I remember when reddit had intelligent people who posted good information and had intelligent discussion about interesting things. Look at the earliest conspiracy roundtables and look at that dune or even this one... it's sad.
Could be that some kid at whatever place prints them thought it would be funny to troll conservatives with that also...
I suppose I should specify non-Catholic conservatives... I dated a Catholic woman and, man, Catholics take their demonology seriously. One of the most interesting series of masses that I attended with her was about both demons and angels and they got to like a fandom level of details and specifics of all these... like a liturgical Pokémon where each had specific names and powers...
Personally, I think most of that is bullshit. There is evil and there is God and both manifest their will through "avatars" angels and demons (as we call them) but there is no Asmodeus or Belial or Baal it all just Satan or evil... sure, it has no problem manifesting as these if that is what one expects or that is what will tempt them into evil, but categorizing this stuff or thinking it other than what it is stupid and honestly only increases the mystique and temptation powers of evil.
Btw, I say this as a rational person who has, regardless, had a face-to-face encounter with a demonic manifestation in a dream that absolutely was not a dream, call it astral projection or whatever you wish, but I was thrice confronted by it and thrice managed to escape only by calling out the Lord's prayer, each time easier to resist mentally but harder to actually call out His name.
Been meaning to get back to you on this... We seem to disagree about certain things but it is nice to have an actual intelligent discussion here.
As for the Laser, I still conjecture that it was not "out of the blue" but was an evenly ruin of known principles that was made at precisely the time that the knowledge and technology required became available... we have know about manipulation of waves such as water and sound for a long time, and we (humans) made instruments to manipulate, amplify, and focus these waves for centuries even before we understood exactly why this worked (musical instruments, building acoustics, water management structures, etc).
The Laser required first, the knowledge that light also is a waveform (as well as other levels of radiation such as microwaves which were used before light in the Maser). Although others also postulated this, Einstein ends up getting the credit for bringing it mainstream in science and was also theorizing the basic concept of lasers in the early 20th century (1917 according to Wikipedia).
But to make one, the advances in electronics were also required that would not happen until around the post war period. And the first examples of lasers were made in the 1950's-early 1960's at the precise time when it became feasible to make them.
Not saying it was not incredibly useful or revolutionized many industries, but there was a clear build up to the technology and nothing anomalous about the progression.
About the nitrogen laser: once a technology has been developed, it is easy to look back and see how it could have been made before... whether or not you think the ancient Egyptians or Greeks or Persians actually used the primitive batteries some have theorized, we can say for a fact that any culture who had achieved the ability to smelt iron and copper COULD have made batteries and used electricity. Again, hindsight is 20/20. There is also the theory that the lost "Greek Fire" was an unrefined version of thermite. The Greeks were known to trade in salts containing aluminum and iron oxide was trivial to obtain.
I want to ask again, because I get what you are saying about new "breakthroughs" but why do you choose the 1970's when all the breakthroughs you cite occurred before the 1970's?
Are you mixing up scientific advances with economic and social policy change? Because there is a huge shift for known reasons in 1971, but that does not correlate to scientific discovery. For this it would be more accurate to say "Since the 1950's"
I don't quite understand what you are saying.
I am trying to tell you that all computers will be useless if the power grid is attacked/fails/is turned off in rebellious areas.
Books are the way, and the information is better.
My brother and I got Let's Go Brandon notebooks for Christmas (from my mom via Amazon), and mine "accidentally" had a literal guide to demonology printed on the inside. Been meaning to make a post about that, but I am particularly lazy.
Wait, WUT?
Your comment just went from normal to wtf, and somewhat out of the blue...
Do you mean like the notebook had pages printed that were meant to be in a different book (as in the place printing books messed up and randomly mixed pages when binding) or do you mean that it was a used item someone had written in?
Also, was the Demonology Guide recognizable as some common thing for Wicca/Goth/Harry Potter fan girls?
Why not upload a picture as an image post here? It literally takes 5 seconds to do...
Oh! My poor feelings!!
What is the mental short circuit that prevents you from understanding that rockets, missiles, surveillance satellites and signals intelligence are military applications of science not "fake political bullshit"!?
And again this is specifically regarding NASA during the Von Braun's time and the rocket program, which we have been specifically discussing. Now I suspect that they are primarily SIGINT and a slush fund since DARPA and others have taken over weapons dev.
True, I have no way to really know the reasons.
I will guess that some of it has to do with what mood the mods are in at a given day, and it is possible that despite being idiots and shills, some of them post a ton and generate replies so maybe, on some level, mods figure it is better to let them go than have a dead forum?
Oh, you are not understanding that "digital" is not a single usage...
In computer specific terms, sure, you are probably correct, it sounds correct.
But in the world of signal transmission, digital refers only to a data signal that can perform only two states, on and off, as opposed to analogue signals which can vary in amplitude, frequency, etc. The device encoding or decoding the signal is irrelevant, digital vs analogue is a characteristic of the signal itself.
So... let me try to keep track of your positions:
- NASA is not a scientific organization
- Despite conceding the fact that they use science to develop military technology.
- Somehow this makes them a political organization.
You do not seem to understand what is happening and how the common process works in government... NASA is a scientific and engineering skunkworks for the government which was used to develop rockets during the Cold War. (DARPA has mostly replaced them in this, now NASA is primarily a money channeling outfit). The public-facing, peaceful science side is "real" in that they run observatories and (previously) the space station, and telescopes. It legitimately employs scientists and others who are kept clueless about the actual purpose and they get to do their research. They get a tiny fraction of the total budget, that is why "NASA IS UNDERFUNDED!!!!1".
- "Everything is NAZIS, everything even SPACE NAZIS!!"
- "Never believe anything a Nazi says and if they say it, believe the opposite, they are the most evil Great Satan that ever existed and to talk about them means you love them!!!!!!! Also, SPACE NAZIS!!"
- "Ok, yeah, they had superior tech and scientists, so like, you can believe them, but also NAZIS ARE STILL EVERYWHERE OMG!!! Oh, and never trust
Lol, thanks for at least being entertaining.
I'm guessing that the money is not passed with the estate either... what a fucking blatant theft
Yeah, you’re making my points for me. The idea of NASA as a scientific organization is fake as fuck!
I do not think you understand that it is the exact same science to make space rockets as it is to make ICBM rockets. *I am not in any way saying NASA is not a scientific organization, I am saying that the actual objective at that time was to disguise military applications of research and funding as being civilian applications.
I get it, you love Nazis, Nazis probably have a moon base on Uranus. But they did in fact do evil shit. Yes they were just as evil as everyone else. Who cares?
What are you doing here instead of reddit!? You fit the hive mind brainwashing from there perfectly in your inability to use objective reasoning and asinine black and white moralization. Nazism is just another socialist ideology that failed to take off the way communism did, it is over, they are gone, you needn't obsess over them so much when there are actual authoritarian regimes still in power actively trying to accomplish what the Nazis never did. Of course, it is easier to tell about ghosts of the past than address the threats in front of you.
The point is they are not to be trusted at all. If they say something is true, presume the opposite.
Except they had a significant technical ability and advantage for most of WWII, their weapons and materiel of every type was superior to any other country's. This is not even disputed, the soldiers who fought them stated this. That is also why the US and USSR were in a mad frenzy at the end of the war to grab as much of their research and scientists as they could before the other did.
Edit: also, since you say you must believe the opposite of anything Nazis said, here are some things they said:
The workers of a country should receive a liveable wage, government assistance to obtain housing and provide for their family if needed and free healthcare. (They were socialists afterall)
There should be a priority placed on protecting the environment from pollution and exploitation that would threaten it.
I assume you disagree?
Or will you admit that, like every other government in history, good ideas are mixed with destructive ones, and there is not one single example that is magically pure evil like in a fucking superhero movie for idiots?
Personally, I think that "they", both governments and corporations, find it far more useful to keep the current trajectory of dumbing down the internet both by pushing idiocy as trendy and by scraping and removing old, good information.
Further, along with bots that both distract discussions and push false narratives and quack information, they lead people astray from useful knowledge into "rabbit holes" of pointless "research" of listening to yet more narrative pushing by bots and other gullible saps (see Qanon, what they turned 'Pizzagate' into, Occupy movements, flat earth, etc.)
Evidence of this is shown in this very forum, reddit, and others. In less than a decade, the meaning of research has been removed from the minds of the younger users here (and some older ones as well).
In the Web 1.0 days and into the golden years of reddit, information was posted with multiple sources and citations of primary documents and books or articles available IRL and a greater number of people bothered to actually learn things or verify claims analytically.
Now, "research" is used by people to describe simply watching random people on YouTube make random claims, or searching blogs and random websites with the most absurd alleged connections (someone has the same last name, must be the same person! They use a super common geometric shape in a background that they probably had a freelancer create for their business! Etc.) and claims are "verified" mostly by whichever are most repeated or by whichever confirm their own misconceptions about reality. The concept of seeking primary sources and verifying claims outside of easily manipulated websites seems foreign to many.
This is not by accident.
Without the internet, certain interests would lose their most powerful tool of control and misdirection, and people would turn to concrete knowledge rather than ephemeral falsely generated propaganda.
It is the dream of any authoritarian regime, no need to ban information or burn books or physically erase history, they can edit information on the fly.
The conspiracy of NASA in those days was that it was political cover to make the public amenable to massive spending on ICBM and other defense research. The moon landing crap also made for good propaganda.
This is a conspiracy forum! Nazis in space should make everyone here think twice!
This is a conspiracy forum, "Nazis in space" belongs on a creative writing for idiots brainwashed by pop-culture forum. If you actually think that is in any way real or relevant you are an idiot and need to stop playing video games and reading 4chan.
Also, the "Nazis evil!" propaganda makes no sense whatsoever when actually examined objectively: they were no more or less evil than any of the other countries or political systems in place at that time, and they killed less people than either the Communists (who win by almost a billion person margin) or the USA and Europe (whose genocides of Native Americans had not definite number but is suspected to rest around 10 million and the taking of an entire hemisphere from them.)
Ironically, in the 1930's when the Nazis were rising, their racial superiority beliefs were not controversial and pretty much mainstream thought among Europeans and Americans. What was controversial were their socialist policies and collectivist economic and political theories. Today, this is completely reversed, except, ironically, for Israel which pretty much practices the NSDAP ideology except with Jews as the chosen race.
Care to explain how you come to this completely incorrect conclusion?
A digital signal is one that transmits information only using two discreet states (1,0 or on,off etc.)
This is exactly how the telegraph operated, the circuit is either open or closed, and information was encoded and transmitted as a digital signal.
The fact that the Morse code used on telegraphs has variable periodicity to its signal ( .,-) does not make it non-digital because the fundamental mechanics of the device allow only on and off.
The earliest digital information transmitting, however, would be flashing a light or using reflective materials to flash sunlight in a purposeful pattern.
Semaphore is an analogue signal medium.
They are probably from one of those 'ai art' sites just like a bunch that have circulated recently "showing" expeditions to pyramids in Antarctica that simulate old black and white photos.
Wait, nm, these look like they were made with photoshop version 1.0 on a shut box from the mid 90's
What about political affiliation has any effect on building rocket engines? Obviously Von Braun managed to build them, so being a Nazi must not have much of any corollary to engineer capacity aside from the fact that the Nazis had superior engineering to anyone else throughout most of their war effort.
I would be more worried about Nazi leaders who founded the CIA and the EU, which directly relate to the evils of their political systems.
Sure, keep me posted.
Good analogy. I say it is not just low IQ but a system corruption, like a computer virus to use your comparison, making the CPU devote resources to detrimental tasks. They have been fooled but also corrupted such that they seek to fool themselves further.
No. Back to the laser. There was no any previous device that was somehow similar to the laser at all. There existed separate knowledge of different things that works in laser, but nobody even predicted the properties of laser beams.
This is patently false. The propagation and amplification of waves in a medium was well known with water and sound a hundred or two years before the laser was theorized (if we want to give Einstein the credit, more than 100 years ago.) The technology and tools to use this same theory on light simply had not been developed yet. Lasers do not use some revolutionary or novel physical process, rather an evolution of already known physical process into a new medium. It was not anything like you say, that lasers just sprung up from nowhere.
Out of curiosity, why do you choose the 1970's? It appears to me you could say 1950s for your main focal points... both lasers and semiconductors were being developed by then, what came in the 1970's?
(Also, btw, I would posit that quantum computers, if they ever become practical, will be the next "breakthrough" equivalent to semi-conductors. There is controversy about them and they are clearly only in a development stage, but so was laser technology in the 50's...)
Also, as a generalized answer to your questions, we are entering a collapse stage of society right now, new breakthroughs generally occur after collapses, not at the beginning.
Just staying a fact even if they did not commonly use the terms.
Btw, when we're fiber optic multiplexers invented?
Cellular transmitters?
But, the broader point I was making is that it is arbitrary and wrong to claim some specific date as the last time we had "technological breakthroughs" every technology is just a refinement or adaptation of previous technology, it is a ladder not a springboard.
Agriculture has been practiced since prehistory in various forms and fashions, but Greg "agricultural breakthrough" happened when? Yet when compared to modern agricultural technology, the "agricultural revolution" might as well be foraging for nuts and berries.
Steam eninges existed since at least Archimedes' time, he made designs for them, yet not until the 18th century did they cause a "breakthrough"
digital data transmission
So, you realize that precisely describes a telegraph, right!? A method of transmitting data using only 2 states, on and off, or 1 and 0...
Oh, I get what you are saying now, but why set the year at 1970?
The internet is just an evolution of the telegraph, which is just an evolution of semaphore, which is just an evolution of smoke signals and so on if one wants to put it that way...
FedEx is down but Amazon has constantly expanded their massive fleet and self-delivers a great deal. When you consider Amazon's share of all shipped goods, this is less a sign of the total economy and more about business models.
I am confused, what do you mean no breakthroughs or inventions since the 70's?
In what field, exactly? Because there have been countless breakthroughs and inventions since then in pretty much every field.
Wait, please tell me you don't mean in the flat earth cult... but that doesn't fit, they haven't had a "new discovery" since 1492 when Columbus did not, in fact, sail off the edge of the world.
Yeah, that did not happen. Just like the dam didn't break. China wants to be underestimated, they probably started this rumor.