Because I have had enough with click whore addidcts who spread misinfo (willingly or unwillingly) and proclaim doom dates since time immemorial, I, RandomAnon78 by my free will and accord proclaim that if an event of world significance happen on 24th of September (within any timezone of this flat or spheric Earth) as quoted:
“Everyone will not forget September 24, 2022 and everyone will know exactly where he or she was”
and seen here
and by that term (event of world significance) I define an event of equivalent global interest to 9/11 or the WHO declaring a plandmic in March 2020
I invite the moderators of this forum to delete my account within 24 hours from the event (PST).
If the contrary occurs and no event of global significance occurs the mods shall instead delete the account of u/King_of_Crazy/ as publicly declared here
I invite u/King_of_Crazy/ to respond to this message with accepting the Terms & Conditions
So help me Gods and keep me steadfast.
Wait, WUT?
Your comment just went from normal to wtf, and somewhat out of the blue...
Do you mean like the notebook had pages printed that were meant to be in a different book (as in the place printing books messed up and randomly mixed pages when binding) or do you mean that it was a used item someone had written in?
Also, was the Demonology Guide recognizable as some common thing for Wicca/Goth/Harry Potter fan girls?
Why not upload a picture as an image post here? It literally takes 5 seconds to do...
I believe I said that I was particularly lazy LOL.
And it was supposed to be a plain journal just with lined pages, and instead about 5 pages in there was a reprinting of the text of the book The Gates of Lucifer by Scott E. Hobbs.
There's some other weird synchronicites with it as well. But anywho, it could have simply been a printing mix-up as you state, but for some reason it's seems difficult to me to believe that it wasn't intentionally done. Perhaps a weak attempt at subversion (hey, here's sigils...they're easy to draw and we even gave you space to practice).
My mom was actually reticent to give to me (she had noticed the "mix-up), but we just got a good laugh out of it.
I actually made a comment about this fairly recently, but on reflection I perhaps think that maybe demons really are two dimensional, so they have to be brought forth into 3D by someone. Lower dimension, lower vibration, right?
Perhaps I will make that post.
Could be that some kid at whatever place prints them thought it would be funny to troll conservatives with that also...
I suppose I should specify non-Catholic conservatives... I dated a Catholic woman and, man, Catholics take their demonology seriously. One of the most interesting series of masses that I attended with her was about both demons and angels and they got to like a fandom level of details and specifics of all these... like a liturgical Pokémon where each had specific names and powers...
Personally, I think most of that is bullshit. There is evil and there is God and both manifest their will through "avatars" angels and demons (as we call them) but there is no Asmodeus or Belial or Baal it all just Satan or evil... sure, it has no problem manifesting as these if that is what one expects or that is what will tempt them into evil, but categorizing this stuff or thinking it other than what it is stupid and honestly only increases the mystique and temptation powers of evil.
Btw, I say this as a rational person who has, regardless, had a face-to-face encounter with a demonic manifestation in a dream that absolutely was not a dream, call it astral projection or whatever you wish, but I was thrice confronted by it and thrice managed to escape only by calling out the Lord's prayer, each time easier to resist mentally but harder to actually call out His name.
I think it just goes back to archetypes...the Horned Beast.
Just like Goya painting The Witches' Sabbath.
I grew up Catholic and was even an altar boy for quite a while, and I can't remember learning very much about demons TBH.
On the other hand, one priest, Fr. George Restrepo, had an overweening interest in Mary and Mary sightings. As a kid, I thought it interesting to have a priest more on the mystical side of things. But it's really far deeper than that.
Restrepo is a Basque name, and he even had the wavy short haircut reminiscent of St. Francis Xavier (wink wink). Fr. George was indeed a Jesuit as well.
And the Basque, they worshipped MARI. I think one of the reasons for such Mary veneration in the Catholic Church. No joke, the closest Catholic church to me has two statues of Mary out front, and no depictions of Jesus other than a plain cross on the steeple. So Mari is an interesting rabbithole, and the similarities to Mary sightings are obvious.
Goya was Basque as well, btw. So it does go deeper than just the goddess Mari.
It's interesting...the Basque were mainly fishermen, so apparently the women really got into witchcraft while the men were at sea. At least, that's how the story goes. Doesn't really account for the Jesuits and all though. But I do think people underestimate how into the occult the European countries are, and the Basque have been there a pretty long time.
As they say, 100%.
There's probably a better way to phrase that LOL.
BTW, I dated a Black Jewish girl when I was in college. Literally had the screenname Succubuzz. I was rather freaked out when I watched the series American Gods, because the woman that played Bilquis (who is identified as or with the Queen of Sheba) looked nearly identical to her, and strikingly so in the nude. According to the American Gods wiki page, Bilquis is "the ancient Queen of Sheba, who endures by absorbing her sexual partners, turning them into worshippers". Sounds like a succubus, right?
Even further, Bilquis in the show ends up being a Catholic priest (sorta), and I believe that the girl I dated (who was a singer amongst other things) became head of a Catholic choir.
That comma is super important, lol!