance, whereas reality can be explained with a 3 second .gif...
Also, in reference to the second one... the guy is clearly an idiot... he sat there and proved it to himself that a sphere wil always cast a curved shadow but yet... didn't get it.
Lol, no. Despite his studies in art, he doesn't understand the basics of modeling (or physics but that is not a surprise...)
For one, it is utterly stupid to use a corner. Next, he was correct that the pop-sci hacks he specifically chose to cite said things incorrectly; a sphere will always cast a curved shadow, not a circular one (which is obvious, and which is the only shape he managed to produce). Even if the shadow is oblong or whatever, it is always curved and not angled.
Next, the guy doesn't understand modeling a shadow: he should use some approximation of scale... say a softball for earth and a ping pong ball for the moon is roughly the correct ratio. Then, you need to hang them at the scales distance from each other and the sun. It would be very difficult to get a light bulb that would approximate the sun's size relative to these but a strong light source at a scaled distance will work.
When set up correctly not haphazardly like a moron, he would see that the shadow is the shape of the "earth" ball and rather uniformly curved.
You can try it yourself rather than trusting that idiot.
Now, the things that one cannot understand the proofs of without actual knowledge of physics and higher math that you can't get on YouTube or a blog, is that the electromagnetic characteristics of the earth's dipole field can only be created by a (the) rotating sphere (model of the earth as is well understood). I will leave it at this because if you were impressed with those videos, this stuff is waaaaay above your IQ level.